The Messenger Gertrude Green Retires After 41 Years Orertende Creen smimiste spans the history of Bane kek Adventist Hosprtad from thie ame of the first president, Dr Rolph BOW sdede lo roohe current presudent, Dr Ronald AW Brod: oon? Sheotiord hy retired trom active ser ee on April Flor work cluded sorvme as Director of the school of Soames Director of Narain Seevice, Operatine Room super or phredtorob Ancsthestolors UNCKoy Tochimoan, supervisor of Sid and dh floors as well as the head of Midwiten Only Dive days atten her ame al on March TH T9950 the hospital made amor move rom Plaphiac he me the city toochar was then a more rural To unono on Pisanuloke Kod Bangkok Sanitarium and Hospi MW ohat bad been aochnee was then nperaded Towa adit roulttme for Miss Green suamost od the stat [hos lett her to handle acreat deal of the toad wath most aadenthelp didn't Sve hwo tock ther much- neaded tutlouehs co to bed tor one whole week then she hundred to we hundred and fil patient was quite commen. and roams and hadis were filled Durime the Nietnam war the stadt wos busy and she often had tw be on call at neh tor X-Ray, Pharmac and Supeery whithe teach four te five hours dure the das The Nhdwiters ofthicalhy opened on January AH 193 Mis Grcencand [rr Yupha wore 1 hare of the fest Nidse riers Class ow hic hiboed nme Audent- minder Nass Green direction Nuost of Ber time hoes been dedicated, mee the hectic cark ear tothe Midwotery Department which: none tate Sth ver, Showa! miss Bangkok Advent Hospital sand all me nny trends dread fully Ws Green sia sand adds tha Shed bike come back and stay about three months each vet duties the coldest weather in Hendersonsalle, North Carolinas Us A her home area. BAH wishes the very best of evervthine to a valued tricid. == Messenger Staff Spiritual Emphasis at BAH Fie Banchok Adventist Hospital tanuby had ats first Weck of Spintual Bimphasis for the year trom July 27 throuch Aueust To Nes Shardey Chapman, Home and Fanny Director of Southeust Asia Unton Mission, spoke on the theme The Heabng Touch of Love At the conclusion of this Week of Spiritual Emphasis, Mr Ratitkoon Popanpat and Tis 2 daughters were baptized As afollow-up tothe special week, a Bible Conference wis conducted Meetings were held over the weekend off August 7-90 1092 atWanekeow Ravone province. Pastor Keon Alvuperm, Northeastern Rectonal Director of the Thatand Adventist Mission, spoke tor the event. About cOnursng students workers and churchmembers attended the sesarons: Pastor Keow spentagreatdeal otume talkin about hon to keep a meanmime fu! relationship with Gad Mr Wadee Chama ont and hrs son Natta were baptized atter attorchng the Bible Conference = Somechad Chuengir, Chaplain, BAH BIE INANME They Staved for Eighteen Years Poster prance Dien Perio reacarer oie Vietnam Abventnd Mieaon DV SAND and Biowde sc Doan, departed Vrctnamon Oretaber TR crehiteen vearsatter more than 400 Ak Narron fel to communist lorce sm Apnl 197 Dovey acudation fan of key of then colleacues evacuated Saeon Adventist workers was hastihe dean up Pastor Prerre, the Publishes Director of NNT and Tas wile and to Children were onc thi et The deadline wo recta the Cua untion sie sve So chock on the evenme ol Apri 23 Sep [a LN The names off [he Trans avontzed tor hones over whether to stay or vos he proparandistoot the South Vietnamese covernment satd that the communi eamed control, all priests and But church nenbers pled with the Trans not to desert them. Same members clapmaed that they beloneed to the National Liberation Front Vast Coney and promised satety tor the Tran Sonal of thes de arded tostay they staved, Pree rersoned, there macht be an opportunity atten reunification prstors would be tareered tor persecution to preach the vospel im the noth, his wiles native region a