The contract for the purchase of the Loma Linda property was entered into in May, 1905, and possession was secured in Jure the same year. The origi- nal investment in the land, buildings, and furniture was £150,000. The cost to us was $40,000. The purpose for which the place was purchased by us was for a sanitarium. And thisinvestment was made almost entirely in compliance with ur- gnet counsel from Sister White. Or to state this in another form: Loma Linda came into the possession of this denomination through the direct leading of the prophetic gift. Through the Spirit of Prophecy, that channel of inspired counsel, we were assured that the securing of Loma Linda was a Divine Providence. Note the following statement: . vo "In Lona Linda we heave an advantageous center for the carrying on of various missionary enterprises. Fe can ses that it was jn the providence of God that this sanitarium was placed in the possession of our people. Ve shall soora- ciete Loma Linda as a place which the Lord foresaw we should need, and which He gave. MS.~5-1908, Reprinted in Medical Ministry, pn. 56. Although Loma Linda was obtained for sanibarium purposes only, there soon came to the denomination the following surprising message: "homa Linda is to be not only a sanitarium, bub an educational center. 33ion of this place comes the weighty responsibility of makine the work ud bods ot or ci 5° 4) oJ O Ww [97] WO a wl of the institution educational in character, A school is to be establishad here for Le trainin of zospel missionary evans clists. Review and Herald, June 21, 1306. Resrinbed in Medical L Ministry, pe 56. fie should note the date of thes appearance of this statement in the Review nd Herald -- June 21, 1208. This was only eleven months after we had taken possession i) of the place for a Sanitarium. We are not aware that any human being had the remotest