“ Whatsoever thy harnd^nMih do%lt tUy inlfl^t ’*•. Volume 6. DODGE CENTER, MINN., FEB. 10, 1006. Number IT THE MINNESOTA W0B3ML, ----ISSUED li[ \Y”~KLY BY THE- /'Ainrusotai JraQt §OQiety, Subi3ription Price, 8B cents a year. SEND ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO rriIE EDITOR, Mrs. A. E. Ellis, - - Box 447, Dodge Center, Minn. Entered at the postoffice at Dodge Center as eecond class mail matter. BIBLE STUDY. We present a few more topics in this issue of the Worker on the subject of the Spirit of God, earnestly hoping that the study thus far has been helpful to those who are eugagiug in it individually and in the churches. No subject rf Bible in forma’ion is of -more importance than the operations or office work of the Holy Spirit. As this subject is studied may that Spirit cau.se the student, to ^ejoice in the light df the word a v\ impart the life. Topic 13.—Spirit gives and preserves life, Job 27:2—4; 1 Pet.t 3:18; Gkl. 6:3: ICor. 15: 45; 1 John 5:12; John 6:63. Topic 14 —Spirit a source of power to aid in doing God's work. Micah 2:7; Acts 1:8: Micah 3:8; Lake 9:1, 2. They were sent ns Christ was, John 17:18, and he .accomplished his work by the Spirit-of God. Mat. 12:28; Luke 4:14, 36; Acts 10:38: Horn. 15:19. Topic .15.—-Sin against, unpardonable. Mat. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:29: Acts 5:3, 9; Heb. 10:26—29. Topic L6.—Spirit a witness. (a) Testifier of Christ, John 15:26; Acts 1:8; Acts 5:30—? 32. (b) Testifier to the .truth. Bom, 9;1, Heb. 2:3, 4; 1 John 5:6—8. Topic 17.—Spirit-** Comforter, John 14:16.* 18. \ Comforter, one> called along aside of tfor help. (Dr, Young, j Acts 9:31. Rom. l4ll7. chqp, 15:13. Eph. 5:18-20. [ These. 1:5-6.; N. W. Allee,. .! Gen. Oonf. and Institute. No doubt the minds of many of the brethren and sisters in Minnesota are toward this place and many earnest .prayers ascend to the .throne of grace that the blessing of the Lord may rest in a large measure on this the most important meeting ever held by this people and perhaps no more important was ever held at any time or by any other people- The sentiment of solemnity and importance is manifest in many hearts here. A deep conviction that a great crisis is soon to be met by this people and the essential principles.of Christian life and loyalty to the cause of God must be manifested by and unflinchingly .adhered to on the part of every one who shalhmeet the approval of Him “who searches the heart and tries the reins of men.’" The distinction and decisive message must soon go, to all the world “Come out of her my people,” fully find clearly sustained by an intelligent presentation of evidences of the word of God that defines the issues of the gospel foi this time. How wonderfully are the sacred predictions for this time and generation being fulfilled! While we seek the Lork for grace and wisdom to move in harmony with the rapid advancement of the message., .our minds so often revert to the dear brethren and sisters in our conference and our prayers are offered, that we may ALL experience the heavenly anointing and be .pioparcd for the issue now at hand. Brethren are you one and all preparing to move to the coming kingdom. “It will take all to buy the field.” A complete surrender to him who bought us with his own blood, will bring to us through Christ; the. everlasting riches of that kingdom. The nature of the meetings are fully set forth in the Bulletin -of which we trust you are all readers. We arediaving cold weather here |iaqd some of our delegation are suffering of eolds, but courage is good and all seem to be fnjjoying the meetings. We ask a continuation of your prayers Jor ns and the work here. N.'W. Allee. v. THE MHM fOlffi THE MINNESOTA WORKER. Report of Christmas Offerings, etc., 1st, 1895. up to Ffcb. Society Christmas Offs. Gen. Bel. F Alden i» $20.25 $14.10 Artichoke u 26.17 3.25 Alexandria 44 7.70 1.00 Austin 44 24.10 20 Amboy (4 1.50 1.50 Alton, Daniel U 50.C0 Brainerd 44 31.85 4.60 , Brookville t. 5.18 f j Byron u 1.00 Crow Wing it 2113 3.75 ! Cambridge ii | Canby u 10.46 i Dundas u :,95 2.13 j Dassel 14.00 i l Dodge Center 44 25. LI .30 Duluth “ 13.C5 .82 Elmdale u 4.50 j Eagle Lake u 25, 3.00 J Ells, Edith it 12.00 Faribault it 10.00 Fargo .4 25.,36 Fair Haven 44 1.50 Foldahl 4, 8.75 I Gilcrhist “ 18.60 . i Garden City 538 ;,. 1 . | Good Thunder ti 35.00 . : i Gresham .1 o.OO 1 Grove Lake 4. 19.23 ■ .50 Grand Forks, N. Dak. u 11.75 Golden Gate 44 ! 1.40 Graf, J. J. tir ■ *k25.0Q; Rapsori, Hans - »» 30.00. Hancock 44 14.1Q J. U.S0 Hamlin “ 4.00 1.20 Hartland (4 39.00 25.851 Hankinson 44 5,52 ? ; ,. -• J Hutchinson 44 "25,60 , •1; : * .45f Hampton «- • i -V - ..r 7 **’S.O0; Jadis 41 4i00 Lake Joh an oh .44 ,3.90 ...., ' , Lake City 44 42:88- Lakota, N. Dak, l( .3,45 f Irving <4 Kasota 44 . 3.20 ‘^ 7.30 Minneapolis, Eng. 44 12276 : Minneapolis, Scand. H . 25.01 • -8,00 Minnewaukon, N, D. U " 13.32* Mankato u 44?83 :t . •: ’ Moose Lake 44 -L40 ^ . \fi.25 Mountain Lake 14 . > • -* 35.75 .: Medford 14 11.25 . North Branch 44 2,00, ■ ■ New Auburn Napoleon 41 e;oo' ' r ■■■?.,: . Oshkosh 44 18.00 ,!■ Owatonna 44 < 14.13 . * - 1.75 , 1 ..: Pine Island « 21.80 Princeton 44 1.47 Pine City 44 1.00 Litcnheld 44 34.00 Redwood Falls 44 6.81 Rock Creek 44 135 Riohville, N. D. ti 7.00 Sanborn, N. D. 44 11.90 Scattered ti. : 15.15 20.29 Stowe Prairie • 4 5.25 St. Paul, Eng. 44 79.70 St. Paul, Scan. 44 36.00 3.65 St. Cloud 44 16.45 1.00 Sauk Centre ti 2:177 12.25 Verndale 44 13,20 Villard 4 5.60 Worthington “ 10Q , Wells it 68 50 22.60 Winona 44 13 77 1 West Union 44 15.29 Warren 44 7.25 39.00 Wrightstown 44 5.40 1.00 Previously reported 941.54 Total $1196.54 $1450.93 We haV3 quite a supply of the Special Number of the Sentinel on hand yet which we will be glad to furbish any one who has nut been supplied with it at one cent per copy post paid. We hope the brethren will not let any of this valuable number go to waste. ... I* B. Losey. .Bible Study in the * u^hes, ; Xnithe last seeding for the wok of pr.iye. the Author q.uotos some pointed extracts from the Testimonies,and gives utterance to some terse eipressiot»s that are of eternal valpe to every Seventh Day Adventist. One extract is in Great Controversy. Vui. 4, edition 1884, page 440, and reads: • “Ti e time rft trouble such as never was, is soon to open upon ih; and we shall need an ex-'pefietice which we do hot, now possess and which many ls read the article in the February number ot the : aobath-School Worker, of 1895, entitled, “More Faithful Suuuuth-Sehool Work,” for the five minutes exercise, and then see that <* family has a printed family program? Why not' miy, sabbath-school, and church enter into a thorough, prayerful study of the Scriptures? E. Hilliard, Braiuerd, Minn. food enough to more than keep soul and body together. Sickness has also put in its appearance, and this together with the hard times makes matters; still worse. But the Lord in his wonderful providence Is bringing , good out of all these things; for he says, “all thiilgs work together for good tn them that love God.” f^hose that have taken their stand for the truth are being provided for out of his abundant storehouse. **No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” There is now a company of about IB ready, to be organized into a church. The Sabbath School numbers nearly 28, and the interest seems to be steadily grow-ing. The outside interest has apparently gone, as but few attend our meeting outside of those who have accepted the message. The Lord willing, I shall start a series of meetings in a new place about 6 miles from here the 23rd or 24th of this month. Brethren and sisters remember me in your prayers. T. S. Whitelock. PRIORESS OF THE WORK. Among the Churches. The work is enward in our district. While ear Clothe holding meetings, the Lord came near and gave power unto ills word, and S:>mc were constrained to accept the truth for these days. j We have just had a two days’ meeting at Alexandria, ! in which the cheering, enlighten mg presence of God’s ! spirit wis mauifest. We are to have a two days’ meet- | ing at Osakis, Feo. 1G 17, and at Sauk Center, Fbh, 23- * 1 24. We hope Gad’s blessing will be with us there, W. B. Hill. Pillager. 1 Since my last'report the Lord ha.; ber,o blessing the work in this place. One young man, lormerly a conductor ou Jie N. P. R. R. aud a family of six have taken their stand on the right side. Our meetings are growing in interest as well as numbers. All seem to be earnestly searching to Know more of our blessed re deemer, wlio gave up so much, that we through him might have eternal life. ♦ .The severe cold weather is causing much suffering, as many have not the domes to keep them warm, nor TI1E BIB.i.E WORK, Sisters L'"a Nichols and Lila Menckel are now working m S. E. Minneapolis with Sister Howard aud my-scii. Sist.i Kimpton has goue to Cattle Creek. The Metuod.st minister spoken of in tne last report is still coiLi .g ne cvr and nearer ’o the truth. He is st uduug and preaching the truth as fast as he gets it. He is at-teimiiig the Bible School at the church part of '