THROUGH THE SILENCE By William E. Videto ARS HEN you consult a spirit medium for information. you suppose the informa- tion is furnished by some loved and trusted friend or relative from whom you have been parted by death. But the Bible tells us that we cannot converse with the dead; for of the dead it is said: “His sons come to honor, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low; but he perceiveth it not of them.” Job 14:21. Also, “The living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing.” Ecclesiastes 9: 5. If 1t is not, cannot be, our dead friends who respond to the call of the medium and bring us messages, who is it that the dev- otees of spiritism meet at the seance? To this also the Bible has an answer. When nearing the border of the Promised Land, ancient Israel was seduced into grievous sin by her neighbor Midian. The psalmist says: ‘They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead.” Psalm 106:28. Moffatt translates: “They joined the Baal of Peor, and ate food offered to the dead.” The explanation as found in verse thirty-seven of the same psalm reads: “Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils.” They thought they were in cantact with the dead, but really they were communing with devils masquerading as their dead friends. Moffatt thus trans- lates Isaiah 8:19, 20: “When they tell you to consult mediums and ghosts that cheep and gibber in low murmurs, ask them if a nation should not rather consult its God. Say, ‘Why con- sult the dead on behalf of the living? Con- sult the Message and the Counsel of God!’ But that will only be their ery when there 1s no dawn of hope for them any more.” Paul tells us: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against . . . spiritual wickedness [wicked spirits, margin] in high - places.” Ephesians 6:12. The Apostle John speaks of “unclean spirits” going forth to the kings of the earth to incite them to war, and then plainly calls them ‘spirits of devils.” See Revelation 16: 13, 14. While spiritism is an ancient cult, it had 1ts rebirth in recent times in the experience of the Fox sisters, Margaret and Kate, at, Hydesville, New York, about a hundred years ago. Very appropriately one of the sisters named her familiar spirit “Old Splitfoot.” Spiritism has grown and spread, and its devotees have multiplied rapidly. We must judge it by its teachings as well as by its fruits. The Scripture says: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not aceording to this word, it is because there JANUARY, 1942 1s no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20. Spirit- ism has shown a marked hostility to the law of God, asserting that man needs no law, and is not fettered by any restraint. A near relative of the writer was in the habit of attending seances. She said she once conversed with the spirit of an Irish- man who told her of his disappointment and rage when, for seven years after death, he vainly searched the universe to find Jesus Christ. Such are the subtle ways by which spiritism has sought to destroy faith in the Saviour and in the Bible. Sometimes, the covering that screens the real god of spiritism gets thin, as shown in this prayer to Lucifer, (Satan) ap- pearing in the Banner of Light, leading spiritist paper, some years ago: “O Lucifer, thou son of the morning, who fell from thy high estate, and whom mortals are prone to call the embodiment of evil, we lift our voices to thee.” In the same paper, at another time, appeared the following dialogue: “Question: Do you know any such spirit as a person we call the devil? Answer: We certainly do. And yet this same spirit 1s our god, our father.” ® Shall we dismiss spiritism as mere fraud and trickery because there has been fraud in connection with it? If it is all deception, 1t has at least deceived some of the great- est and keenest minds of modern times, such as Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Lady Conan Doyle, writing after the death of her husband, relates the following: “I have seen all the sights of Pentecost In our upper room on a Sunday,—a rush- ing wind, the tongues of fire, a great voice from above, prophesying something to my husband which 1t was impossible for any- one in the world to know would happen, and which did happen within twenty-four hours of the seance.” ‘The night before the last Japanese earthquake (1923) we were told of it in our own home seance, no outside medium being present.”—Lady Jean Conan Doyle. An old frontiersman, whose truthfulness no one who knew him would question, told me he once attended a seance at which a spirit, supposedly that of an Indian, ap- peared. He stated that the instant the Indian was seen he ‘‘smelled Indian.” Such a thing, for which human ingenuity could searcely provide, would not tax the resources of the Prince of Darkness. Spiritism is dangerous because 1t is an open channel through which the hosts of darkness can contaminate the human race, through which they can pour out their hatred and venom and spite upon a dis- traught world. A prominent newspaper- man visited a United States Senator in Washington. The Senator referred to “my favorite medium” as though, as a matter of course, he would have such contacts. Mediums abound in Washington, and their influence »® certain to be felt in na- tional legislation. The Prince of Darkness compassed the ruin and death of Saul, ancient king of Israel. He knows just as well how to lure the curious schoolboy who consults the planchette board, as the mature men and women who eagerly pay their money to consult a clairvoyant or a medium. The road to En-dor has been made easy but it has not been made safe. As Kipling has written: “Oh, the road to En-dor is the oldest road And the craziest road of all, Straight it runs to the witch’s abode, As it did in the days of Saul. And nothing has changed of the sorrow in store For such as go down on the road to En-dor.” Why Will Christ Return? (Continued from page 7) 10:26, 27.) So the purpose of Christ's second coming is to ‘render . eternal life” (Romans 2:6, 7) to those who have been faithful unto the end, who have now eternal life by faith and are in “hope of eternal life.” Titus 3:7. Jesus came the first time, died and rose again, that He might bestow immortality upon those who believe on Him so that they should die no more. (Luke 20:36.) The purpose of His coming is to change the righteous from mortality to immor- tality. This great change will take place at the second coming of Christ: “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this cor- ruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on in- corruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.” 1 Corinthians 15: 51-54. He arose from Joseph's tomb a conqueror of death and the grave so that those who, believing on Him, die before He comes again may have a resurrection unto im- mortality and eternal life. (John 5:28.) This resurrection brings realization of eternal life in its fullest sense. Christ sald, “And this is the Father’s will which hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise 1t up again at the last day. And this (Continued on page 18) Page THIRTEEN