aCIFIC Union _ ___ Monday, March 23, 1981 / Volume 80, Number 36 / Angwin, California / Official Organ of the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Spot Coverage More Than Doubles A message of love from Adventists—The most recently produced com- mercial distributed by Faith For Today is a marriage/divorce testimonial spot. While a bride and groom pose for wedding pictures, the wedding coordinator turns away from the scene and talks into the TV camera. “I've learned some things the hard way,” she says, introducing herself as a divorcee. “So | tell young people to take enough time to really know each other. Marriage is a bad place to discover just how little you know about someone...” The 30-second spot is scheduled for airing on “The Baxters’’ and will be released with the series called “This Was America.” Does anybody Position on Military Service Is Unchanged care? These Tunes Signs ® Bl Continela Message “Breath of Life” Airs in Los Angeles Breath of Life began airing on KHIJ-TV, Channel 9, at 9:30 p.m. Sunday, February 22. After hearing about the quality of production and the various for- mats of the telecast, KHJ-TV of- fered a prime time availability to Breath of Life. While prayerful negotiations were In progress between Breath of Life management, leading Church officials, and KHIJ-TV, three other programs made bids for the time and were prepared to offer more money. However, be- cause of Channel 9’s interest In this program and divine working, Breath of Life has been able to make this outreach in greater Los Angeles. Please pray that many souls may be ministered to through this continuing outreach. INSTRIRATIQON SRS Now that draft registration has already taken place for voung men born during the vears 1960-1962, the plan is for every 18-year-old to register within 30 days betore or after his birthday. All Adventist young men are urged to register at the appointed time. It vou have already regis- tered and have not received an acknowledgment letter within 90 days, vou are not considered legal- ly registered and vou should check on this immediately. With the registration have come reports in some areas that the Church has changed its position concerning military service. This is not true. What was advocated by the Church as tar back as Civil War davs 1s still held today, namely, the noncombatant (1-A-Q) posi- tion. This means a willingness to respond to a military draft and serve as loval citizens in uniform, but not train with or usc a weapon, thus following the Lord's teaching of not taking human life. It 1s important that all members “If God’s people had the love of Christ in the heart; if every church member were thoroughly imbued with the spirit of self- denial; if all manifested thorough earnestness, there would be no lack of funds for home and foreign missions; our resources would be multiplied; a thousand doors of usefulness would be opened, and we would be invited to enter.” Selected Messages, 82 Adventist spot commercials are now released with another televi- sion program seen on five stations in the Pacific Union, announces Dan Matthews, director of Faith For Today. Also, beginning April 19, viewers in the Los Angeles area will be able to see “The Baxters”’ on Sunday evening at 7:30 on KHJ Channel 9. In late December Faith For To- day literally “‘stepped out in faith’ and purchased commercial time on ‘‘The Baxters’ series, which 1s produced by BBI Com- munications of Boston, in an at- tempt to reach the 96 percent of viewers who claim never to watch a ‘‘religious’” program. The Church is thus going where the people are rather than waiting for them to come to the Church. Elder Matthews learned recent- are clear on this important subject. Since the late 60s the church has stressed the importance of personal decision and has offered support to all youth whether they choose the combat position (1-A), pacifist position (1-0), or that which the Church teaches, non- combatancy (1-A-0O). Such a deci- ston 1s not a test of fellowship. This is the same position the Church has always held, but In earlier years the emphasis on one thought may have overshadowed the basic teaching. It should be clearly understood that at the present time, as always, the Church feels that the noncom- batant position best reflects the Christian's effort to serve lovally his country as well as his God. To better prepare our young (Continued on page 8) ST 2a A / ly that the producers are also releasing the spots with another series called “This Was America.” “This Was America’ airs on 33 stations across North America. Combined with 26 stations carry- bi ing ‘‘The Baxters,”” Adventist spots are being released to a total of 59 commercial stations plus 930 cable systems. “This 1s far beyond what we (Continued on page 8) Fifth- and sixth-graders from the Long Beach Seventh-day Adventist School presented a latch-hook rug of the Great Seal of the United States to former President Gerald R. Ford at his office in Rancho Mirage. The rug was a class project. Shown with the rug are (from the left) Rory Hays, Renee Bradley, Teacher Don Wallar and Daniel Hays with President Ford. Students Give Project to Former President Hard work and a bit of artistic skill earned the 29 fifth- and sixth- grade students of the Long Beach School the chance of a lifetime recently—to meet a former Presi- dent of the United States. Don Wallar, their teacher, sug- gested to the social studies class early in the school vear that they make a latch-hook rug showing the Great Seal of the United States, since they were studying American history. He also made contact with former President Gerald Ford's staff to arrange for the students to present him with their project. Using an overhead projector transparency of the Seal to cast an image on paper, the students drew their own pattern for the rug. Then, working in groups of four students at a time, they latch- (Continued on page 8) WHEN THE FUNDS FROM THE SABBATH SCHOOL SPECIAL PROJECTS Overflow offering of March 28 are made available and this administration block at the new University College of Eastern Africa is complete, it will indeed be a "Dream come true!’ for the youth of Africa. They're counting on you!