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Basin ler velutaonsiip woud th chat, ta this selitianslan earn (EE PN STATE a cope pepe) be sapien Loon in SE Lr dade A red h vor Se ean ally tends Bin ae ihe nes SAN ihe Larenent ab on nnderstaroine of EVE what I= cols and ware, die begin. pire od the shill ne seer sone responsibiigy fis bi EREEEME “hi ESET © gropatly moms ere Lor an oopalt aed sia The te ald nie Ris babe mien wort bey other tear the von ug Fron Flo fers Bien ar bie wots bo bd Foo line nor over tearoea thor Bim x Five ble ; i fig vent ohh rm aie fs srt fer ard SERN SEY agunds bine on nat hit ! there be FE Moher adit fave Fat hit he basin hie doles bald Bie reached a pont od develo 1 TIC er re fie boovove flim he = vighid ! i - ~ nod har the Babee sebother Mother gs her OF nnd Pele Phy IRIEL Has ESAT RUE SA SERRE SR ART S11 BERR Hen piny ol ERAN : . 1 : When Wir ps conch] wn san RESET be lis heer | SpE ar hits enreduel, aun Liisi : vhanere ar Le vas he eral Iivevear Mary SVE Serle adore, mn hie hi bit ar had been [rodnte if ded thar the Freier] [X¥ reed Leja Foner, teathie that 1 it) re [EN] her Shey Wks {vir a Wares, visit oa Priced that this situation Lo Tegure ter, a Mare bod (En? for ibe 4 ati WO eR rons. wis an re fi wis lange [RENEE | te Lode Tier Wis H cress alone sori bu mother veal ized SET punish Lie enol obo 11 vail nex Muary avd nishinent vas offen Tie, this prnishyent and only spinal te understand, ace or with an alder shonidi Fie EE id a chal hos whey most ol ven at child Spring deliberated spre hn be bones ve tochndden. The [ETRY hii wld which follows path nf steal Versa vee, when done Verfive provirsliment ET be meee bot thal who pesible the iy STAC Turner / erents 4 OHH stories qr pode rstond — pire] clined [RE SCN ET wil a ropiiibide af duties Not only the frit up ctl 20 ENCE ERATE A of a RETIN we ibe to shoot down 10 Phen an any dei Sood fle day om f : 5 \ . eve Boot thew have a Toll chime fiihi ster var ernalinns, ane barns . _- ) Poet resis hoe Finy oi [Pk irl Vai Actuatiy the sroaoach gs Tr oa BERETA ERE inerely a dilaged part al ony dices Cave Se, aed fas Tow of the ged Ges er tanetions gsstencd de an 1s Hh Pits CET ree at the stops suddenly, be alilomen in sermpeeirenlar Ar AE Yann vy [SRA A | RTE Hevspeeet 1 pase ths IDET SS § FA 0 Pop line, sod oat our ihe stomach, 11 j= sane rervous centres that reel te trial, vase ele aod not the ae URI FEA tornk 1 Lien fi a kro bein RETIN nejens reberiogd Hye anpeasang Cd TAT He “hie Fr) SE EIT tons, Poey knew hat sno hed hos # Hie stosprineh Gorlion on he nerve dnd they Por oat ave Cenices in dado, Hlaroed thie fav and ace. we Sane Plane is tor aevvoans plas Uadte Blend fore as well blame the Tried ar the much as the vleas, md STOR ETE foi of Or cronely is the speach all this, We may hive part of the spall bowel, as stomach, Sot theach we may abolish many the stom important al ds map praed | aretions, gob snl Laos elt oa Very role thar of being the first recep. tale For one Food in the Pe wef diestion and assimnfation of what we eat [tds essentially a muscelar Pavers of pgscte lenethwavs, a three threes set sonddle set round the orean in a eae colar while the Givd or ine nermost 1s ohne. These Dlies con open oo or coostrict anid ha ANE oy PEATE WN {ine SHES [SAERARDALAR mateo le 3 ria contracted are full the Feared LIEN Wien stomach von hold Crem rte, Wey and ayie-hgd f bat a ane Lo ne Tipy POW ines Besides prec le the steomach Tae oiber avers an inner ne or i cons aver, oso velo layer, |: ker pe inside of the roel coop for sare rons {odds op rides. These are marhed when the stomach gs tesul to become hatteoed : » , net as the organ becomes ahistended, 4oanlenn [i] boaves ath Frees the SIRE cons Laver to the mseie lever and HoOSOTONS ar prerituan al byes CHOY ERE thie: Molen ergy orelaxed wath vave of contraction coat rowed Sy arsnphiz ps, V1 sullet, gael iv ths FATES ec the anv an the outer of stand sriipaclis sina - . vr. Wolo Vial gs jranses fini thie LHW wall Welsh senarabes the caste Wo Rent and Jrasses Joven to Uy ol the ples Stamach soa soma raled, fravomented, auhily rire, Wives af contraction called ihe stovaach, whicls is eal : This pvlorne parr of the chamber wherein frond and thai muscular penistaith waves COrnrGenee ea mi chiile orf the Lodv =F the stosnach, aad swe drwnwards the pylorus. These peristaltic Waves are shalline ard 11 definead ar thers cottnensernrent, but become stronger as they descend, As digestion proceeds they inerease 1m streneth, seo that when at their height they Lite deeply ints the gastric walls, These peristaliic waves when seen under the X-ray appear gs og constriction that travels down a fen behind the lass Land and a fra inches i fran of the next. GiViEer hard of ries Coastrie motbiy as the term sed to aleseribie the frequency and drencth of these waves and this Varies in dividual. Ir some wvpes travels very jomriacy ii hers ihe of slennach the Wave quickly, coanpdetine it ten io ifteen seconds, Tn» 1910 Tue meatat. Warctaras, May,