be secured. One day we drove over it, and all around it. We wanted to see all about it. And I'am sure from the representations that have been made to me, that this piece of land ought to come into our possession. If you are wise, the next time I come here, you will have that land. I will try to help you all I can. Let us work intelligently. “There are several reasons why you should have this land. You need the produce from it for your cattle to subsist upon; this piece is close at hand, and joins that which you already have. “Here we have our school, and here many im- portant interests are centered. We must not per- mit elements to come in that will tend to hinder and retard the work. It will be pleasing to the Lord if we keep our eyes wide open, and are fully awake, ready to take advantage of every circum- stance that will place us in right relation to the work we have to do. It would be a grievous error for us to allow to pass an opportunity to secure this property, for we might never again have such an opportunity. [ advise you to secure it before it becomes so expensive that vou could not afford to buy it. “There 1s danger of our becoming too narrow. These many little houses close together across the railroad do not look well. If we can get land, and have room, so as not to build anv more in that way, it will be better. “You need the land, and it will be a matter of regret by and by if it is not secured. Do not make any delay to take steps that will prevent its being taken up by those who would plan for unbelievers to crowd into it. We should keep them out. If we do this, we shall have reason to rejoice. “The Lord is well pleased with what you have 9