[4 A I a ~ AR ® I'e MESSENGER By Llishied bimonthly as the oficial ovgan of the South: past Asia Union Mission of Seventh day Adventists, 257 Upoer Serangoon Hoed, Singapore 13 yuarly Subsenption Pree $2504 So Edin ) AH Warden Farchanant Cirselation Manager . . Ester Donate ‘ontnbutng Editors” throughant oar Urtion fivic gra MISSIONS: Sabah Sarawak Thaiacd Miss Hon Yin Kong Paull Dixon Dannie Tidwell Wo Mainy sia Singapore ~. Jonathan Ng INSTITUTIONS: Southeast Asia Union College - Luraine Ruoschie nab ok Adviatiod Higpsital Co Myrtle Fuzgarat thd Wan Mission Hospital Pern Aduid dist Hoenig Edward Heiala Fligket Musson Hospaal Ramin Banolome Youngberg Mem. Adventist Hospital Alber Kner Chisngnas Acadamy . Steve Bassham 1978 MCP) No 1861 78 SOUTHEAST ASHA UNION MISSION OF SEVENTH.DAY ADVENTISTS DIRECTORY President . . Raley Heashy Secretary Bt Cormaunncations Wu Choak Ming Treasurer & Health Marshall Chase Agastget Tidaaure 0 . Jonathan Kong Anartitin Edriianat Ha Chad Bvongetizm Anita Hester Education Br Stewaragship LoVarne Hes! SS. MY 1 lemperanoa | ... Bere Donato Phitstoial Lay Activities BV OP Cater Smith Aasistant Director Vv OF Vor Siena Fong Phils hing . . Ray Arnon SAEAH MISSION James Thonn Chartes & Gabar Troasuter Ir Auihitor Fete Waorg Foo Hos 7 Tampacgh, Sabah, Bas! Mataysiy SARAWAK MISSION fre Pal Dixon SeCIRTArY Gepfhey Fauner Uraagaent fr Auditor Co attr Nap FOG Boy a1 Murtenyg Sarowik THAILAND MISSION CLUDING LAOS) Presatant .. . . Sunt Sorajjakaot Sere Terzautet Bo Lsahaor . Ho Laban PO Box 11.234, Hanghkok, Thailand WEST MALAYSIA SINGAPORE MISSION Frei dent Cee T kK. Chung Seer Tegsiiet fr Avaditor . FN Cc. 8 Lm 166. A Jalan Baka Bintang, Kuals Lumpur 08-26 Selarnpn Peinnsular Mays) a In appreciation, Photo Credits Dy page number go 10] any and Lester Wan 7, 11: Hay Ammon 12. Albert Faor 508 Case ¥utiog 9; Dennm Tidwell 30; Liang ah Onn 9: Gooftrey Pauner B99 Ed Hester 1; Palar Fou? Jin Thurman 4: Dr. Mur Neison 5 Chin Kong Lon S David Macarewa 12: Paull Dixon 8, 9 New Natien 1: Cotal Cadenes 9; Flame of the Forest 2, The Review 3. Canadian Massenger 3; Tcho Stevens 12, Bob Heslir 4 Home — The Most Important School by Dr. Lily Wong " Chairperson Education Department " {Southeast Asia Union College 0 pdvantie boa ote Education ol N a Tant a! Ce oa 1978 There is a time for training children and a time for edu cating vouth, and it is essential that in school both of these be combined a great deal. Yet the early education of the child in the home shapes the character of the youth in hoth the secular and the religious lite. HOME is no doubt the first and most important place that builds and influences the character of the child. Solomon says. “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart trom it.” This training could be interpreted as the direct education and development of a little child in the tormative years toward a good positive character. That the home ofters by tar the most important opportunity for character-building and education found in the lite of the individual is indicated bv two tacts: FIRST. it is in this environment that the child spends the most im- pressionable years of his lite, and SECOND, 1 influences very vitally every one ot his important day-to-day interests be they mental. physical. spiritual. moral. emotional. social and recreational. Little wonder then that it is purported. “Home is the chiet school of all virtues.” Hartshorne. in commenting on the results of a careful study of fifty ‘most honest” and titty “most dishonest” child: ren states: The home from which the worst offenders came, might be best characterized as exhibiting bad parental example, parental discord, bad discipline, unsocial attitudes toward children. impoverished community and changing economic or social situation. The homes from which the more honest children came revealed the opposite of these conditions.” Careless and incompetent parents are by no means excus- able trom the roles given by God. Thus the specific oppor: tunities and responsibilities that shape the whole lite of the child are indelibly helped or hindered by his first and most important school . . . THE HOME. For kind assistance, the Editor conveys her gratitude to: {in the 11.5.) Elger Robert Pierson, Jane Allen: {in Thailand! Dennis Tid well; {in Singapore) Robert Grady, Robert Heisler, Al Parchment, Tom Huang, Elaine Halenz and New Nation news media.