ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. and plans were laid which we trust will give an impetus to the work in this union conference. Elder E. T. Russell was again elected president, and Elder R. C. Porter vice president. The spiritual influences of the meeting were excellent, and many remarked that they were the best meetings they ever attended. The consecration ser- vices on the last Sabbath will long be remembered. At the first call, the whole ministry came forward to re- new their covenant for service, and then they were joined by almost the entire congregation. The tender, melt- ing influence of the Holy Spirit was present to witness to the consecration, Plans for advance moves in the Edu- cational and Young People's work, and change of laborers, etc., will be outlined in next issue. - We much en- joyed the privileges of this meeting. FIELD REPORTS. CRIPPLE CREEK, COLO. Two more heads of familes were baptized, Sunday, March 6th, thus gignifying their intention to keep all of God’s commandments. Others are keeping the Sabbath and we believe they will go forward in the ordinance later. To the Lord we give the praise. Remember the work here in your prayers, C. H. Bates. "MEEKER. We are home again at Glenwood Springs, after a seven weeks’ effort at Meeker, As the result of these meetings seven united with the church, while others were confirmed in the truth. Several are firmly con- vinced of the truth, but have not yet yielded to the converting power of the Spirit. We yet hope for these. L. A, Spring. FRUITDALE. After returning from the Union Conference at Omaha, I visited the company at Fruitdale. We had a good meeting Sabbath afternoon. Nearly all testified, and their testimony re- vealed firmness in the truth, and a deep longing for the appearance of our heavenly Master. Several not of our faith were present. We were glad to know that Brother Sparks and family are back from College View. Brother Sparks has been severely ill since he left Colorado, but the Lord " the stirring truths. those who are in the valley of decis-- has been with him and restored him to health. The friends at Fruitdale are glad to welcome him back. We expect to organize a church here this spring. At Golden we have several Sabbath keepers, some of whom have recently accepted the truth, and as Golden is only a few miles from Fruitdale, these two com- panies can be united into a strong church, May the Lord bless his cause in these places. S. F. Svensson, FOWLER. Brother G. M. Alway has just con- cluded a series of meetings, lasting ten days, in the vicinity of Fowler, which resulted in one brother renew- ing his covenant with God and a num- ber of others are deeply interested. The attendance was good and the peo- ple gave their undivided attention to We feel sure that ion will shortly step out upon the promises of God and obey the whole truth. We hope the Echoes family will remember in their prayers, this part of the Lords vineyard. W. M. Rudolph. MAYAGUEZ, PORTO RICO. Dear Brethren in Colorado: Brother North of Pueblo has a bur- den to come to Porto Rico to help us in the work here, and when I get his letters it makes me think of years ago how when 1 was working in the mines near Leadville I was impressed to read the Bible, and God, by his holy "Spirit, changed my heart. Then after wandering from place to place for a month I came to Denver and Brother Soggs baptized me; well do I remember that day and how I prom- ised to be faithful. I can never for- get the kindness of the brethren who, when I was a prodigal stranger, took me by the hand and called me “Brother,” How strange it was to “me. Well, the Lord has blessed me all these days, and I have been faith- ful and am still pressing forward with the bright hope that was then kindled in my breast. It seems that we have not been able to accomplish much in the year that we have been here but we have done the best we could and a great many are interested in our work, from reading our little paper E! Centinela de ta Verdad. It is the only paper of the kind on the Island and we have been able to get it into every city. One man is now "keeping the Sabbath through reading it and others are deciding. Pray for the work here. I might add that our friends in the States are purchasing a press for this field, and if there are any readers of Echoes that would like to help a little just send it along. I pray that the . work may soon be done, and that. I may then be permitted to meet my dear fellow workers of Colorado, in that better country. B. E. Connerly. In my last report for Echoes I was laboring at Wray, and on Sabbath, January 16th, one dear sister was baptized and taken into the church. January 256th my wife and I com- menced labor in Laird, just a few miles from the Nebraska line. Be- fore coming here I was told that this was a tough place and that I would likely have trouble with the young people, but in all my experience I never had better order. Up to the first of March, I preached eighteen sermons, - gave twenty-eight Bible readings, con- ducted four children’s meetings and made ninety-four family visits. Two fully accepted the message and will soon be taken into the church at Wray. Others are interested and we hope to see them accept the truth goon, I shall return here immediately after the Central Union Conference closes and follow up the work. My general health is much improved, but I suffer much from nervousness. Prophecies are fast fulfilling and we need to keep awake and give the mes- sage. Geo. O, States. BAYFIELD, COLO. We have closed our series of meet- ings at Bayfield, and feel sure that’ the Echoes family will rejoice with us over what our Heavenly Father has done for us in adding another company of believers to our ranks. Twelve precious souls were united with their Saviour by baptism, one was taken in on confession of faith, and four others publicly expressed their desire to unite with, us in the near future, Our audience did not “leave us as is usual when the test- ing truths of the message were pre- sented, but attentively listened to it all, there being over two hundred