Plans Being Developed for 1985 Yosemite Church Program larger. It’s a General Conference Session year. People going to or returning from New Orleans are expected to visit Yosemite, which Sabbath worship services in the Church Bowl at Yosemite National Park attract vacationing Advent- ists from across the continent and around the world. Coordinator of this special ac- tivity is retired minister Henry T. Bergh. Each summer—as in the season just past—Pastor Bergh ar- ranges for a full set of outdoor Sabbath services conducted in the setting of Yosemite Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, Glacier Point, Half Dome, and El Capitan. Conference leaders think that 1985 attendance will be even : A SERIES OF MEETINGS conducted by Hispanic Evangelist Eliseo is in Central California Con- ference territory. Needed as a housing base for the Church Bowl pastors is a travel trailer or motor home, which would be parked at Camp Wawona. Persons interested in donating a unit or the season-long use of a unit are encouraged to write Vice President for Finance Gordon Bullock, Box 770, Clovis, CA 93613 or call (209) 255-7700. Briseno (far right) in Watsonville resulted in the baptism of 40 persons. Also participating in the baptismal service were (far left) Assistant to the President for Hispanic Ministries Juan Rivera and Pastor Marvin Santos, now minister of the Hanford Spanish Church. demonstrations. October 28 November 4 November 4 November 18 December 2 December 9 Officers meetings for October 28 November 4 November 4 November 18 December 2 December 9 Central Sabbath School Workshops, Superintendents Meetings Scheduled SABBATH SCHOOL WORKSHOPS Attention Sabbath School leaders and teachers in the Cradle Roll, Kindergarten, Primary, Junior and Earliteen division: Please plan to attend one of the following first quarter, 1985 workshop 9:30 a.m. Santa Maria Church, Fellowship Hall 9:30 a.m. Campbell Church, Youth Chapel 6:00 p.m. Soquel Campground, Small Auditorium 9:30 a.m. Modesto Parkwood Church, Bellaman Hall 9:30 a.m. Bakersfield Central Church, Youth Chapel 9:30 a.m. Clovis, Conference Office SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS MEETINGS general superintendents and assistant superintendents will be held jointly with the Personal Ministries Officers meetings, at the same times and locations as the Sabbath School Workshops. 9:30 a.m. Santa Maria Church 9:30 a.m. Campbell Church 6:00 p.m. Soquel Campground, Small Auditorium 9:30 a.m. Modesto Parkwood Church 9:30 a.m. Bakersfield Central Church 9:30 a.m. Clovis, Conference Office superintendents, senior Personal Ministries Officers Meetings Program planning for the 1985 year AREA 4 Sunday, October 28, 1984 Santa Maria Church 9:30 - Noon 1775 S. Thornburg AREAS 1,2 Sunday, November 4, 1984 Campbell Church 9:30 - Noon 600 W. Campbell Ave. AREA 3 Sunday, November 4, 1984 Soquel Conference Center 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. 1931 Old San Jose Road MINISTERS ROOM AREA 8 Sunday, November 18, 1984 Modesto Parkwood 9:30 - Noon 301 Claratina Ave. AREA 5 Sunday, December 2, 1984 Bakersfield Central 9:30 - Noon 4201 Wilson Ave. AREAS 6,7 Sunday, December 9, 1984 Conference Office 9:30 - Noon 2820 Willow Ave., Clovis HONESTO TALENTO pastors the 140-member San Francisco Fil- ipino Church. Pictured here with his wife Myrna, Pastor Talento was ordained to the ministry earlier this year. Central officials conducting the ceremony included Vice President for Asian and South Pacific Ministries Timothy Iwaha- shi, and Ministerial/Evangelism Harold West. President Cook Will Address San Joaquin Forum Meeting Conference President Charles Cook will address the opening meeting of the 1984-85 series sponsored by the San Joaquin Valley Chapter of the Association of Adventist Forums. Forum officers have asked Elder Cook to present a report on the Annual Council of the General Conference which he is attending at this time. A question-and- answer period will follow the president’s report on Annual Council agenda items. Forum officers have indicated that the meeting, set for Sabbath, November 3, Fresno Central Church, 2980 East Yale, is open to all interested church members. [AT RES Aaby, Maynard F.—b. April 27, 1919, Wildhorse, Colo.; d. April 17, 1984, Groveland, Calif. Survivors: wife, Olga; son, Royal; daughters, Janice Tucker, Joyce Conner; father, E. Clarence; brothers, Ogden, Carlyle, Clovis, Gene; 7 grandchildren. Correction: Adams, Edith Olive—b. Nov. 22, 1899, Grand Forks, N.D.; d. Feb. 23, 1984, Fullerton, Calif. Sur- vivors: husband, Freeman; son, Free- man John; daughter, Isabel Marie Sperry; S grandchildren, 2 great- grandchildren. Belongia, Joseph—b. May 8, 1895, Washington; d. May 27, 1984, Romo- land, Calif. Survivors: wife, Agatha; brother, Ernie; 3 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren. Berry, Vernon—b. March 4, 1902, Joliet, Ill.; d. May 3, 1984, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: wife, Lois; sister, Olive Everet; 7 nieces and nephews. In 1939 he served as Educational and MV Secretary of the Antillian Union in Cuba following which he was or- dained and became president of the West Cuba Conference. During the 1950’s he served in the Inter-American Division headquarters. Grabow, Leon S., Sr.—b. March 7, 1886, Ohio; d. April 25, 1984, Yount- ville, Calif. Survivors: son, Dr. Leon S., Jr.; 4 grandchildren. Hein, Wanda A.—b. June 7, 1939, Denver, Colo.; d. March 6, 1984, Chico, Calif. Survivors: sons, Lowell, Mark; daughter, Denise; sister, Wanett Carbaugh; mother, Ruth Null; grandmother, Bertha Null; a grand- child. Jones, Louise I.—b. July 25, 1917, Seattle, Wash.; d. Nov. 29, 1983, Meadow Vista, Calif. Survivors: hus- band, Lester; daughters, Joyce, Beth; son, Jerry; 8 grandchildren, 4 great- grandchildren. Knudson, Sarah L.—b. Nov. 30, 1899, Jefferson County, Colo.; d. May 7, 1984, Redding, Calif. Survi- BN Conference and College Calendar | Unionwide Adventist Singles Ministry’s Weekend Retreat is set for Leoni Meadows October 26-28. Featured speaker will be Brian Jones, speaking on “The Victorious Christian Life.” Fee for the weekend is $30 for ASM members, $40 for non-members, and $24 for children. For reservations, send the full fee to ASM, Sacramento Chapter, Box 41564, Sacramento, CA 95841. Further information is available by calling (916) 635-1395 or (916) 967-6178 (evenings only). Central California Conference Milpitas presents Plan A, a musical for children based on the story of creation and complete with costumes, drama, singing and choreography, as performed by the children of the Chico Church, Sab- bath, October 27, 7 p.m., Milpitas Adventist Center, 1991 Landess Ave. (just off 1-680). Everyone is invited to celebrate the autumn season with the staff and students of Monterey Bay Academy at the Fall Musical Program on Saturday night, October 20, at 8 o'clock, in the Beach Auditorium. The Music Department will present all the musical groups in this first of several concerts planned for the 1984-85 school year. Plainview Academy Reunion, October 26-28, at Soquel Campground. Send reservations to Dorothy Watt, 6840 Cold Creek Road, Shingle Springs, CA 95682. Any questions can be answered by Dr. Robert Schmuck, (408) 688-3812. Southern California Conference Reflection, a ladies sextet made up of Thousand Oaks Church members, will present a vespers concert at the Thousand Oaks Church, 480 W. Gainsborough Rd., on October 20. The concert will begin at 5:30. Jim and Ann McClintock will present a concert at the Sylmar Church, 13456 Glenoaks Blvd., on Sabbath afternoon, October 20, at 5 o'clock. “London the Tourists Don’t See—A Walk in Pictures Through Lon- don’ will be presented by Alice Bell, English traveler, lecturer and scholar, for the Family Film Night program at the Glendale Chapel of the Good Shepard, 610 E. California Ave., on Saturday, October 20, at 7:30 p.m. At 3 o'clock that same afternoon, Mrs. Bell will also present “Jesus and His Relationship to Women.” Fran Reidelberg will present “America’s Secret Places’ for the Angelus Nature Club program on Saturday, October 27, at 8 p.m., in the auditorium of Glendale High School, 1440 E. Broadway. Alumni and friends of Loma Linda University, La Sierra are invited to the 16th Annual Fall Rally on Sabbath, November 10. Morning and after- noon services will be held at the Glendale Church, 610 E. California Ave. A potluck lunch at Verdugo Park will begin at 1 p.m., and at 7 o'clock that evening, a Chinese dinner will be served at the Spring Garden Restaurant, 187 N. Sierra Madre, Pasadena. Cost for the Chinese dinner is $9, with a reservation deadline of November 5. Call Jenny Teoh at (818) 956-1900 to make a reservation, or send $9 per person to COMPASS, P.O. Box 9025, Glendale, CA 91206. Southeastern California Conference The Fullerton Church presents a sacred and classical organ concert by Donald Vaughn on Sabbath, October 27, at 6 p.m. Dr. Vaughn is the La Sierra Collegiate Church organist and a music instructor on the La Sierra campus of Loma Linda University. The final concert of the Southeastern California Band Festival will be Saturday night, October 20, at 8 o'clock, in the La Sierra Alumni Pavilion. Students from 10 schools will perform with guest conductor Dan Shultz of Walla Walla College. Don’t miss the Loma Linda Parade and Fair. The theme is “Loma Lin- da: International City.” Sunday, October 21, beginning at 10 a.m. Parade beginning on Anderson Street across from Loma Linda Market. Fair is at the Academy all day. Loma Linda University/La Sierra La Sierra’s annual Festival of Nations is Sunday, November 4, begin- ning at 5:30 p.m. in the Alumni Pavilion. Soft pretzels, fried won tons, tostadas and ice cream are just a sample of the foods that will be sold by the 22 clubs and student organizations on campus: At 8 o’clock a variety program will be presented. There is no admission charge, and the event is open to the public. vors: a great-grandchild, a great-great- grandchild. Maas, Grace S.—b. Sept. 26, 1899, Wisconsin; d. April 13, 1984, Santa Monica, Calif. Survivors: sons, Eu- gene, Douglas, John. Mayer, Dan—b. Sept. 3, 1898, Man- fred, N.D.; d. Apnl 8, 1984, Lodi, Calif. Survivors: wife, Vivian; sons, Dr. Glenn H., Dan W.; stepson, Dr. Robert Kinzer; 9 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; 10 great-grand- children. Mohr, Alonzo R.—b. May 4, 1908, Kansas; d. April 30, 1984, Lansing, Mich. Survivors: wife, Arlene; daughter, Caroline Munson; sons, Melvin, Calvin; 2 brothers, 4 sisters. Elder Mohr graduated from Loma Linda University (La Sierra Campus) and moved to Michigan in 1945. He held many pastorates in that state. Nieman, Elpha O.—b. April 23, 1890, New Castle, Ind.; d. April 22, 1984, San Bernardino, Calif. Ostendorph, Dr. John E.—b. Nov. 13, 1904, Alton, Ill.; d. June 8, 1984, Glendale, Calif. Survivor: Kendall Jones. Patterson, Dr. George W.—b. Oct. 9, 1891; d. April 23, 1984, Yountville, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Heather Buckner, Millie Cunningham; son, George, Jr.; a brother, a sister, 5 grandchildren. Peterson, S. Adella—b. July 27, 19085, Redfield, lowa; d. July 27, 1984, St. Helena, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Anice Schwarzer, Joanne Eiseman,; son, Douglas; sisters, Violet Rugg, Viola Cochran, Anice Work, Ber- nadene Huntting; brother, Sanford Lee; 11 grandchildren, 4 great-grand- children. Rasmussen, Hans L.—b. May 12, 1904, Vindum, Denmark; d. April 10, 1984, Sacramento, Calif. Survivors: wife, Asta M.; daughters, Melva Hicks, Clare Thompson; son, Keith; 7 (Please turn to page 7) PACIFIC UNION RECORDER /OCTOBER 15, 1984