The Sanitarium Health Extension Service is a humanitarian and educational work seeking to assist its beneficiaries to a higher plane of living and therefore no charge is made. Dict lists to correct various ailments and con- ditions, and many pages of valuable information about foods, nutrition and special diets will be furnished to each member. Medical Dietetics does not mean the giving up of the things we like and substituting tasteless dishes or going on a starvation diet, but it means proper selection of food tastily and hygienically cooked and eaten in sufficient quantities to satisfy our bodily requirements. Two texts books will be used for which a . charge is made, but the members do not have to secure them unless they wish to do so. However, members are advised to add these books to their libraries, as they are very valuable for reference and should be in every home regardless of the School of Health. THE TEXT BOOKS “HouE PHysICIAN” points out the cause and prevention of disease and contains practical in- formation on the home care of the sick. “Tur SCIENCE OF Foob anND COOKERY gives 500 recipes telling how to prepare foods so as to retain their natural elements, and to properly nourish the body in sickness and in health. “The Best Medicine is Food” There is a very definite relation between faulty nutrition and diseases of almost every kind. The most of our chronic sicknesses occur as the result of many years of wrong living during which people will not listen to advice. From some of them there may be no recovery; but the majority could be avoided if we began in youth to live properly, and very often they may be relieved by correcting the errors in living. “DIED” “after forty years of wrong living” could be truthfully carved on many tomb-stones. LON Corroborative Opinions of Eminent Medical Authorities Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, who is chiefly responsi ble for our national pure food laws, says: “1 be- lieve I would not be far out of the way if I should say diet may be said to be a factor in every disease to which man is heir.” The late Sir Wm. Osler, eminent English physician and medical authority, said: Ninety per cent of all conditions other than acute infec: tions, contagious diseases, and traumatisms, arc traceable to diet.” The Drs. Mayo, of the famous Rochester (Minn.) Clinic, tell us that eighty to ninety per cent of all the surgical work done in their hos pitals is done upon the stomach and intestines, with the related organs, as the gall bladder, ap- pendix, etc. |