784 THE WATCHMAN Nashville, Tennessee, December 3, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER Poetry. PAGE Gethsemane .. ....................... 771 Her Malady. .......................... 774 General Articles. Love One Another, Mrs E G WHITE.. 771 Creation or Evolution — Which? R HARE 772 The Daily Sacrifice, A I, MANOUS.... 773 The ..bsurdity of Unbelief............ 773 “Think It Not Strange,” J S WASHBURN 773 Things Good to Keep, Nettie E GRAVES 774 The Home~—~A Word to the Girls— House-bound, Mrs E E KzLLocc — Real or Sham — Let the Children Help — Home-making .................... 774, 775 Editorial — The Time of the Lord’s Com- ing, 6 1 B— A Firm Platform, 1, A s— Religious Liberty in Two Countries, LAS — The Deceptions of Satan, s N H 776 - 778 Editorial Notes. ...............cc.ccuvn.. 778 The Mission Field — Bahia, Brazil, F W Spies — Ponoka, Alberta — Malaysia, C F JoNEs — Abyssinia and the Sabbath. C E RENTFRO — Developments in Kansas City i 779 - 782 Our Scrap Book.— Christian Science in Its Home............................. 781 SUBSCRIPTION RATES DOMESTIC MAILS 12 Months in advance - - - - $100 6 Months in advance - - - - 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrap- per, per year, each - - =~ 75 Five copies three months to one address 04 Five copies six months to one address 1 83 Ten copies one year to one address 7 50 Ten copies six months to one address 3 75 Ten copies three months to one address 1 88 CANADA AND ALL FOREIGN MAILS 12 Months in advance - - - - $1 50 6 Months in advance - - - - 75 Clubs to Canada, each copy, per year 1 00 Clubs to other foreign countries - - 1 25 Persons receiving copies of the WATCHMAN without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are for- warded by other parties or sent from this office at their request. Please read the WarcaMAN and hand it to your friends. When requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. WE are obliged to omit this week the reg- ular article in the “Tent-Meeting” series. Dip the world come into existence by crea- tion, as the Bible says, or by evolution, as “science” declares? Some evidence worth reading on this subject is given on page 772. Tue week ending December 21 will be a period of special prayer by Seventh-day Ad- ventists throughout the world, to the God of THE WATCHMAN the Bible, for the advancement in all lands of the great Bible message of his glorious ap- pearing and of preparation for that event which they have been commissioned to pro- claim. A CORRESPONDENT asks us why we do not say less about the law of God and the differ- ences of people as regards their attitude to- ward it, and dwell more on the subject of charity. Possibly we say less about charity than we should, but charity which is not in harmony with the keeping of God’s law is not worth saying anything about. AN incident of life in one of our large cities appears in the press telegram that “thirteen persons lost their lives and several others were injured early to-day [Nov. 25] in a tenement- house fire at One Hundred and Nineteenth Street and Second Avenue,” New York. The fire was incendiary, and several of the dead were children. Life in such places is beset with a hundred perils unknown to the country dweller. THE special issue of the WATCHMAN is now being sent out to our workers who have or- dered it, and will reach all who are on our list in due time, as it will be the regular issue of December 24. But just now is the time to do some work in its circulation. And surely the question is not whether you can help cir- culate this special issue, but only whether you will. When will there be a better opportunity than just now to get out among the people of your commiumity and say a word or two to them on the grand and all-important themes treated of in this issue? Tur latest applications of modern science to the problem of locomotion have narrowed the Atlantic Ocean to a mere strip of water which can be crossed in about four days’ time, and have reduced Alpine mountain climbing to a mere matter of riding in a railway car. Five railway lines are in course of construction or already in operation, we are told, which carry the mountain climber to the highest Alpine regions, and now another is projected which is to reach to the top of the famous Matter- horn. Some Alpine enthusiasts are shocked at the idea, and have combined to prevent its accomplishment if possible. “‘PresipDENT RoosevErr and the United States are favoring anarchy,” was the startling announcement made by Rev. Dr. Mutchler at the annual meeting of the International Sab- bath Alliance, of which he is president,” says a press dispatch from New York City. “The denunciation of the president and the govern- ment is based,” it is added, “on the fact that the sailors at League Island Navy Yard near Philadelphia were allowed to play baseball on Sunday in spite of the protests of the Alli- ance.” Such utterances as this of the Rev. Mutch- ler’s show what is in the minds of the leaders in the crusade for compulsory “sabbath” ob- servance. To treat Sunday as a secular day will be regarded as anarchy, than which there is nothing worse in the eyes of the govern- ment. Governments are not very lenient with anarchy, and when the crusade for a legalized sabbath is carried to the point at which the Rev. Mutchler and his associates aim, the civil power will lay a heavy hand upon such as teach and practice contrary to the doctrine that Sunday is a sacred day. Let it be remem- bered by those who would join in the move- ment for enforced “sabbath” observance that they are following the leadership of men who want secular work and recreation on Sunday to be viewed as anarchy. ALABAMA joined the concert of prohibition states November 19. That the prohibition wave is a national and not merely a sectional one is indicated by many signs. ‘The New York Sun goes so far as to say to one of leading political parties: “Pick out a clean man and nominate him on a prohib g platform, and he will be elected overwt ingly. He will sweep with him every Sc ern state and two thirds of all the re is reported that a grand rally is nc made by the prohibition forces to \. empire state of New York. Mirrrary conscription in this country in time of peace is a thing not heretofore though* of by American citizens, but it may not | far away after all, according to the report st mitted to the Secretary of War by the Ac tant-General. A Washington dispatch sa “The difficulty of securing recruits for army; the prevalence of desertions with t reasons therefor, and an unwelcome sugge tion that the decadent European system conscription or compulsory military ¢ may become necessary to maintain the ican army at its maximum strength, ar features of the annual report of Adjutant eral Ainsworth to the Secretary of W The present strength of the military estat ment is 19,671 men below its autho strength. ON page 782 of this issue we present st interesting facts relating to the situation wh has developed from the movement to m Sunday-keeping compulsory in Kansas Ci Mo. We are further informed that Judy Wallace has announced that any persons claim- ing exemption under the provision of the law which exenipts observers of the seventh-day Sabbath, must show that they have habitually observed that day; their observance must have covered a considerable period of time. A new convert to seventh-day observance would therefore fail under this ruling to benefit from the exemption, though he would be as sincere as any other in his belief. Such rulings, and the intimation that the exemption clause in the law might be declared unconstitutional and repealed, allowing the rest of the law to re- main in force, show that the protection af- forded by exemption clauses in the Sunday statutes is at best an uncertain quantity.