46 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK, 1977 MISSOURI CONFERENCE Organized 1876; reorganized 1914 Territory: Missouri. Population: 4,687,759; churches, 58: members, ,001. Office Address: 8540 Biue Ridge, Kansas City, Missouri 64138. Telephone: (816) 353-7113. Postal Address: P.O. Box 11540, Kansas City, Mis- souri 64138, Administration: President, A. V. McClure. Secretary-Treasurer, D. E. Latham. Executive Committee: A. V. McClure, Chair- man; G. F. Cherry, Byron C. Churchill, H. R. Coats, Betty Gibb, R. R. Hallock, D. E. Latham, Alvin Ortner, Gordon Riffel, Delmar Saxton, E. W. Snow, Bayard Vermilyea, Kingsley P. Whit- sett. Departmental Directors: Adventist Book Center, W. E. Skidmore |r. A.S.1,, D. E. Latham. Education, M. B. Landis. Health and Religious Liberty, A. V. McClure. Lay Activities, Communication and Sabbath School, G. F. Cherry. Publishing, David Haugsted; Assistants, Marvin Creelman, Bill G. Dawes, Herbert Herrick, Claris I. Tillman. Temperance and Youth, A. R. Williamson. Legal Association: issouri Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists. President, A. V. McClure. Secretary-Treasurer, D. E. Latham. Director of Trust Services, H. R. Coats. Ordained Ministers: Michael L. Brown, Michael R. Burton, Larry J. Cansler, G. F. Cherry, Byron C. Churchill, |. W. Fisk, R. W. Gepford, A. H. Gerst, E. J. Hagele, Richard R. Hallock, Rodney J. Hyde, Merle B. Landis, D. E. Latham, A. V. McClure, Ellis E. Miler, Harold Miler, Wane A. Nazarenus, W. E. Olson, George E. Petty, Bobby ]. Potter, Arthur E. Schleif, Thomas J. Scull, Lanny R. Smith, Earl W. 5now, Ronald E. Vaughn, Kingsley P. Whit- sett, Allan R. Williamson. Credentialed Missionaries: Margaret Astner, Donna Caplinger, Mrs. G. F. Cherry, Mrs. H. R. Coats, Marvin Creelman, Mable Criswell, Bill G. Dawes, Charles Dre- chsel, Mrs. Marian Fisk, Earl Gibb, Mrs. Earl Gibb, Larry Gibb, David ). Haugsted, Herbert E. Herrick, Arthur Huff, Theda Jarvis, Etta M. Keene, Mrs. D. E. Latham, Vera McWilliams, Mrs. W. E. Olson, Laurel Otto, Taylor Peacock, Paul D. Rogers, Joseph Schnell, William E. Skid- more Jr., Elaris I. Tillman, Dale Wagner, Mrs. Dale Wagner. Licensed Ministers: . William E. Collins, Charles G. Dye, Melvin Eisele, Mark A. Johnson, David W. Olson, Steve Snow, Licensed Missionaries: Martha Beck, John Burns, Jerry A. Castello, Ross Clark, Mrs. Bill Denison, Gary Givens, Mary Hedger, Russell Laird, Jeffrey K. Lauritzen, Ethel LeBard, Robert E. LeBard, Mrs. Robert E, LeBard, Vera Littrell, Pam Lohman, Wesley McWilliams, Frank Miedell, Deborah Pipkin, Mi- chael Pleasants, Mary Robinette, W. Dean Rog- ers, Ronald Scott, Darlene Simmons, Warren W. Stewart, Faye Wintermeyer. Credentialed Literature Evangelists: Leslie Bryan, Ronnie Dawes, Paul A. Gray, Mary Guymon, William Haper, Ed Lynn, Lee March, Zanovia Pendergras, Earl Plested, Gene Richard- son, Morris Scroggins, William Smalling, L. Mal- colm Tennison, Dovid Tucker, Glenn Willits. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Organized 1878 Territory: Nebraska. Population: 1,542,000; churches, 54; members, 5,390. Office Address: 4745 Prescott Avenue, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Telephone: (402) 488-2323. Postal Address: P.O. Box 6037, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Administration: President, H. H. Voss. Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Allen. Executive Committee: H. H. Voss, Chairman; Lee Allen, Roger Anderson, Robert W. Bowen, Floyd Bresee, Roger Clausen, John Fulk, W. R, Howard, Calvin Krueger, M. O. Manley, Illa McCormick, Dick Nelson, Leonard Westphal. Departmental Directors: Adventist Book Center, Larry Macomber. Communication and Stewardship, W, R. Ho- ward. Education and A.S.1., S. V. Gramlich Jr. Health, H. H. Voss. Lay Activities and Sabbath School, George White. Publishing, R. L. Norman; Assistants, Lari Long, Don Phelps. Religious Liberty, H. H. Voss. Youth and Temperance, Lloyd Erickson. Legal Association: Nebraska Conference Association of the Sev- enth-day Adventists. President, H. H. Voss. Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Allen, Director of Trust Services, W. R. Howard. Ordained Ministers: F. W. Bresee, R. H. Clausen, Dale Culbertson, G. G. Davenport, L. G. Dunston, M, L. Erick- son, G. L. Finneman, M. D. Fisher, W. L. Fitch, R. A. Gibson, V. L. Heglund, W. R. Howard, C. R. Johnson, A. H. Liebelt, Marion Lockwood, L. L. Osborn, Marvin Ponder, H, C. Reile, Sieg- fried Roeske, Ray Roth, Thearon Staddon, A. D. Stern, E. U. Testerman, H. H. Voss, Leonard Westphal, G, P. White. Credentialed Missionaries: M. E. Adams, Mrs. M. E. Adams, Lee Allen, M. B. Anderson, Emma Argueta, Mrs. L. G. Barker, Janis Bascom, V. E. Bascom, Mrs, Floyd Bresee, Maria Butler, W. D, Callahan, H. O. Collier Il, Mrs. H. O. Collier Ill, Mrs. Amelia Craig, Doyle Dick, Alton Finlayson, Mrs. Everett Fisher, Mrs. Wayne Fleming, Tom Fowler, George Gibson, S. V. Gramlich Jr., Merle Greenway, S. G. Hardt, Mrs. Ruby Higby, Mrs. Betty Hilliard, R. E. Jack- son, Mrs. Glen Johnson, W. T. Jones, George Kent, Mrs. George Kent, M. J. Lake, Cora Lee, Mrs. E. A. Leonhardt, Fredrick Lorenz, Mrs. Fre- drick Lorenz, Larry Macomber, Jerry McComb, Mrs. Jerry McComb, D. W. McKey, Mrs. D. W. McKey, Kathy Melton, Burdette Millard, Monte Morris, R. L. Norman, Dan Olderbak, Mrs. W. E. Peeke, Joanne Perrault, J. M. Petersen, Wil- lard Phillips, Mrs. Yvonne Rhodes, Mrs. N. W. Rowland, Richard Smith, Mrs. H. H. Voss, H. E. Williams, Mrs. H. E. Williams, Mrs. Laois Wil- liams, Mrs. Gary Wisbey. Licensed Ministers: James Chilson, Daniel Cruz, Murray Long, A. E.