Hy H h. =8 URTNG the period of its Novem- A ber issue, Tur Warcnman fg MacazINg 1g conducting a cam- o * «Fe re «3 halen designed to impress upon the heart of America its unusual ment, and to challenge a larger reception among the reading public, We take pleasure, therefore, in paying tribute to this unique publication that has occupied its distine- tive position for almost thirty-four years. WarcaMAN's first appearance in IFebru- ary, 1909, followed a strong conviction among 1ts sponsors that there was an urgent need for a monthly journal in this country dedicated to a twofold objective: I. To analyze current world events in the light of Bible prophecy. 2. To present the most alluring prospect for the future the second coming of ("hrist. This editorial ideal was briefly stated in that first 1ssue many vears ago in the fol- lowing words: “World important events will be studied in the hight of the Seriptures they fulfill, and always and ever the one straight and glorious path to the eity of God will be presented as the simmers safety and the Christian's joy.” A survey of Warcnvan through the A TIME-HUNURED SENTIN Christman vears impresses us that it has fulfilled its sponsors” ideal. As a faithful sentinel it has consistently reviewed trends in world affairs, and has repeatedly and truthfully predicted future developments in the light of Bible prophecy. It is this factor that has created for WarcHMAN 1ts popu- larity as “The Interpreter of the Times.” We are happy to assure the readers of Warcuman that its editorial, production, and promotional staff are definitely ce- voted to the program of maintaining a desirable supremacy in its distinctive field. A detailed analysis of its present editorial policy suggests a five-point program de- signed to place it in top rank as a religious journal. Warenamax will continue to unfold the dramatic story of world events. [It will faithfully delineate the maneuverings of men and nations on the international stage. Warrcuyax will anterpret the tragic story of the world situation in the hight of Bible prophecy. From this mspired source the plans and purposes of an all-wise God are ascertained, and we are able to recognize His overruling providence in shaping the order of human events. Woarcuvay will bring to its readers a message of hope and cheer under the ouiching light of a sublime faith in the