eicome Ayeittor. "Zinn thep that feared the lorb wake often one to another." VOL. IV. MT. VERNON, OHIO, APRIL 1, 1900. NO. 11. etronte Vioitor ISSUED SEMI-MONTHLY BY THE OHIO S. D. A. CONFERENCE, MT. VERNON. PRICE: 25 CENTS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Entered at the Mt. Vernon Postoffice. TO THE CHURCHES. The accounts of the Ohio Con- ference laborers will be audited this spring beginning April 17. Many of our laborers who have been doing faithful work have deferred buying some of the nec- essary comforts of life for them- selves and their familes, so that our conference would not be obliged to borrow money. I feel confident that if we are all care- ful in tithing and our church treasurers are prompt in sending the money to our state treasurer, A. A. Lauder, Mt, Vernon, 0., there will be an abundance to pay all that the Ohio Confer- ence owes. "Bring ye all the tithes into the store house, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." (Mal. 3 :fo). If there be any who are robbing God, let them hasten while time lingers and get right with Him before He comes. "Acquaint now thy self with Him and be at peace ; thereby good shall come unto thee." (Job 22 :21) . Enoch was a type of those who will be translated without seeing death. It was said of him that he walk- ed with God, and he was not, for God took him. So must we walk with God by faith and hum- ble obedience to all His require- ments. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord ? or who shall stand in His holy place ? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart ; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.'' (Ps. 24 :3, 4.) . These are solemn words or truth, written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come. Shall we not awake to righteousness and sin not? Christ is about to present to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Are you, dear reader, determin- ed by the grace of God to be of that number? Satan is determ- ined that you shall not be. "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ." Remember, He giveth (pres- ent tense) . He wants to give you the victory now, over every besetment. So it may be said in the day of the investigative judgement, "He that is righ- teous let him be righteous still : and he that is holy let him be holy still." Rev. 22: II. This victory is through our Lord Jesus Christ and riot through ourselves. Christ is our righteousness, shall we not accept Him and be doers of the word ? Blessed are they that do His commandments that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. "Elijah came unto all the people and said, How long halt ye between two opinions ? If the Lord be God, follow Him : but if Baal, then follow him." Shall we who have received the light of the Third Angel's Message against sun (Baal) wor- ship, follow on to know the Lord, whom to know aright is salva- tion? "Salvation—let the echo fly The spacious earth around; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound." R. R. KENNEDY. NOTICE TO OHIO CONFER- ENCE LABORERS. Please fill out your annual re- ports immediately after the close of the conference year, (March 31) and forward, without delay, to E. A. Merriman, Mt. Vernon, 0., so that he may have time to prepare for the annual audit, April 17, 1900. The members of the auditing committee are expected to be at Mt. Vernon ready for work on Tuesday a. m. April 17. The district directors are invited to meet the conference committee, at the same place, early on Thursday a. m., April 19th, to assist in planning the work for the coming summer. Let the brethren pray for the blessing of God to rest upon this important meeting. R. R. KENNEDY. %1( NOTICE. Church elders and Sabbath- school superintendents will please take notice of the fact that the date for the next semi-annual collection for the Haskell Home and the James White Memorial Home is Sabbath, April 7. %‘ NV "Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius." THE WELCOME VISITOR. him in his speaking. Sunday afternoon, he spoke on Chris- tian Education. There were quite a number present from the Christian church, including the minister, who took part in the prayer and song service. As there was meeting at the Chris- tian church Sunday night, we withdrew our appointment and went there. The minister divid- ed his time with Brother Cot- trell, and the blessing of the Lord came in and we had a good meet- ing. Some of the brethren know how great has been the prejudice in this place, but we are glad to report that some of it is dying out. May the Lord help us to sink out of self entirely, and im- prove every opportunity of work- ing for the salvation of souls. SADIE CASSELL. NOTICE. After due consideration, it has been decided to change the date of publication of the VISITOR, from each alternate week, to the first and the fifteenth of every month. Let all contributions be in by the tenth and twenty-fifth of each month. All articles in- tended for publication should be sent to WELCOME VISITOR, Academy ; but subscriptions and renewals may be sent to E. A. Merriman, Box 174, Mt. Ver- non, 0., or to the VISITOR. The office of the Ohio Tract Society, at Mt. Vernon, is now located at No. 15, N. Main street, instead of E. High as heretofore. We should be pleas- ed to have our friends make us a call when in the city. Sidings From the Field - LONG RUN, Licking Co.—We closed a four weeks meeting at this place, Sunday evening, March II. There was a good interest, but the weather hindered very much. PURITY . —Com menced meet- ings here Wednesday. evening, March 14. The people urged us to come, offering us the use of the Township house free. This is only two miles from the place of our former meeting. So we can look after the interest there, where we look for good results. R. A. BOARDMAN. LAURA . —March 17-19, the brethren at this place enjoyed a pleasant visit from Bro. Roy Cottrell of Dayton, who is teach- ing a church school at that place. He was accompanied by two of the sisters of the church. Bro. Cottrell spoke to us four times while here, and the Lord blessed there before the Lord, for the refreshment and ndurishment of- the partakers. The holy atmosphere of the Sanctuary must pervade every room of the school, and the hearts of officers, teachers, and scholars. Have you such a Sabbath- school? If not, get one at once. It is a free gift on terms of full surrender to Christ and His Holy Spirit. ALBERT CAREY. SOME PRESENT NEEDS. Believing fully that the young people appreciate most highly the effort being made in their behalf in the Volunteer work, we deem it only our duty toward them to let them know what is being done, and what the needs of the work are. The typewriter has been pur- chased, and is being used with good results. Many thanks to those who kindly assisted in pur- chasing it. We have now obtained the use of an idle mimeograph be- longing to the S. S. Association, and expect to use it to good ad- vantage to the blessing of many young people that could not oth- erwise be reached by personal correspondence. But it requires a little means, several dollars, to keep these things in opperation, and those who feel an interest in this work are invited to share in the blessings to be found in as- sisting it by their means. We do not purpose to make any person- al appeals, but to open the way for all, by presenting the needs of the work and then asking God to give through you as He may see fit. The treasury is at present empty, which means that the work must stop unless it is supplied. May God bless you all in giving as you have ability and He may move upon your hearts to do. A. C. THE SABBATH-SCHOOL IN TYPE. The sanctuary of olden times, and its service, were unto the example and shadow of "heav- enly things.' One of those "heavenly things" was the Sab- bath-school. This was shown in the presentation and use of the "shewbread." Read Lev. 24 :5-9 ; I Sam. 2 1 :1-6. The "shewbread" represented Christ, the "true Bread." John 6 :32. It was placed before the Lord "hot" every Sabbath. i Sam. 21:6. • It was partaken of by the priests when they took it away to place new before the Lord, thus affording strength, in part at least, for the week to come. The Sabbath-school is a place where Christ, the "true Bread," is to be partaken of every Sab- bath. He, "The Word," must be presented "fresh" every Sab- bath. The Word must be "eaten" ( Mt. Vernon AcaoemQ. FROM THE STUDENTS. THE WELCOME VISITOR. 3 It gives great pleasure to have an opportunity. to say something to you in regard to the good work God is accomplishing through the institution which He has placed in our midst. For four years I have been a student here and have seen the many wonderful changes wrought in the lives of those who came here. While every opportunity is offered to all to gain an edu- cation, yet that is not the great- est object in view. The spirit- ual welfare of all is looked after with the greatest care. I can thank God from the bottom of my heart for giving me the op- portunity to attend this school. The years spent here have been the best of my life. I am sure that anyone who has sufficient desire for an education to put forth an effort to gain it, will not go away without it. Why should he? God has placed this institution here for that purpose and has given us Christian teach- ers to instruct us in those lines which will make us useful as ceiciem y workers for Him. It is a plan where we may have our hearts and minds tilled with the seeds of truth which we are to take to those who are unacquainted with the Author of truth, thus fulfilling the commission which we have received from Him. JAMES SMITH. Here we study, not for honors, But to show ourselves approved Unto God, that we may never Be ashamed of Him, and truth. We are taught of God in nature How in flowers, His love is seen; And at times in mathematics. We must look in faith to Him, So in each and every lesson Oh, our Father, wilt Thou help us To be thankful every day, For the privileges and blessings Found along the Christian's way. DOROTHY ZEIDLER. I feel that this year spent in Mt. Vernon academy, has been one of the most profitable of my life. We have not only had the benefit Hof good, systematic schooling, but the spirit of the Lord is ever present, teach- ing us many lessons, which are of more value than what we learn from books. I know that one who comes here with the intention of doing his best, will not be disappointed. I have only words of gratitude for hav- ing been permitted this privilege, and hope that many others will put forth an effort to avail them- selves of the same privilege. LELA GIBSON. in school now and are being taught right principles, are soon to go to the whole world and carry the message which is being learned. Few schools today are teach- ing the principles most impor- tant to be learned. Therefore we should prize these as of the greatest value. We trust that the One who has guided and taught in this school in the past years will still uphold and bless to His glory, in years to come. V. L. FISHER. Mourtt VerrLort It is with a degree of satisfac- tion that I call to mind the days spent at this school, because of the blessings enjoyed and the success which has attended the work here. Many reasons come to my mind which make this a place very favorable to the ob- taining of a training which will fit persons to bear responsibilities and to make the best use of life. This school was established by God's special direction, and from the first it has been apparent that He has been directing and controlling the work here. As the work here is now conducted, I can see no reason why persons In this school of God's own planting entering this school with a desire Surely we will lessons learn to get a true education, may not Which will all thro' life go with us And to God, our footsteps Wm. obtain such as a result of their effort. There are advantages offered at this institution which will enable the student to dev el- ope all his powers, mental, mor-. al and physical. The train- ing, instead of being simply to strengthen the powers, is Something- seems to meet. us there elevating and ennobling. Which we cannot help but notice Such an education cannot be Shows us Jesus's loving care, over-estimated. Those who are 4 THE WELCOME VISITOR. AN APPEAL FROM THE SOUTH. [Concluded ] ceived from the Lord's treasury its meat in due season. My brother, I will send you that which I have in regard to the Southern field. The plans and efforts that could have been made years ago, will not now succeed in some places. It is best to move when the Lord sends word to move, and not study human minds, human methods, human plans, human conveniences. The Lord is wearied with the unbelief, selfishness, and cove- tousness of His people. This has stood in the way of the advance- ment of the work. The Lord is displeased with his people be- cause they have worked at cross purposes with Him. Money has been invested in various conve- niences and facilities which the Lord has not directed. There is earnest work to be done. My heart is sick and sore distressed beyond measure. May the Lord awaken His people who are not yet half awake.'" life, will find opportunities to be very useful in this field. N. W. ALLEE. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Elder Collie spent Sabbath, March 17, in Cleveland. Elder E. J. VanHorn has gone to the Sanitarium for treatment. Elder. Burkholder has sold his home and will move to Bellville. The recital given by Prof. Welch and pupils on Wednesday evening of last week was greatly enjoyed by all. Prof. Loughhead spent Sab- bath and. Sunday, March 24 and 25, in Battle Creek, returning Monday evening. Elder C. A. Smith is home now because of illness. We hope he may be able soon to take his place among the work- ers again. Elder A. G. Haughey writes that he is having an interesting meeting at Leesburg. The church is not large enough to accommodate those who attend. Elders Guilford and Carey are holding another short series of meetings at Marshfield, com- mencing the evening of March 23, instead of at Mineral as they expected. Elder Kennedy spent Sabbath, March 17, with the church in Cincinnati, and went directly from there to Battle Creek, to attend a meeting of the General Conference Committee. NYti OBITUARY. SPENCER. — On Wednesday, Feb. 21, 1900, Metty Spencer, aged five years and five months. died at Hicksville, Ohio. "Re- frain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears ; for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord ; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy." "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concern- ing them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope." Funeral services were held on Friday, Feb. 23, at the home of Brother Burr in Hicksville. A. C. SHANNON. "My brother, walk humbly with God. I wish that the work could have been done in the Southern field which God de- signed should be done ; but men have proved untrustworthy stew- ards. May the Lord give His people hearts of flesh and not hearts of steel, is my prayer." These quotations are but brief extracts from the testimonies in regard to the work in the South, but they are sufficient to stir our very souls to action. I will insert another statement : "There is no more fruitful field than the South." The Spirit of God pleads that this field be worked now. Canvassers, fami- lies who can form, establish and maintain small schools, and Medical Missionary workers, all who meet the standard as stated by the Spirit of God—"Whoev- er works in the South needs to be sanctified in body, soul, and spirit," can find a larger field here. Men and women of good Christian experience, who have no other motive or object than to live and teach the love and truth of God, and have experience in L. A. Holobaugh Pearl Stevens Jay Raymond Alice Edwards F. H. Henderson W. E. Bidwell F. H. Henderson W. E. Bidwell Jay Raymond L. A. Holobo ugh Julia A. Tracy L A. Holobough F. Hiner DELIVERIES: Value . $ 11 43 .... 58 . . 64 00 31 38 75 20 20 00 7 7 50 19.... 11 00 10 50 13 13 50 7 50 59 50 3 08 7 50 25 00 24 50 CANVASSERS' REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING FEB. 28, 1901. No. Days No. Hrs. Orders W. E: Bidwell 19... C. L. Wilson Jay Raymond 5 C. L. Wilson 34 22 E. S. Opdyke 2 10 W. E. Bidwell.... .... Total $152 68 FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 10, 1900. No. Days No. Hrs Orders Value 2 8 9 11 50 31.. . 41 25 5 30 27 34 25 10 46 29 28 75 3 ... . 12 85 5 11 4 25 Total 132 85 FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 17, 1900. No. Days No. Hrs Orders Value 2f 18 $ 7 50 21 56 2 17 14 .. . 17 50 4 27 27 40 50 Total. $125 56 Jay Raymond W. E. Bidwell E. S Opdyke Mr. L. A. Holobaugh Mr. W. E. Bidwell Total $120 09