cotten, aid Mies tlongh’s Woes to thon ny that trample on the mond Sh TET TOR rule re cur dire, ond ee paren fo bee crft” Bangs ower cur bends vel ble ow caren bee Groad and Master who has death sentence, After a tong cod deh ETE SUSAR IS Fu TEN VES UF PATE SN £1 FUP 1 erate coins bation Maes Fan vi RENEE ! SEE “human Tobaror wore cheese The dust varscdd boy that Deis oT, , . } , ys pin has lowe sing od boned ped . ’ We, as well as sommes viii se col soe the i cee ela phen the ce plainly because of The cn poring. . . ’ i Cov hi Qur president had the roputatonn View thn ‘iy H ! i wba I sb Ike some other great mea of boos SER aR vl Lt i Jy Criret oro ower frre cu ponce, and boo . . . . ! WLS T i e ce a ly wee ns ) Lo Co ta leis Cine : Cha Ra Whee EE TF CIR PES PIS HERES PRS Our class numbered fwentyoong _ NE A Never has aanore oval claas Shon Ue : Ce, EE vo : : EEA EEE [RE SEARS YNER EEN CT TE | 3 R ET a - i. IU HS . US's felt the LS Si rade [ON IDA GEE TLE BT Gg _. EEE VCS SOUICI PIS eer CL af ils Ala Mater, Loves ive Togo oR » rug! fo College! SRT EE Iofedt TERT SS RI A A TRI REE Colas of Suvadl roogeanit, ba Lo of alin STE: HERR , There oan EE . . great aa gqudaby ls There were Gly reg Prat on Coke od 1noour class, foar bons BR : CA [SER SN SSS I - , - 3 \ . i aE AL . te f | . EY ; FE. IR Rescuewold, G0 2 Andor-on fH Ciren Coblege school day are in the i: J ; i. : be Schmidt, Pook Bove Bovcons and gee sed Deare ht brags a All the ventlomen meusbers kb Li cadaess, We nnn leave (he shelter ot tered the tiedd and are ow Iu REN ar dear Alms Mater and davuacly ont tor their Master. Mie apd Phe seer id Cove ides Broader dea I intnre z 1 - - A - re Com ile oh TET LTR Ton ; ' LL which was presented 1 ny fre] : . bul as we look indo wy] IY our cise has ann ee tenn Hires ety bnoes, boening with the hagas ‘ yo To - vt bay Tiylove: 6 sil . showing that man or the Union Coils. ins of victories wi frie Cour students have gone io torergn fields and we have the honor ou Slonmr so Cladming one of those olden threads Mr, Anderson he ol SETH and re has cone to Bop vi : yellow man, and De has cone Lo Chon LG dent entertwinnn nt which p ; doine splendudty, To Lam owe , . . and os doing splendid] Peo Bi - vou bive ziven us te-mwoght and winch owe the honor of have sah Shall swe Reo tanght spot on our den threads an tie RES Cy ed [SA DRE a May it have more! My, Rosenwold is ] CREST NG MEMOWIES and 1s havios mach = Me, Sclunidt Teles the weontorn phone, Atte sent bo JB the Alans bey the I A AL SOT ES GES FERVESS oo and 1s working tn Sooadh Bako he tos Plistoracal Hey tie puislions id What as the has done mach tor the Cause, ! Mr. Brotherson and wile Lave cone chivd anceative ov to the East doing much for thug city Brookivn, NOY cated Von fe tenadin Tn