VOL. 19 -Kat-vest Insatberin4 Special A'atiC'terj w � ,TiDa",ckito selverms � Dauiells OSHA WA, ONTARIO, SEp r..toer T 1919 NO. 36 Union Office Address � Oshawa, Phone 462-J A. V. OLSON, President � Oshawa, Ontari F. R. EASTMAN, Secretary-Treasurer � 91 � /1 To the Work "Arise, shine;. for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. � For, behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen.upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Then thou shalt see, and flow together and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the wealth (margin) of the Gentiles shall come unto thee." Isaiah 60:1-3, 5. Through his aged prophet the Lord has here left the promise that when his remnant church shall arise and shine he will cause his glory to shine upon it; the Gentiles to be brought within its fold, and the wealth of the world to flow into its coffers. � This promise we have seen fulfilled in part and soon we will see it fulfilled in its fulness. � God has greatly blessed the efforts of his people to extend a knowl- edge of the truth. � Both in home and foreign fields souls have been converted and funds have come into the treasury for the support of the work. But what has been accomplished is only a foretaste of what will be done. � As the church gives itself More fully and unreservedly to God for service the results will be manifold greater. � Thousands of souls will yet embrace the truth and millions of dollars, we believe will flow into the store house of God from the coffers of the world for the advancement of his work. One m;ghty agency brought into existence for the accomplishment of this work is the annual Har- vest Ingathering campaign. All who engage in these campaigns become mediums in the hands of God for conveying truth and light to the world and channels through whom the wealth of the Gentiles flows into. the treasury of the Lord. Many souls are today re- joicing in the truth as. a direct, result of the papers placed in their hands and several hundred thousand dollars have been received since the plan was first adopted. It is hoped that a quarter of a million dollars may be realized as a result of this year's 'cam- paign. If we do our part God will surely do his. Let us arise therefore, buckle on the armor and go .to work with our hearts uplifted to God for his help and blessing. - � • � A. V. OLSON. Have You, Begun? We are now half way through the first month of our Harvest Ingathering campaign. According to the various reports we have made the best beginning. ever experienced in this work. The money comes more freely and liberally than it ever did before, es-. pecially in places where the same persons visit suc- cessive years. These persons report that the people. are glad to see them 'and give larger offerings this year. � This year I have worked territory for the. third time add have received three times as much as I did in the same territory three years ago, . According to the Review of August 28 Quebec was clear on her goal. � Maritime-is doing well and expects to be clear by catnpmeeting time. The other conferences are meeting with good success. Several churches are doubling the goal this year, some are adding one third, and others one fourth. � Es ery- thing goes to show that we will all reach our goal. The goal, however, is set by all, and it will take all to reach it. � The. very word itself implies that,. when you divide it--"go-al". We cannot reach the goal unless we all go and do our part. If we get the "go" in us it will not be much trouble to get the "go" in the whole goal, and only a little time to get the "gone" in it. This is what we want to see, I am sure. We can realize it by going. The mission fields need our help, the home field needs it, and we need the experience for the sake of the life of our souls. "Who'll go?" � G. G. BUTLER. 2 � EAS TERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Thirteen Accept the Truth as the Result of One Harvest Ingathering Paper Referring to the Harvest Ingathering work in the Australasian Union, Elder Cecil K. Meyers, the Union Home Missionary Secretary, writes: "Apart from the value this work is in getting Money for missions, it is a great help to fire the missionary spirit in our people. We are having defi- nite results in winning souls from the circulation of these magazines also. � The giving of one paper in Victoria last year brought thirteen people into rile truth." This is the story: � "One of our sisters called upon a lady in her territory in the inteiests of the Harvest lngathering work. � AL first the visit was resented, but the resentment was broken down by the talk on missions which ensued, and finally the door of the home was thrown open for Bible studies. Our sister took one of our Bible workers with her, and as a result of the Bible study, the lady in this lhome, and her mother also, accepted the truth. Two Of the lady's sisters, living in another state -were comniunicated with, and now these two women, with their husbands, living in New South Wales, are in the truth. � In addition to these six adults, seven children belonging to the families represented are in the truth. � This all started from the giving of this one paper. We have many other cases of indi- viduals coming into the truth as a direct result of the work being done by our 'Appeal for Missions' workers." The opportunity to engage in this work, so far- reaching in results, has again returned. Upon every man, woman and child in our ranks rests the respon- sibility of doing his part. Not only in America, but in the mission fields as well the Harvest Ingathering work is being carried on with marvelous results. The present time of cessation from war, with pros- perity on every hand, is most opportune for the child- ren of God to gather funds for investment in heav- enly treasure. Let each be faithful in doing his part and results will be manifold. � C. V. LEACH, Secretary Gen. Conf. Home Missionary Dept. Ontario Office address, 3 Awde St., Toronto, Ont. B. M. HEALD, President, 1114A Dufferin St., Toronto, Ont. LUCILLE MARIETTA, Treasurer �(Tel. Junction999) God's Money "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts." Haggai 2:8. Men do not realize this, but it is a fact. � It is a God given privilege to go to the world and ask for some of God's money. God expects us to solicit money for his CHU se t OM men who would scat give it. otherwise. In 1.90 Sister White nettle the following state- ment: "Do all in your power to secure gifts. We are not Lo feel that it would not he the thing to ask men of the world for means; for it is just the thing to do. This plan was openeci before me as a way of cowing in touch with wealthy men of the world. � Through this means not a, few will become interested and many hear and believe the truth for this time." The HARVEST ING,ATHERING is just the thing. NOW is the time to act. � Winter is coming when no man can work in this line. � Next, month other organizations will be � Don't be slow brethren! "Arise shine; for thy light is come." Not has come or will conic, but "is come," and September of 1919 is the time for us to act. The wealth of the Gentiles will come unto you if you go out in the name of the Lord. � This is a reality. � Let this HARVEST INGATIIERING spirit throb in yobr brain, thrill in your heart and be the impulse for action NOW. Another sister gathered $140.00 last week. Ot hers are having wonderful success. The Lord calls, let us not disappoint him. � We are in a crisis in the history of his cause, and all he desires is FAITHFULNESS. If you have not started out soliciting for missions, DO IT NOW. � If you have started, we rejoice with you. � B. M. HEALD. • Harvest Ingathering Items Beginning with 1908, the Harvest Ingathering returns to the General Conference treasury have been: 1908 � $ � 14,136.77. 1909 � 41,183.46 1910 � 41,643.92 1911 � 32,664.45 1912 � 50,164.45 -1913 � 56,282.99 1911 � 57,598.73 1915 � 78,333.25 1916 � 126,158.66 1917 � 169,170.18 1918 � 199,575.52 London, Chatham, St. Thomas, Ottawa, Toronto, Owen Sound, Brantford, and Hamilton are doing their bit. Dear Reader: Are you? Sister Hilliard writes: "I expect to get $500 up here. I may be able to double my goal if I don't get tired out. I surely can raise $1000." � That is the spirit the Lord wants. "MY-motto has been to be kinder to everybody than anybody can be to me, and to do it first." MARITIME ACADEMY OPENS OCT. 1, AT MEMRAMCOOK, N. B. CANADIAN MESSENGER thousand people of Ontario have .individnally seen and been spoken to of this Message. "How beautiful upon the 'mountains are tie feet of him that hringeth good tidings." EASTERN Quebec P.C. WEBSTER, President, 280 Villeneuve West, Montreal, Que F. E. DUFTY, Treasurer �Box 5189 Montreal, Quebec Ingathering Notes "Expect great things of God. Attempt great things tor God." For the encouragement of some who_may be timid, or who, for other reasons may feel that they would not be successful in the Harvest Ingathering for missions, I will mention two incidents iu this year's campaign. Sister Virginia Gobeille, who lives at 2791 Drolet Street, Montreal, is an invalid, having met with an accident several years ago, breaking both of. her col- lar bones and her spine in. two places. � She has .not been able to walk across the room for several months and is not able, to move in her bed without great pain. She has a pile of Harvest Ingathering.papers -on a'stand at the head of her bed and also Li box to receive the offerings. I think she never fails to men- tion them as people call to see her for she has the past two weeks gathered in one hundred dollars. Elder Passebois, his wife and two daughters have. spent several weeks in this campaign since campmeeting, exploring new territory in our confer- ence, and up to the-present time they have gathered in $634:00. Who can estimate the good that they have done? Besides this splendid ingathering for missions they have found openings for meetings and several who are interested in the truth who might never have been reached in any other way. God is inclining hearts towards this message. � He is im- pressing them to give. • He is calling for you just. now. � F. C. WEBSTER. Sparks from the Colporteur's Anvil -- "My Father worketh until now, and I work." Our thirty faithful colporteurs have been doing their best work and working their longest hours these past few weeks. The by-word has been, "This one thing I do." Week by week the report comes In "I -have reached my goal." Almost all the students have finished- their term of canvassing and are now delivering. The marked success attending the colporteur work this year is without precedent. Weekly reports of $100 and over arrive regularly and without fail. One student secured $250 worth of orders in one week. With David we exclaim, "The Lord bath done great things for them." The deliveries have been equally good. In one delivery of $1500 only one book was returned; in another of over $1000 only three; in a $800 order by one of the younger students all were delivered but one book. 'Not less than one hundred -Brother Tliumwood is still doing faithful and and steady work. Last week the Lord enabled him to deliver $560 worth of books. Pray that they may do much good. Brother Rqlston has completed a successful de- livery and is planning on attending the Seminary. Brother Lamont is "sticking through thick and thin," and making the work•prosper. Sister Haven delivers her books this week and invites 3 our support by your prayers. � . • Brother Leslie Davies was successfui in his de- livery; and is very thankfhl to God. \ He will con- tinue his studies at the Seminary. Brother Melvin Leadi is happy in his successful delivery and feels that it is God who gives success. He, in his first year, haS earned his tuition. Sisters Mable and Letba Eastman, Sadie Oickle, and Sara Vt.-linen-inler affirm that this has been one of their best summers. � They were very successful both in their canvassing and delivering. Miss Arable Eastman will teach church school in Ottawa and the other young ladies will continue their work at the Seminary. Brother John Bristol's delivery was very good. Brother Bristol merited our admiration by the way he "stuck to" and finished a strip of very difficult territory. His vigilance has been rewarded. Sister Bertha Dower, owing to her physical con- dition, was not able to complete her summer's work, but the seed sown by her will surely bear fruit. Sister A. Martin and prothren Terence and Hubert Martin have been greatly blessed in their work for God. Not only did they canvass but their A week-ends were spent in giying Bible studies. The highest goal and single report came from Kitchener. Sister A. Hall is continuing her missionary work in Toronto, and meeting with much success. Sister Hall devotes two days a week to this most im- portant work. Sister Daisy Dingwall and Sister Alice Bunston have both attained a scholarship. Miss Daisy de- clares the work has "made a man" of her. Brother Chamberlain together with his colpor- teur work is shepherding. the little flock in. Northern Ontario. The Lord is blessing his work. Miss Dagg keeps our young men busy to keep ahead of her. The success attending her work in North Cobalt is remarkable. Brother Fred Hosking has started the work with a will. His territory is scattered but he is working every house, and the Master is- giving him reward. 4 � EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Office Address � - � . � Oshawa. Ont Edna P. Leach � Editor Entered as second-class matter.Price. 50 cents a year in advance. Let us remember in our prayers those sturdy colporteurs who will remain in the field and canvass. Some are planning on spending the entire fall and winter in this work. We are to work "in season and out of season" and remember that "it is God who giveth the increase." Profitable Trip For several days Elder Olson and the writer have been visiting our western chi' rches in the in- terest of the Seminary and Harvest Ingathering. Friday night, August 29th, our first meeting was held in St. Thomas. Here we found Brother Boyce had organized the church and plans were laid for a strong Harvest Ingathering campaign. Sabbath morning the 30th, we arrived at Selton and held three services over the week end. We visited our people in their homes and were encour- aged to see their earnestness. For many years they have remained faithful. During that week, meetings were held in Dresden and Ch rtham. Here we found the Harvest Ingath- ering well under way, also a liberal offering was made to the Seminary from Chatham. It is expected that Elder Widgery will hold a baptismal service here ere long. Sabbath, September 6th, was a big day in the Windsor church. � Fifty adults, besides children, gathered for the morning service. The Border City is growing. Elder and Sister Widgery are beiw, re- warded for their faithfulness. Several good substan- tial men are now members. A most liberal offering was made to the Seminary. The church feels the need of a new house of worship. Let us remember this important center in our prayers. Essex and Ruscomb were also visited, and we found our poople ready to respond to the financial needs of the school. Tuesday night, the 9th, the London church was visited. Our people are very zealous for the success of the Harvest Ingathering. Reports from London will appear later. During the eleven days $1170.00 was received for the Seminary. Our people surely appreciate this institution in their midst. We should all be thankful for the E. C. M. S. It is a credit to our work in Eas'ziern Canada. Let us rally to its support with our money and children. � At your first opportunity you should visit the school. � B. M. HEALD. Seminary Items Mt. and Mrs. Hubert Martin spent a day at the Seminary last week to arrange for their rooms and store their furniture. Miss Herminie Vuilleumier is home again from Montreal. We are pleased to see her. Digginghas been begun for the new water system. Miss Woolridge, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. McClary spent two days in Toronto this week. Mr. Fishell's house is well under construction. Mr. Preston's house is also progressing. Brother Leonard Payne has moved to Oshawa arid is living on the Kingston road where Elder Vuilleun►ier lived. We are anticipating the reti.rn of many of our old students as well as a goodly number of new students. May God bless in their plans. Alma Guertin arrived from Montreal this week. Miss L. V. Clymer arrived from Fort Wayne, Ind., this week. She will be a student in the Semi- nary this year. Mr. Eastman spent several days auditing the school books. To those familiar with the lay out of the dormi- tory great changes will have taken place. � The old landmarks are gone, and it is sometimes puzzling to think of what used to be. Mr. Annable and his helpers have spent no idle moments this summer as no one realizes the amount of work planned and finished. Professor Miller and the kitchen help are work- ing early and late to finish the canning. Earl Baker has left to spend a holiday at home before school opens. Mr. Clyde Bishop of South Lancaster, Mass., arrived this week. He will assist in the office of the Canadian Publishing Association. Colporteur's Report for Week Ending Sept. 6, 1919 Maritime Name Book Hrs Ord Value Helps Total Del. P Bugden PG 33 d 24 00 24 00 S Dewfall PG 8 3 14 00 4 00 18 00 G Hubley PG 27 8 75 8 75 74 75 L. Huntley PG 40 192 00 A Landry PG 43 321 00 E Landry PG 26 8 75 8 75 63 75 D Mackintosh PG 41 13 58 00 7 50 65 50 7 50 H Turner PG 20 110 80 tW Vickers PG 43 8 32 00 32 00 A Vickers PG 30 6 24 00 8 00 32 00 9 50 W. White PG 44 8 34 00 3 40 37 40 James Young BR 29 4 18 00 18 85 36 85 18 85 G Crooks PG 34 14 57 00 57 00 Totals 418 62 � 261 00 59 25 320 25 798 15 t Week ending August 31