By L. ERVIN WRIGHT Americar International Newsreel William Greenwood, of Olympia, Washington, who be- lieves a flood of the proportions of Noah's Deluge will inundate America, and who has built an ark in prepara- tion for it. The rainbow means nothing but colors to him flood, of which the excavators have revealed traces, is estimated to have occurred some 600 years earlier, at about 4000 B.C.” Professor Langdon believes that the world’s earliest civilization began at Kish before 4000 B.C. He believes that an early flood about 4000 B.c. wiped out the first civilization at Kish, and that the city had been re-established after the flood subsided, only to be wiped out again in another flood, which he identifies as the Flood of Noah. If man survived this first flood without the use of an ark, why was it necessary to build an ark to escape the second flood? The truth is that there were evidently two ex- ceptional floods in the Mesopotamian valley some years apart. That these floods were six hundred years apart or occurred in 4000 B.C. and 3400 B.C. is guess work, and that either of these floods was the Bible Flood is preposterous. The Euphrates and the Tigris have always been inundating rivers. Fed by the mountain snows, which vary with the years, these rivers also vary in their flood waters. The Euphrates River is 1780 AUGUST, 1929 miles long; the Tigris is 1146 miles in length. The inundation period of these rivers averages in modern times over half a year. Immense volumes of water have flowed in their stream-beds in the course of a single year. The Euphrates flows through a canyon of rock, which it has dug down to the depth of one hundred to three hundred feet below the level of the Mesopotamian plain, and is at this point from two to three miles wide. This, digging of course, was not done all at once, but in the course of a single flood season countless thousands of tons of clay and silt are carried to the Persian Gulf. TENFOLD EVIDENCE HEN Abraham was living in Ur, this city was upon the Persian Gulf. Today the gulf is scores of miles away. The sediment of the Euphrates and the Tigris river which is deposited at their joint mouth causes the waters of the gulf to be pushed back at the rate today of about seventy-two feet a year. Thus every seventy-three years the gulf is pushed back one mile. If it can be proved that the cities of Ur and Kish were covered with eight feet of clay at a single inundation, we have only the evidence of a flood of unexpected magnitude. Such floods might be expected from such rivers, which were in the habit of overflowing every year. But that the worst flood the Euphrates and the Tigris river could produce should ever be identified with the Flood of Genesis seems absurd. Whole cities might have been wiped out, but these rivers could never cause a flood which would call for the building of Noah's ark. It is ludicrous to think of men’s supposing that a flood which laid down only eight feet of silt over a very restricted area should be the flood that God warned Noah was coming and that Noah preached about for 120 years. The evidence of Noah's Flood is more than eight feet of Euphratean silt under the ancient cities of Ur and Kish. The facts of the case are that the eight feet of silt in question is only the evidence of a local flood of the Babylonian valley some time after Noah’s Flood had swept the entire earth. The evidence of the Flood can be found in every part of the globe. It can be found under the cities of Ur and Kish, but it is farther down than the archeologists have dug. The Flood of Noah has left its marks in the thousands of feet of stratified rock all over the earth, and not in ninety-six inches of silt laid down by a single river in a small district. Beneath Ur and Kish can be found hundreds of feet of strata which were laid down during the period of the Deluge of Noah. Rocks all over the earth show that the crust of the earth is only a cemetery of a former arrangement when both plants and animals were larger and more wonderful than any now on earth. (Cont. on page 35) PAGE NINE