tayperson Makes a Difference 1y Aren't You in School?” An Obligation to Help What Is a sponsor? Reaching for 2:1 14; MISSION interviews Jasmine Jacob. i Ellen Hansdak | is a different | child now that she has a REACH ad .. . sponsor. Twas bormiricaministersfami ym Sn Lanka [Ceylon says Jasmine Jacob, an Amencan layperson who is making a d iittaren ce. Ja! Mane s husband, Jacob. grew up or Bangalore, india, in a Hindu home After he hinished high school he was seeking Cmpoyen when he stumbbied into some meetings hemy conaueta | by American evangelist Joe Crews. Jacob subsequently aceen od the message, and Crews mother-in-law heiped hum attend Spicer C ee where he met Jasimire In 1964 ‘he Jacobs i moved 01 he United States where both Jasmine and Jacon competed Ph.D programs ir education from the University of Michigan and found csponsie teaching positions in the Benton Harbor, Michigan. school system “Having completed our studies and established ourseives we felt a debt to Southern Asia Division for al that on church has done for us. Jasmine explains "Som 1974 we toured India and Sn Lanka. conducting teachers workshops, While at Spicer College in Poona a little child came lo clean our guest room. | es so surprised to see him that | asked, "Why aren Le in school? With tears in his eyes he told me Now woud like to be. hut he had no her or father to send him i. Dov sparked ar dea oo Jasmine and Jacob fanned nto a flame th: at lights up the aves of 2.500 children im ten countries an idea that ives a child a chance. “understand what poverty is, Jacob says ClHeel keenty for the needs of poor children Jasmine adds that as a Seventh-day Advertist she feels an oixhgation to help them get an education Alter retiring to Mi chigar the Jacops laurched REACH Intemational, a nonprofit, Jon Fary. tax-exempt. charitable organization wholly dedi- caed to Render(ing) Elfective Aid to CHildren i» needy countries of the World REACH voluntesrs match sponsors with needy childrer so that they may attend Adventist schools. Accoraing cal recent REACH newsleller a REACH sponsor 1s mostly Amercar but has Canadian, Carnbbean - Enghsh, Swiss, and German blood phe astreax of lta ar Bravissimo!” and is age 310 93 He or she may « a gt andpa. great Janae sche! girl. teenager or thor sem oon a cas achid of God. cares about —. i be mecdy chide, A soponsor may be single. marned wdowed dworced. Doctor | lawyer. mercnant Nob a boichen but a oaxer and possibly even a Jan. 24 Ih EN Ce I Gonaniiesh Est SL hoy ved def Bt t | No “a Ir es Nop, Fae Co HW, Jd