Elder Elliott drove to Keene last nday to attend the meeting of th llege Board. : ana $3 TEXICO CONFERENCE 419 Rencher St. ‘Clovis, New Mexico President—Elder E. T. Wilson Sec'y-Treas.—QO. D. Slater 1 Texico Book and Bible House: Sec'y-Treas.—O. D. Slater. Berl & STATEMENT OF THE SIXTY- CENTS-A-WEEK FUND or three months ending Mar. 28, 1927 Amount Am't Per ‘Quota Received Short cent 3,814.20 2,237.81 157639 442.00 185.35 256.65 axico axico C. wv A NEW PAGE OF TEXICO HISTORY HAS BEEN TURNED —p—— At a recent meeting of the conference mmittee, among other things which ceived attention was one which over- wered all, and that was the question evangelism, A re-organization of the work per- ning to the departments was given ry careful study, and it was voted to ice the responsibility of tabulating, d sending out reports upon the office rkers, and thus leave the field men re to do more aggressive evangelism, : it was felt by all that we have come a new era in our work, and that we 1st plan for greater soul-winning en- avor at such a time as we have come 0. Jn Thursday night preceding the mmittee session, we began a week- d meeting in the Hagerman church ere our committee held its session, d each evening, a goodly number, t of our faith, came out to hear the nple story of the cross, and at the se of the meeting Sunday night, one an and his wife, and another strong ack-smith, came forward and gave eir hearts to the Lord for the first ne. The writer is firmly convinced that e very spirit of the times in which we re is stirring the hearts of men and omen all over the world, and now, as wver before we must arise and do our yd-given work with an earnestness rich has never characterized us be- re. Nothing is so effective as the eaching of Christ and Him crucified, jen, interceding in man’s behalf, and ming soon to receive His own. Calls are coming in from all parts of SOUTHWESTERN UNIMON RECORD the conference, and many of them from places where an interest has been awakened already. These pleas so stirred the hearts of the committee members that we decided to launch an evangelistic program to the very limit of our ability financially, and if we run out of funds all expressed their will ingness to go out and sell books to support themselves if there was not an increased income sufficient to keep the efforts running. It was believed by all members of the committee, that if such a spirit actuated our leaders, brethren would be impressed to come forward and say tothe ministers, ‘‘keep up the good work of preaching the word and we will see that the laborer is sus- tained.’’ May the spirit of the Lord move upon the hearts of all our dear brethren to rally to the work at this time, and help us gather the whitening harvest ere the setting of the sun forever, is the prayer of yours in His Name. * - E. T. WILSON re -— LAST CALL TO THE FE AST OF BIG THINGS. When the call was given for the sup- per, the Master himself saw that the guests were all there before the meal was served, which is a striking lesson for us who have been called to work in the Masters’ vineyard. But remember dear friends, that if we fail to respond to the call, our room will be occupied by someone else, for the last shall be first and the first last, and so it is with this Big Week call to do our bit in help- ing the struggling institutions in the far-a-way lands of earth. My experience has long since taught me that we all do just about what we want to do. If we want to buy an auto- mobile we buy, whether we have the money in sight or not; we pay our tithe when we want to do so, we study our Sabbath school lesson every day when we want to do so, more than we want to do something else, and so it is with this Big Week, .-we will do just about what we want to do. My earnest prayer to God is that every dear Ad- vent believer in the Texico Conference will want to do more that he has ever done in the past, and that no one will think of doing nothing, for just think what it will mean for the schools, pub- lishing houses, sanitariums and dispen- saries in the field beyond, and then last but by no means least the good the books will do your neighbors into whose many of our PAGE FIVE hands you place them, and the percent- age of increase to the sixty-cents-per- week you will add besides. All heaven is interested, the mission lands are waiting, souls are dying without Christ, and a great blessing awaits everyone of us who with our hearts warmed by the love of this mes- sage, take the precious literature, ded: icated to the third angel’s message, and go forth on the days appointed, doing our best. In the event of our not be- ing able to go at the same time others are going, do not let the enemy cheat you out of the blessing, but go at the earliest opportunity, and get the bless- ing, and bring your sheaves of rejoic- ing to the church treasurer: but if you are so situated that you cannot possi- bly get out into the field this year, do not be discouraged, for your $2.00 will square the account. E. T. WILSON > ' SPECIAL SERIES COMING IN THE SIGNS. B. E. Beddoe—Series of six articles on Second Coming— Begin in May. J. L. McElhany —Series of six Bible studies on Second Coming—Begin in May. Carlyle B. Haynes— Series of fifteen articles on the Inspiration of the Bible Begin in May. ’ Louis K. Dickson—Series of eight articles on the Law—Begin in May. M. L. Andreason—Series of eight ar- ticles on the book of Daniel—Begin in June. F. D. Nichol—Series of fifteen ar- ticles an Second Angel’s Message—- Begin in June. J. C. Stevens—Series of fifteen ar- ticles on the Law— Begin in July. A. O. Tait—Series of eight articles on the Second Coming—Begin in Au- gust. . Everette E. Beddoe—Series of six articles on State of the Dead—Begin in September. J. Adams Stevens— Series of six Bible studies on State of the Dead—Begin in September. Geo. W. Rine—Series of six articles on the Sabbath— Begin in October. E. F. Hackman — Series of six Bible studies on the Sabbath—Begin in October. Then there will be a multitude of special articles on current conditions— we can’t tell you in advance regarding them, because they will be written in the light of changing world conditions. Why not enlarge the Signs club in