\ TTT ay ya — Cat BOE SEY rine Vu id ig —~ - oT Le + DX om em FO I 2 ) LLB T Loweobinte LoS] PA ool Da ir oetud en 1 feel JF BT ONG JL Ia future wa aay be able wa ~em og de PI - 3 I can sav that createst, ue “ RE nr LLel68d WIL e CAL TLLAC L As T am rerainiog moet and esorength, I wish ; eee =e cn ee dard tom 1k Im reyarmes Tre We, + Ymea LDA OU - LT ER praise arc thoacdis,siving vo our kine heavenly Father ror His oroat fouan2es an loving Elrndrass sho TS MNS i. - . ad 3 1 BOOT Pere at Codz pen em 1. a Een . | SQ NAVE VS Lied Tae SOV Lf ~f the aster ~ FT I regions of i EE Cokntod r ean - : 1 SC. ra sizad Sab. ~ I. eh DYE Na ve amd Up BE SS EA EATER SRY tT Clare have bean 4c’ vale LNUWTEel in canvases Ln; for ie = , . « Na. P— B . 3 : 2 } i. . . . 5:1 tne have poen last Thay have had 090 suecoss in teking orders for thls [6-20 WV I J SN a 1 i : FN \ ficl leas. J wy LORE | SD VY 75 SGN Ld T i ir such cases, their me tinrs have grown in incerest and “2, 12 usual weoold be if wll cur oc gonle would take hold unitedly in lec Fa wa Yodo. Cd A a ATE PRT , - 3 ~~. Yn en amo FETE . J- yon ne oLlrouLnT Ion ol Ea IONE which ili econ bain oa roulir series of ccuuras on all a. — i PE . ~ PA - Py — Uli Then thee cre other wapers ant pooks what cunt orders for tecka in and arcund Clure. Te ond conventions scecantly Leld at Lo our people and all felt « renewed In i IT hcps ir the near future tc ba atle ~lerirus truths ILrethran, pray for oe 1 Ge G ul de ® a ™ 2 [a I) a ¥ El oes t { — We are lad to claim the promises of (Ged in our vorg ere. H blest us ard wo fool to thank Him for thise Te were much aisceouraced for several months after starting the work for the poo iz were afraic of us and expectsd us to fail as everyone of cur ins-itutions have in tois lace hub owe were encoirapged by cw friends and Lreihron und sisters end they prised for cur ancsess in is rlice. Ged has Ylest us and siven us {uvor in theo sipht of ine enple and cur fosatmerts nave bain A BUCCESSe Since we beran wo have moved once nia we Leeda sinrt. a dn a Ler eos and wa 8111 need more roi Our trace ic Inerecwing da Jo = BE Teo I PUA IS am Ee res a port lempr nirae te nsag ard nu Lend vO CATCY thie outside WOrkKe Ta I FT SP AS FIR TOE JUN SR .. eva rp eal S CT Fe gp ag nave Tae danrty SUTnort of 4a DOYVS1IClAns ner< and OWr ¥o:{ 1s Cul. hl” 1.07 A bo 3 Lon RUE [8 — — [NPE - FOE - CL. . a Tor Ties 6.04 , . of “re Couwmirnicl oa [gp IY J oe A tea de ~ om am Is ~~ ! vr - - ine PE , - Thief Thoouion nut eed with oso Socuble snd oa Joo ClilAe OUD WOTH cad . * - y ia . . y La. Ff T « - . fn lo I , 4 . ARSC . PUL Ira wll eg Ua IT efor T0105. rai; FES TIND ALOUD ARO CT SER ANC SE Pa To~ = to ~ ! A ~ N - Te - - vohhA rn we tre Tle Tem mora, Ua ae oA eth ls DaAte 10 LT VII ab us 2 - . a ar oJ B uw