CYREKA'S COMMENTS It’s funny how we always make plans for oursclves, but then slowly see how (God reveals his. Growing up, T always wondered what college I'd go to, what field I would study, and what it would be like. At the start of high school I probably wouldn't have told you I was going to Andrews University, but as IT marched down the aisle on graduation Sunday, I knew that I couldn't see mysclf going anywhere else. I’m sure everyone can remember his or her first few experiences on this campus. My first Fusion and failed exam stand out among the many memories I've had during my time here, and I'll always remember the professors that taught me what it meant to be a Christian. I never thought that I'd leave Anatomy and Physiology class with a better understanding of the character of Christ, but there is some- thing about Andrews, it’s professors, and atmosphere that changes vou and shapes you into who you were meant to be. It’s been said that you will always find what vou're looking for, and sometimes, maybe even more. What I found during my time here is much more than I could have ever expected or hoped for. I've learned to see life through different eves and come to understand that, although we don’t live in a perfect world, we can con- tribute whar we cach have to the people living in it. I have been privileged to serve as your AUSA president for the past year, and I've finally learned the underlying theme that sur rounds a majority of people's Make it your obligation to have a memorable experience that you can look back on and be proud of. Step out of vour comfort zone and experience something new, because this might be your only opportunity to do so. I remember when senior friends warned me, a young freshman, that my time in college would fly bv. I kind of concerns. We all have expecta tions that we want to be met, and feel dissatisfied when they aren’t. But I firmly believe that we have the right to expect the best experience possible. Each student owes it to himself or her self to have the best time of their life while here at Andrews. laughed to myself because I couldn't imagine how four years could & - “ Ed go so fast, but sure enough, they did. So, my humble advice for you is to love every moment and live in cach one, because your time here will be over before you know it. Always remember that lite, and every experience that it brings, is what you make of it. Don’t let the negatives outweigh the positives, but let the good times be what your remember the most. CYREKA JACOBS AUSA President