Manuscript Release No. 1115-- 45 There will be opportunities for wu We heve had much company. b one week agn last Sabbatn [ have not dared to converse. | will not neg write you. Just pul your trust an the Lord, and He will open the way I @ not sorry you moved out of that house. You did not say how g you payd, but let me know. 1 will have an opportunity to see your faty your whule trust in the Lord and be of good courage. He wiil forsake you. He will be your present help 1n every emergency. short, indeed mine s, Lucinda Yeft ue yesterday for Los Angeies, and she gues on to Oakli she says she will meet us in St, Helena. We expect to leave Los Ange1e§ week for home. What route we will take 1 do not know. 1 will now waitfj what your Tather will say. We find several rooms well furnished and with excellent class of fup but we need much more means tu furnish so many rooms. But we will begin ana make steady headway witn the sanitariun, preparing for guests. Sever walling, anxious to come. I must now think of home and when we will start. 1 must describe to you--the roads are lined with pepper trees and olive trees. Some trees h clives on them. Tnere is the pepper tree; that 1s my choice-—euca1yptus} In [the] mountains, pines and spruce come first. There are many nice hou nere. National City was calculated to be a large center but there are di drawcacks. National City building 1s a nice, large building, but you may before long. S0 I end my letter with love.--Letter 394, 1904. XX XX