COWARD of the earth: “And I saw another angel [messenger] fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth,and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven; and carth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” Revelation 14:6, 7. Thus we see that this message not only proclaims the soon-coming king- dom, but also announces the opening of the judgment in heaven, and calls men back to the worship of the true God, the Creator of all things, as a preparation for His coming; indicating clearly that the professed church of the last days would be found false to that part of God’s holy law that marks November, 1934 Him as Creator, and obeying a pre- tender who has assumed the preroga- tives of God. Jesus made 1t plain that this message of warning must in some way be given to the entire world in one generation; indicating that that generation would sec the end. (Matthew 24: 14.) Now, it is very apparent that under conditions existing a very short time ago a world-wide message like this could not go to every nation, and tongue, and pcople, in one generation. The world did not then possess the facilities necessary for such rapid move- ments. Hence the strange and other- wise unaccountable speeding up of research and discovery in the fields of science. And today God is using all the modern wonders of transportation and communication to carry to the world this identical message, and its mission centers and outposts can be found in the darkest corners of earth, even in the isles of the sea. Second.—When this message has been sufficiently proclaimed and the day of probation is over, the wicked, left to their own devices and led on by the spirits of devils (Revelation 16: 14), will then use all these marvels of science in the destruction of men. Here is Armageddon, the great “war of the great day of God, the Almighty,” the ‘time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation,” a world war indeed, into which all nations will be drawn. It is quite apparent that all these modern wonders are as essential to mobilizing, transporting, and provision- ing the armies of the world for this great conflict, as they are to carrying the last message of mercy to a lost world. Third.—This age, as I have said be- fore, was intended as a warning to ar- rest the attention of thoughtful people. A night glimpse of one liltle part of mar- velous America, New York City. And «a day glimpse of what America was on that other Thanksgiving Day 300 years ago. We are better off; but are we beller? When we hear and see and use these conveniences of communication and transportation, let us realize that God is warning us that the end of all things is drawing very near, and the wise, the humble, can see the increase of knowl- edge all about us and men literally running to and fro, and those who re- fuse to see are certainly left without excuse. It is a time for sober, serious thought instead of drunkenness and jazz. It is a time for prayer and reconsecration to the service of God instead of money- getting. It Is a time to seek truly to know God’s will. It 1s a time also for rejoicing that the reign of sin, and death, and sorrow will soon be over; a time to lift up our heads and rejoice, for the day of our redemp- tion draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28.) Page Eleven