KEEP IT SIMPLE Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree which God did not prevent Adam from touching guaranteed him the power of choice. This gave the lie to the Devil's claim that God was a dictator forcing His subjects to serve Him. Now the law stated that if the man violated the restriction in his stewardship he would die. This was not unreasonable for a violation of the restriction in management in theft or embezzlement and the penalties for these crimes have al- ways been severe. Refusing to recognize God's ownership would constitute anarchy or rebellion and no government can tolerate this. Man broke the law and doomed the entire human race to eternal death. From that day to this every person has been born on death row. (‘*For all have sinned . . . the wages of sin is death.” Rom. 5:12; 6:23). But God loved the man He created so much that He made provision that man might not have to die eternally. This provision was made through His Son who satisfied the claims of the law and made it possible for man to once more have the power of choice. This was undeserved grace. Now each individual stands where Adam stood with the privilege to choose life or death, heaven or hell. It is his choice.