Newpe ct Kat fy ‘and yoted to rape their clare 45and tg hiyg'their, former rul rs take thé faci 410 3, They met “again ) 'Feb. 20, 1640, un "new ralefs'in the place of foe who | ig Trving, and théy with Cotinelticut have | pred their privileges to the prefent times, “f suarr clofe this chapter with a Ii} of New- ngland rulers, and a few remarks thereon. Ply- © Hath never ‘had any charter. bug only from the _ qacil for New-England that was citablifhied at suth in Doventhir en Their forfy’ ofp govern gt was fettled by voluntary. agreement among gfc!ves. At frit shey only chofe a governor ; ; the” next year, onc affiltant with him ; fn 1624, J “they chofe five, and in 1633, {even aiftants, and Rept to. that number to the end of their colony. “Me. Bradford was always an afliftant when he'was “not governot, as. long as he lived : his fon was ‘afiftant and then deputy governor till the revolu- “tion ; and he and feveral of his pofterity have “peer “counfellors in this province ; and one of - “his defcendants is now deputy governor of! ‘te flac of RhodeIfland. In 1639, they. bégar't to i have a houle of deputies in their general cotft ; "gnd about 1662, they agreed that their eldeft iff ‘fant thouid have the power of a deputy governer, £0 ain the governor’s place when he was abfetit. f “This continted till 1680, when by reafon of 'B 2 Alan s age, thoughthey continued himan affiltast, _&hey began to choofe other deputy governors. A lift of PrymouTn Gov ERNORS,- the years og ruled, and the time of their-deaths: 1 john “Carver, 1620, 16c7,®t. 69. : died April 1621. - 3 Edward Winflow, 1613 | William Bradford,1621 = 36, 44, died May: 8s: [==33, 88, 37 30—43,] : 1655, ®tbr. oo 557 died, May Qs +Thomas Rrince, 1644 “ ' d | ot s' Bouthwo James Ciidworth,’ Lo Joan ‘Winflow, liam. Bradford, 52. | ‘Thomas Hinckleys | the years “chofen, as g | ing : | Codworth and’. OW, 1 after £6704 and rine Janes, Bawn, - John Freétran,™ Co athaniel Bacon} Na Thiteher, © “16 2 |Jobn Walley, 7 ; {John Cuthing, Note, the Appen Morton miftakes in liana fets Smith top eat 46-49, di 154g59et: 6 3 Thomas D