59. 50. bl. 52. 57 70. T1. 72. 73. The 75. 76. 77. 78, 79. 80. 81. 82. 8L. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 91. 92. 93. lie 95. 96. “Da State oarefully what Spencer and Huxley say on this peint. pp. 54, 55. « What light do these facts throw on the history of the evolution theory? What facts can you give against the geological argument? p. 58. State Lyell's doctrine of geological uniformity (or Uniformism). What is thc relation of this doctrine to the Bible? State the personal relations between Darwin and Lyell, also that of their respective doctrines. What does Suess say about the repeated 4nundation and emorgence of the con- tinents? Show how the fossil elephants and fossil fishes are against Lyellism. How do the fossils from the deep sea give similar evidence? What about the climate of the ancient world? Aceount for the alternation in the strata? What words does Lull use regarding the extinction of the dinosaurs? Give some of the gaps in the cvolutionary scale. What does Wilson say on this point? } Givo the chief facts about the four leading human fossils. What are some of the chief difforences between man and the beasts? Give the facts regarding the origin of language. Describe the Cro-Magnon race. How does the interdependence of nature become an argument against evolution? Give several examples of design in natures also state the argument. What can you say about the physiological barrier between species? What is the present attitude of mind of the evolutionists? p. 8L, top. Commont on: "Can variation overcome heredity"? What about the experimental tests of the evolution theory? How does Mendelism spoil the subjective ovidence for evolution? | Quote Wallace on Memdelism, also D. H, Scott, and M. M. Caullery. What about species boing roal cntities? Pe. 88, top. Comment on beliof in evolution being now "an act of faith", What groups of phenomena serwe as arguments against evolution and in favor of Creation? Consult also on this point "Q. E. D.". What do you know about the chief books and other documents referred to in the preceding pages? Why can not €reation be demonstrated? Summarize the argument for the existence of God. Explain the reasonableness of a "fiat" Creation. Comment on the phrase "after his kind." 8how the superiority of the Bible view of marriage. What has the Sabbath to do with the. Oreation vs. Evolution controversy? Tell about the antiquity of the week? How does the record of the Disperson agree with the facts of history? Prove that evolution is essentially a religion. How do the needs of mankind become a strong argument in this controversy? Show. from history that evolution as a philosophy came before evolution as a theory of natursl science. Tell what the four great founders of evolution believed. Tell also something.about Tyndall, Fiske, and Wallace. Give the moral implications of evolution. Give the most imporfant of the 9 point (p. 112) which characterize evolution as a philosophy (or-a religion). Contrast the Christian God with the god of theistic evolution, Show the pantheistic tendencies of evolution. What are the chief objections to Pantheism? Can Christianity dispense with the supernatural? What things about Christ involve a belief in the supernatural?