THE MINNESOTA WORKER. day’s celabration they say that they are going to have nine days. I hardly think they will have more than four. They usually wind up with a big all-~ around drunk. The natives are permitted, by the government, to drink liquor on those days.- One native asked me why we do not eat pork and other flesh meats. I referred him to Isaih 66:17, and this seemed to satisfy him on the swine question. But he -could not see why we should refuse to eat beef, mut- ton and fowl. I told him that we thought a vegeta- ble diet more healthful. He said that the natives were afraid to join us for fear that they would have to give up their tea and coffee and flesh eating. We are of good courage, and are seeking the Lord for a greater measure of his Spirit. Truly our Saviour is good to bear so long and patiently with us. We feel that we must consecrate our souls anew to God, and be where the Lord can save these natives through us. I often think of the expression in one of the first articles of the Review, which I have read since coming here. And that is that we need a new conversion every day. May the Lord grant that I may have one every morning. Pray for this little foreign field when you are asking God’s blessing on the others. Your brother in the work, FE. HILLIARD. * THE SABBATH SCHOOL. x Tue topics for the remainder of the hook. of John will appear in this column in a few weeks. In the meantime let all who can, prepare a list of topics to be kept and compared with the printed list. I also want to ask the younger members of the schools especially, to prepare topics for the chapters from the fifteenth to the eighteenth inclusive, and send them to me. Who will be the first boy or girl to send in a list of topics pre- pared without help from any source but the Jible? Are all who study these good lessons from week to week keeping in mind the most helpful thoughts in each? Itis a good plan to keep a memoranda of these from week to week that they may be referred to often, so that they may mean more to us than a passing lesson, and may be food for our every day life. The following are a few of the thoughts gleaned from some of the papers that were handed in at the last written re- view of the Mankato Sabbath-school. “The lesson on the experience of Judas brought to my mind the thought that evil cher- ished will at last result in the rejection of the Saviour.” «The Saviour is so willing to send us the Comforter.” ¢Neek Jesus night and day. I] Give every one kind words.” ¢1f we hear His voice we are His sheep, and if we hear not His voice we are not his sheep.” «Christ is the bread of life and the fountain of living water, and we can partake of them if we will.”