and the Spanish people at Wichita Falls, due to several books that Elder Haynes sold to them in the fall. As 1 understand, one of the Spanish men said that he was going to keep the Sab- bath. That night we had a joint ses- sion of the church and school board to discuss the school work for the coming year, and after a friendly discussion which lasted till about 11:00 o’clock, the board came to a decision to have school next year and ask Miss Rand4ll to take the school again. The school increased in membership from about fifteen last fall to twenty-two. Cer- tainly a good record. Upon my arrival at Wichita, I learned that Elder Benton was to ar- rive the next day, just a few hours previous to leaving, so that gave us a little time to counsel concerning the meetings for Wichita Falls, which pos- sibly are going on by the time this reaches the readers. Certainly the Lord has blessed our believers at Wich- ita in spite of much sickness. I soon left for Olney where Mrs. Sadau had been waiting for me since ten o’clock in the morning, and this was 5:30 in the evening. Well, this was a worse experience than 1 had on my first visit to Olney. But the ‘‘Nash’ soon got us home over a stretch of thirteen miles, where a good supper was awaiting us. On account of the rain, we could not have services that night, and the bad weather spoiled our plans for meetings with outsiders for that week. But we had several good meetings with our own people. We are glad that Brother and Sister Watson and family have joined the little company at Olney and I am sure that we can count on them to do their share in the work. The school has been a wonderfu success and Miss Hooten will stay to teach the school again next year. Bid- ding the Olney folks adieu, I went via Fort Werth to Valley View where I spent the Sabbath. While having sev- eral good meetings with the church, we also had a meeting of the patrons of the school and with the officers of the Young People’s Society. The patrons laid definite plans for the coming school year. We trust that the Lord may bless them as they are planning for the education of their children. And I am sure ‘that through the little meeting with the Young People’s officers, we will have better cooperation and a more prosperous so- ciety under the leadership of Brother John Schmidt. The young people were just preparing a musical program to be SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD given at their district school house for the benefit of the community. Valley View church is especially blessed with musical talent, along vocal lines. 1 like this spirit of our missionary volunteers. I am glad for the spirit of cooperation that T find among our believers. Cer- tainly in unity there is strength. A. F. RUF. > ‘NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE SAB- BATH SCHOOL REPORT FOR FIRST QUARTER 1927. ~ Name of church or Member- Honor ‘S.!S. Off. cap company ship Cards re- Per ceived Olney ......... 2 1 $ 42.26 1.62 Graham ..... 3 3 6304 1.61 Corsicana, W 3 2 46 00 1.17 Lufkin ......... 6 65.17 83 Cedar Grove 6 54.18 69 Sherman ...... 20 - 100.39 .38 Dallas, Sp. 5 - 21.64 .33 Cleburne 12 . 4983 31 Denison .... 15 3 59.68 .30 Athens ...... 3 . 11.70.30 Paris ....... 3 2 11.88 30 Ft. Worth 109 15 436.61 .30 Corsicana, C. 20 1 57.37 .22 Wichita F. 38 . 111.42 22 Beulah ....... 16 5 4503 .21 ‘Waco, C.-.. 15 2 39.30.20 ‘Henrietta .. ‘6 1485 19 Avinger .... 9 21.95 18 Waco .......... 56 3 129.34 17 Berea ........ 135 85 300.60 17 Dalworth .... 65 1 138.01 .16 Gainegville .. 12 2451 15 Ft. Worth, S. 5 10.08 15 Dallas ........ 286 19 530.04 14 Keene ....... 329 50 634.54 14 Salmon ...... 10 1 17.95 13 New Hope .. 21 30.43 11 Valley View 59 12 76.75 .10 Clifton... 6 755 09 Je.erson, C. 7 8.58 .09 Mosier Valley 7 6.02 .06 Myrtle Spr. 30 1857. .05 Hillsboro .... 18 9.92 04 Mit. Pleasant 7 3.96 .04 . Douglass .... 22 1054 .03 The above report shows the record made by our Sabbath Schools for the quarter of 1927. You will notice twelve schools reached the goal of thirty cents per week per church mlem- ber. Of this number, nine raised one dollar per miember on the Thirteenth Sabbath. We are going to issue Pen- nants at the close of this quarter for the schools that make the goal of PAGE THREE thirty cents per week per member and one dollar for the Thirteenth Sabbath, and we hope many more will reach this amount. "We want to make special mention of the Honor Cards issued for the dif- erent schools. You will notice some dig not receive any. Let's remember that spiritual food is just as essential for the development of strong Christian : characters, ag temporal food is for the building of strong physical bodies. Don’t neglect the daily study of the Sabbath School lessons. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Nadine Harris, Secretary OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Box 1077 Oklahoma. City, Okla. President—Elder W. M. Clark Sec’'v-Treas.—Lowell Estes Oklahoma Book and Bible House: Sec‘y-Treas.—B. E. Bridwell boL inches dh SS Stn “..-33 [2] 0 SE SR SR a * 4 STATEMENT OF THE SIXTY- CENTS-A-WEEK FUND ‘For three months ending Mar. 28, 1927 Amount Am't Per Quota Received Short cent 16,036.80 5,194 98 10,841.82 663.00 145.74 517.26 > OKLAHOMA NEWS NOTES. Okla. /Okla. C. Has the Big Week begun for you? Elder H. J. Winter made the office a call as he was passing through on his way to California or rather back to his mission field. A letter from Brother C. C. Voth tells of a good interest among the Ger- man-speaking people at Corn. He has been doing Bible work and holding cot- tage meetings. He has been unable to secure a place for public meetings. Brother Estes spent Sabbath at Stroud with the home folks, bringing his wife, who has spent several days there, back with him. Brother Gant spent the week-end at Enid and is remaining in that part of the state for several days in the inter- est of school work. Elder Beddoe and wife went to Shawnee for the week-end enlisting the church at that place in the Big Week work. Elder E. T. Wilson, president of the Texico Conference, made the office a visit between trains Tuesday, returning