In publication only initials will be used. ® SCRIPTURE PROBLEMS SOLVED... This is a service department where questions on religion, ethics, and Bible interpre- tation will be answered. Send questions to the editor. To be answered, questions must be accompanied by full 12ame and address of the questioner. The Abiding Christ What do John 14: 21 and 238 mean? S. B., Christ insisted, when talking to His disciples and the Jews, that if they obeyed His commandments they would be loved of His Father in heaven, who would manifest Himself unto them. Verse 23 reads: “If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” But that intimate relationship is condi- tioned upon obedience to the command- ments, and those commandments,embraced in Ten Precepts, were given by Christ. In 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4 we read: *“ More- over, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual meat: and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” This teaches plainly that it was Christ who led the children of Israel in the wilderness, and who appeared in the cloud, and that the rock which Moses smote was typical of Christ their Leader. If you will carefully read Nehemiah 9: 9-14 you will find reference to that experi- ence described by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10, which we have just quoted. Nehemiah tells of how the Lord led them; how His providence was mani- fested at the Sea; and how while they were saved, their persecutors were drowned in the waters; how in the day they were led by a cloudy pillar acting as a great umbrella from the burning heat of a desert sun; while at night their electric lighting system for the entire camp was a pillar of fire. Then Nehemiah adds that He whom Paul says was Christ came down upon Mount Sinai and spake unto them from heaven and gave them right judgments and true laws, announced His holy Sabbath unto them and commanded them precepts and statutes and laws by the hand of Moses His servant. Thus it 1s evident that it was Christ who gave the Ten Commandment law and who imparted to Moses wisdom to write His law, ceremonial in character, which con- sisted in precepts, statutes, ete. Therefore when Jesus said unto the Jews: “If a man love Me, he will keep My words’ (verse 23), and, ‘“ He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me” (verse 21), He was speak- ing of the Ten Commandments which He announced at Mount Sinai. The Soul Does the soul survive? J. C. Of the soul God has said, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Ezekiel 18:4, 20. And Romans 3:23 tells us, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” So complete was our loss that it was necessary even that our Redeemer should “make His soul an offering for sin.” Isaiah 53:10. The twelfth verse tells us, ‘ He hath poured out His soul unto death.” If your soul escapes death, it will escape that which Christ's soul did not escape. David fore- saw that Christ would pour out His soul unto death Therefore in his sermon at Pen- tecost the Apostle Peter, quoting him, said, “Because Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell [the grave], neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption.” Acts 2:27. EVERY SUNDAY COAST-TO-COAST Station K. C. TIME Longview, Wash. - - KWLK 1400 9:15 p.m. PW.T THE VOICE OF PROPHECY Los Angeles, Calif. - ~ Wore 930 9:15 p.m. EWI Louisville, Ky. - - - R 1400 6:30 p.m. C.W. P. O. BOX 55 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Lowell-Lawrence, Mass. _ WLLH 1400 7:00 p.m. EW.T . . Marshfield, Oregon - - - 1230 9:15 p.m. P.W. Network Radio Log Mutual Broadcasting System Marysville, Calif _ i KMyC 1450 0: Is pm. EWI : Memphis, Tenn. - - - 1400 :00 p.m. CW, Staton K. C. Time Merced, Calif. - - - KYOS 180 9:15 p.m. PW.T Aberdeen, S. D. - - - KABR 1420 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. WLOL 1330 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Aberdeen, Wash. - - KXRO 1340 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Minot, North Dakota - - KIL.PM 1390 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Abilene, Texas - - - KRBC 1450 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Monterey, Calif. . i. - KDON 1240 9:15 p.m. PW.T Albany, Ga. - - - WALB 150 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Nashville, Tenn. - - - WSIX 980 6:00 p.m. CW. T Albany, Oregon - - - KWIL 1240 9:15 p.m. PW.T. New Bedford, Mass. - - WNBH 1340 7:00 p.m. EW.T Amarillo ‘Texas - - - KFDA 1230 6:00 p.m. CW.T. New London, Conn, - - WNI,C 1490 7:00 p.m. E.W.T Ardmore, Okla. - - - KVSO 1240 8:00 p.m. C.W.T. New Orleans, La. - - - WNOIL 1450 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Astoria, Oregon - - - KAFT 1230 9:15 p.m. P.W.T. New York, N. Y. - - WMCA 570 7:00 p.m. EEW.T Atlanta, Ga. - - - WATI, 1400 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Norfolk-Newport News, Va. - WGH 1340 7:00 p.m. EEW.T Bakersfield, Calif. - - - KPMC 1600 9:15 ppm. PW.T. Oklahoma City, Okla. - - KOCY 1340 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Baltimore, Md. - - - KFBR 1300 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Olympia, Wash. - - - KGY 1240 9:15 p.m. PW.T Battle Creek, Mich. - - WELL 1400 6:00 pm. EW.T. Philadelphia, Pa. - - WIP 610 7:00 pm. EEW.T Birmingham, Ala. - - WSGN 610 6:00 p.m. CW.T. Phoenix, Ariz. - - - KOY 550 9:30 p.m. M.W.T Bisbee-Douglas, Ariz. - - KSUN 1230 9:30 pom. M.W.T. Pittsburgh, Pa. - - - WCAE 1250 7:00 p.m. EW T Boston, Mass. - - - WAAB 1440 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Pittsfield, Mass. - - - WBRK 1340 7:00 p.m. EW. T Bridgeport-New Haven, Conn. - WICC 600 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Portland, Oregon - - KALE 1330 9:15 p.m. PW.T Centralia-Chehalis, Wash. - KEILA 1470 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Price, Utah R - - - KEUB 1450 5:00 p.m. M.W.T Chicago, Ill. - - - - WIND 560 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Providence, R. T. - - WEAN 790 7:00 p.m. EW. T Chico, Calif. - - - KHSIL, 1290 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Provo, Utah - - - - KOVO 1240 5:00 p.m. M.W.T Cincinnati, Ohio - - - WKRC 550 7:00 p.m. EEW.T. Redding, Calif. - - - KVCv 1230 9:15 p.m. PW.T Cleveland, Ohio - - - WHK 1420 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Richmond, Va. - - - WRNL 910 7:00 p.m. EW. T Coffeyville, Kan. - - - KGGF 690 6:00 p.m. CW.T. Roanoke, Va. - - - WSLS 1490 7:00 p.m. EW.T Columbia, S. C. - - - WCOS 1400 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Rochester, N. VY. - - - WSAY 1240 7:00 pom. EW.T Columbus, Ohio - - - WHKC 640 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Rock I.-Moline, Ill.-Davenport, Ta. WHBF 1270 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Dallas, Texas - - - WRR 1310 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Roseburg, Oregon - - - KRNR 1490 9:15 p.m. PW.T Denver, Colo. - - - KFEL 950 5:00 p.m. M.W.T. Rutland, Vt. - - - WSYB 1380 7:00 p.m. EW.T Des Moines, Iowa - - KSO 1460 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Salt Lake City, Utah - ~ KIO 1430 5:00 p.m. M.W.T Detroit, Mich.-Windsor, Canada - CKILW 800 8:30p.m. EW.T. San Antonio, Texas - - KABC 1450 8:00 p.m. C.W.T Duluth, Minn.-Superior, Wis. WDSM 1230 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. San Bernardino, Calif. - - KFXM 1240 6:00 p.m. P.W.T El Centro, Calif. - - - KXO 1400 9:15 p.m. PW.T. San Diego, Calif. - - KGB 1360 9:15 p.m. P.W.T Emporia, Kan. - - - KTSW 1400 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. San Francisco, Calif. - - KFRC 610 9:15 p.m. PW.T Eugene, Oregon - - - KORE 1450 9:15 p.m. PW.T. San Luis Obispo, Calif, - KVEC 1230 9:15 p.m. PW.T Eureka, Calif. - - - KIEM 1480 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Santa Ana, Calif. - - - KVOE 1490 9:15 p.m. PW.T Everett, Wash. - . - KRKO 1400 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Santa Barbara, Calif. - - KDV 1490 9:15 p.m. PW.T Fresno, Calif. - - - KFRE 1340 9:15 p.m. P.W.T. Seattle, Wash. - - - KOI, 1300 9:15 p.m. PW.T Gainesville, Florida - - - WRUF 850 7:00 p.m. EW.T. Sherman, Texas - - KRRV 910 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Grand Rapids, Mich. - - WLAV 1340 6:30 p.m. EW. T, Spokane, Wash. - - - KGA 1510 9:45 p.m. PW.T Great Bend, Kan. - - - KVGB 1400 6:00 p.m. CW.T. Springfield, Mass - - WSPR 1270 7:00 p.m. EW. T Greenfield, Mass. - - WHAI 1240 7:00 p.m. EW.T. St. Louis, Mo. - - - KWK 1380 6:00 p.m. C.W.T Hartford, Conn. - - - WTHT 1230 7:00 p.m. EEW.T. St. Petersburg Tampa, Fla. - WTSP 1380 7:00 p.m. EW.T Houston, Texas - - - KXYZ 1470 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Syracuse, N. VY. - - - WAGE 620 7:00 p.m. EEW.T Indianapolis, Ind. - . WIBC 1070 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Tacoma, Wash. - - - KMO 1360 9:15 p.m. PW.T Jamestown, N. D. - . - KRMC 1400 6:00p.m. C.W.T. Tucson, Ariz. - - KTUC 1400 9:30 p.m. M.W.T Kansas City, Mo. - - KITE 1500 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Wallace, Idaho - - KWAI 1450 9:15 p.m. P.W.T Klamath Falls, Oregon - - KF]JI 1240 9:15 p.m. PW.T. Washington, ID. C. - - WOL 1260 7:00 p.m. EW.T Laconia, N. H. - - - WILNH 1340 7:00 p.m. EEW.T. Waterbury, Conn. - - WATR 1320 7:00 pm. EEW.T Lewiston-Auburn, Me. - - WCOU 1240 7:00pm. EW. T. Wilmington, N. C. - - WMFD 1400 5:30 p.m. EW.T Lincoln, Neb. - - - KFOR 12460 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Winston-Salem, N. C. - - WAIR 1340 7:00 p.m. E.W.T Little Rock Ark. - KGHI 1230 6:00 p.m. C.W.T. Yakima, Wash. - - KIT 1280 9'15 p.m PW.T OCTOBER, 1942 Page NINETEEN