THE NORTH CAROLIN MESSE NGIUR. with our work at once, and will be bringing in tain the workers while the new sanitarium building 1s in process of erection. We all feel that the lord has opencd up the way before us; and now that the work of the new sanitaritim has actually begun, let all our people awake ta the necessities of such a tine as this, Tet there be a constant aad con- tinued cffort on the part of all to help place these institutions on their fect. [twill take some money to start a food plant, even in the smallest way. The first thing we must have 15 an oven and mate- rial out of which to manufacture the food products. Then we want our brethren to take hold of this food work, and use 1t as a means to teach people the gospel health. with reference to this work later on. The simple making of money 1s not the object of cither onr food work or our s.uibarinm work, anv more than it 1s the object of our school work. Our institutions arc all established for the purpose of teaching the great message, and to prepare a peonle to meet the Lord 111 peace. All our people will be happy to know that Dr. Albert Carey has been sceured to take charge of the Academy, [am sure that with Dr. Carey as principal, we may expect to have Dest mm the South. ].et our brethren think of this, and Begin to plan to send their voung schools Peon b , the Hildebran Aeademny, In this paper will be found a Hist of the names of those who have made pledges to the Hilde bran Academy for the purpose of meeting the last payment of one thousand dollars. Now we want another lst of those who will help t something to sus- fall, and this wil to pay a part of thelr pledges this the first payment; but we must have another list equally as large “as this before we can begin to see the end. Now let us begin to re- ceive the cash ard pledges at once, so that we may begin ony conference school on time. The of But more will be said one of the ‘may be given that effort to meet the fos? pavment. No Jdonht some of those whose names are mentioned here will be able sooner the money 1s received the sconer we can begin our school. J. OL JorxsTox, [Financial Agen: AP A WORD FROM DR. CAREY. Fron {he ocr Neaadoms of Dy mvitation I will sav afew words to the dear friends who are the readers of our inspiring little State paper. It was so much mv logic desire to make a personal acquaintance with vou all at our recent camp-mecting, that I have scarcely vet recovered from the disappointment e x perienced Since the Lord has placed me among vou to occupy a humble place for Him, I wish | I help to meet Bye NEM for Verlag | might! know personally every one in this held who is standing for the truth that makes us onz, and espec ally the young people and children to whom the Lord looking trained and enthused workers to till and carner His vinevard this the cleventh hour of service. Satan seekmyg those of ns who are vouug, that in the train- mg pertad of our lives a mold will be hard His truth to break. This mold mav not be openly wicked or immoral © it may be cvenecnltivated and refined; vetun- 15 18 ror Crod and for | at less at lifts up in the heart the de-. sire to be immediatel voked nr with Jesus in Fis ereat for himmanity, the purpose of him whose name is Adversary, aud whose sole aim is to oppose Christ in His service of love. As T take up the worl assioned voand alwavs 1t will fuihil me in this conference 1t 1s with the deepest desire that I may have, not only God's rich blessing, but the co-operation of every believer, and the hearty support of all our vouth., Our numbers may be few, but if we will be a little Tike the Great Leader with His school of twelve, the work can increase till we shall soon sce a work accoms- plished of which we mav be prond in God, Faithful, Toval, energetic co-operation will accomplish the work. let press tie fight carnestiv, brethren, and God will clive us miehty victories Yours in hope, Arerrt Carey. van NEWBERN. == is [ came to this place to labor the first of March, Brother Robt, I. Underwood accompanied me, and has canvassed the place “Coming King,” also doing considerable her massionary work. The work was somewhat retarded because we were not able to get any place in which to hold public meetings at first. Later ou I succeeded In getting a place in which 1 eould hold meetings two Sundays tin the month. The vis- ible results of the efforts put forth bere are at present about fifteen Sabbath keepers. Among this number 1s a Bapust manister, who is becoming quite an exponent of the mess ge. Another brother has traveled quite extensively on the West Coast of Arica, and can speak some ten or twelve different languages and dialects. Two of the sisters have been workers in the churches to which they for- merlyv belonged. Others are n- terested 1 the truth; and as Dro. Shelton 1s to follow up the inter- est, we hope to have a nice com- pany here for organization in the near future. On account of poor health T have not been able to do much as I nnght otherwise [SR as