tote hold plan to be there Fees cially ave all the yvonne people invit- ed to come. Fler Borg hag for many years been giving the youn people of the tention wd interest, ul we are denomination his nudivided at- sure Lis visit in Sewn Dakora will bring napiradton and blessing. Irom Dowdle, Elder Bond will «o to Plainview Aeademy, where lie will meet with the student body and 1a culty Monday and Tuesday, Novem. ber 14 and 15. Jo HL dH Roth, Roads, Changes We are living in a world of changes, and the cause of God is no exception to these chanzes. As has heen throuchout the lield, cenerally known Strother S01 Oriner has heen mm ill health for some tine. It owas hoped that he would recover sufficiently fo earry the burdens of the treasurership of the conference. However, time proved that it would be best for him {to retire entirely tor a indefinite period of rest. The conference committee mer some time ago and after eral names, asked the president to necotiate for an exchange of workers. Tt was Tound that we could eall 11 WL Perkins of the Towa Conference to fill this important position, the Towa Conference in inven ealling one ot” our field workers; namely I. T. Gaeken- hieimer. Brother Perkins 1s now serving as treasurer of the South Dakota Con- discussing =ov- All correspondence relative {reasurer’s work in the should be directed fo the the Sond Dakota Con- Brother H. JT. Perkins. We welcome this new his family to the field, and we are sure that our people will be clad fo ference. to the ferenee treasurer ofl ference. or C4) - worker and meet then and ger aeguainted with them. We are sorry to loge Brother Gackenhetmer, but bhecanse of our financial stress, it was Jelt besi fo release him. JT. H. Roth Colporteur Report P. D, Gerrard Union Tield Secrctary Week Ending October 29, 1918 Bks. Hrs, Sales Dell Towa—:. H. Boehrig, Sec, Elsis A. Bahr Mag. 19 5.60 5.60 William Betts HR 39 6.70 Roy Chamberlain RR 30 13.00 NORTHERN T'NTON OUTTS0K Mes Chemis rindn Aise i. Haiverson AI Johnson Mise A RATE I SF Toy TN Kroll Fi 25.00 500 Mrs Nm Wrenner Mise RAI) BI Plazel Messenger [RE iy Nh SHOAL Niswanger [3 SERIES SRE ER Mis. HLM. Nye AYR ESTE hos Caordonr Cheon 131. ery Flisie AT ockbhan Moe, 1d ‘ Glenn She lon [ERE H FI Siricllang LES ae A Nisin Aden Mise Ll 1 0b Rav Wingland iE! 300 J Wire ineeh RUSE 1.600 Home Waorliors MEET 100 RD Lozalie Tan: Misr te iH Aras FL Leebhirinnny Mis a0 il Alex RE A Mrs Huei iors Triste ‘ Minnesota—' 1 Karl Kvenwson TL 00 Jones Murtle Totorzon Virginia Rust Clare CF Tlusr 12 Powers Willian Cireer Nina Mognuson Tolsie Wivett J. herm nth Yiredal 2. Christopherson Flaraold Santini Mra Leger Florence Pomeroy Home Workers Total South Dakota—12 i. Brown, Sec, Jonathan Trenneize "TY 16 12.00 Rais “Orville Too Poors ip ah R00 7T.00 Robert Brown Mize, 3 BRE 1.05 Taial Tay BEER North Dakota—Tioger Baker Al. AL Seofield FIWS #2 1840 12dith © Olson HP Hi $3.80 ilvera Petersen Mise, 1.00 1.00 Ars, HJ Johnsen Mag. 1 RD Hi) Total TUTTI anon an6n 2 wens Total for ITnion TTT ns 110A. ER TOAD ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisemsnts and business notices are not solicited, but are published only “8 an accommodation, They must be sent ia the Iocal conference office to he approves “dd by the conferonee officers before being published in the Northern 1'nion Outlook. Far each insertion the rate is twa cents word with on minimum charge of itty cents cash to accompany the advertises ment. soung nmrried man, steady far work for stricec S01 willing, depeniiihle, Pion Wanted, bi NVear-ard wind AL honest, Gunderson, im, Towa, Wanted i—Aat once, and until thee end of is soho! vear, oo ood Beane Tora sorrel Drees Yides dant yes old? Wil pay for ber leendnse, Wet H [RD ESIEY CURE SORTS FEA SRST EL FEE raknta Prepare now for Troublous Times These are serions times, when we know nat what a dav may bring forth, A few davs aro we were almost eer tain that a ferrible war would break out in Europe, a war which statesmen said would probably mean the end of civilization. What the immediate future has in store for us, we know not; but we can look for only troub- lous times, Cle - i Uh ley threates stances every Adventist shoald be up ~lronddd 1 Silt aid dons. Fapeen]ly any women be reselving And Home Notre cer Join elnsses In NOUR He Sg ted ietion an Firs ped NTs these sibgect< hop por alll Those whe cantor jon classes should enroll ar ree Jor These eonrses as oven throated the ails by the Howe Study Institute, that Conference