peoples Therefore. 1st Resolved, That we ‘hereby ¢ express our gratitude to God for his tokens of mercy and love. -Whereus, In view of the dangers, perils and difficulties which thicken as we near the end, we feel the need of the special blessing of God in every line of our work for the coming year. Therefore, be it hereby (2nd) Resolved That we invoke his blessing upon this Confer- ence, and its deliberations, his ministry, and people. Whereas, the Spirit of God "has spoken decidedly that ‘‘There should be schools established wherever there 1s a church or company of believers.” Therefore (3rd) Resolved, That we recommend that wherever it is possible, our churches establish such schools, and that the Conference Committee be consulted in each case, in regard to teachers, text-books, and all other matters wherein the church might need advice. | Whereas, The Lord has spoken to us that our work now is especially to the highways and hedges. Therefore be it (4th) Resolved, That it is the sense of this body, that each church begin this work at home, helping the poor and fallen, in their own community, first; And Whereas a certain class of people can be reached by city missions, that cannot be reached otherwise, Therefore, be it Resolved ~ (5th) That whenever in our large cities Prov- idence seems to indicate that such missions should be established, and means and suitable ‘help can be obtained to conduct the same, we establish such missions. All such enterprises to be under the direction of the Conference Committee, and should churches desire to establish such enterprise dt their own expense, + we recommend that consultation be had with the Conference Committee. ~The report was considered, on a motion © to adopt, by items. The first and second pre- "ambles and resolutions were adopted as pre- serited. The third was discussed at. some length, and the words “wherever it is possi- ble,” were striken out, and it was laid on the table for further consideration, and the Con- ference adjourned to the call of the Chair. "The third meeting was called at 4 p. M. | June 2. After singing, and prayer by the secretary, the minutes of the last meeting were, | read and approved. The 4th resolution was read, ‘and amend- | ed by placeing the word: © ‘of the word “begin”, ~~ i | Resolution 5 was discussed at some length and then the report was adopted as a whole. The following was then presented and adopted as a substitute for the resolution which was laid upon the table. Whereas The Spirit of God has indicated that church-schools should be established, Therefore, Resolved, That itis the sense of this body, that the Conference Committee act in the capacity of a school board, taking tte supervision of the establishment of schools wherever and whenever feasible. Resolutions were presented and adopted expressing the thanks of the Conference to the R. R. companies for reduced rates of fare; to the Press of the T'win Cities for courtesies in publishing reports of our meetings; and to the owners of the grounds on which our Camp has been so pleasantly accomodated. The Com- mittee on nomination of officers for the ensu- ing year, presented their report, as follows: For president, C. W. Flaiz; vice-president, C. M. Everest; secretary, D. P. Curtis; treasur- er, C. M. Everest; Executive Committee; C. W. Flaiz, C. M. Everest, Fred Johnson, An- drew Mead, J. H. Behrens. Trustees of the Minnesota Conference Association, I. B. Losey, R. W. Freer, M. H. Ellis. The nom- ination for Conference officers was confirmed by acclamation, and that of trustees by ballot, as required by the statues of the States. The Committee on credentials and licenses reported, recommending that credentials be renewed to the following named brethren: Elds. C. W. Flaiz, D. P. Curtis, H. F. Phelps, Andrew Mead, Fred Johnson, A. J. Stone, J. H. Behrens, A. J. Voth, Daniel Nettleton, D. E. Scoles, W. A. Sweany, C. L. Emmersor; and that Bro. O. O. Bernstein be ordained and receive credentials. That ministerial licenses besgiven to Brn. J. F. Pogue, A. W. Kuehl, P.S. Olsen, J. W. Ingison, A. E. Christian, Luther Burgess, John Christiansen, L. H. Christian, H. G. Burgeson. That missionary - credentials be given to Brn. C. M. Everest, L. B. Losey, M. H. Ellis, and Sisters AF. Ellis, Rose F. Mead, Ella E. Merickel, Hannah Carlson, Alma Johnson, Frances V. Boughton, Lena Nichols. All others are referred to the Conference Committee. On a motion to adopt the report by tems, the names were read and passed until ‘the name of J. W. Ingison was reached, when he raised a question as to the propriety of sending a man out to preach the gospel, and yet withhold from him the right to finish his work by administering baptism to believers. After some remarks by the Presi- dent, a motion prevailed to withhold action upon the name of Bro. Ingison, until the Con- ference Committee can confer with him. The remainder of the report was adopted, and the meeting adjourned to the call of the Chair, The fourth meeting was called at 9:30 a. ~ M. June 5, on the adjournment of the Tract Society, and prayer was offered by the Presi- dent, minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The name of Bro. Ingison was presented for ministerial license. the president stating that the question raised by him at the previous meeting had been satisfactorily set- tled. A motion was carried unanimously to grant it. By request of the Pleasant Grove church, its name was changed to Stewartville. A resolution was offered, to hereafter elect the Conference Committee by ballot. Moved to amend by making all conference officers elec- ted by ballot. After some discussion it was laid on the table. The following preamble and resolution was moved: Whereas, the Spirit of God has said that ‘“The Camp-meetings should be moved from place to place, and not located at same city or town more than two or three times”,— Resolved that it is the sense of this meeting, that our annual Camp-meetings be held at points outside of St. Paul and Min- neapolis in the future. After some discussion, an amendment prevailed to leave the matter in the hands of the Conference Committee. A resolu- tion was presented, that we request the Review and Herald Publishing Company, to translate and print, a volume of the Testimonies, in the Danish, Swedish, and German languages, for the use of our churches; and, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the pub- lishers. After some discussion on 4 motion to adopt, the motion prevailed. The following was then moved, discussed, and adopted. Resolved, That the action of the Conference (at the session of 1890) making the ex- pense of all meals, Hotel bills, and postage relating to Conference work of our laborers, payable by them- selves, ought to be and hereby is’ ‘rescinded. Re- solved, That the above named ifems of expense be left wholly with the Auditing Committee. No more business being presented, the minutes of the meet- ing were read and approved, and the Conference ad- journed ‘‘sine die’. = C. W. FLAIz, President, D. P. Curtis, Secretary. ® NOTES FROM THE FIELD. @ Central. Cl I sPENT Sabbath and Sunday following the close of the Camp-meeting, at Albert Lea, in quarterly meeting with the church there. The attendance was not large, but the Lord came near to us, and we had a good meeting. Monday, I started north to join Eld. Mead in tent work at Central, a country district nine miles from Verndale. On the way I visited rel- atives at Eden Valley, St. Cloud and Ft. Ripley, whom I had not seen for two years. I preached once at each of these places. I reached Verndale Monday and began looking for a place to locate my family, but found none, so went to Wadena where 1 found a house, and once more have a place I can call home. Wednesday I came out here, and found Eld. Mead hard at work, and preparations for meetings well along. We hope to begin next Sunday. The people are friendly, but the mosquitoes are savage and seem bent on our destruction. Old settlers say they were never so thick before and we believe it. ANDREW MEAD, W. A. SWEANV. Luverne. ON account of a revival being in progress at the M. KE. Church our meetings did not begin until Mon- day night, June 20. We have held four meetings. The attendance has been just fair. Those who came gave excellent attention. We today wrote 120 personal invitations and each member of the company shared the work of calling upon the people and presenting the cards to them. This is the second time we have billed the town, Remember the work here. C. IL. EMMERSON, M. B. VaN KIRK. Maple Plain. THE interest in the series of meetings now in progress here in Maple Plain seems to be in no de- gree abating as our tent was well filled. last evening =. (Sunday) with a closely attentive audience. Collec-- tion $2.15 EE This field gives some evidence of fruit. The Lord is opéning the way into the. homes of the * people. Our hearts are nffde glad at the present outlook. We will reach the Sabbath question this - week, and ask to be remembered in the prayers of the faithful, ~~ 0. O. BERNSTEIN, . Luraer J. BURGESS. Farmington. THE past week we have made visits from house to house. The people seem very indifferent. Never- theless, the interest with those, that attend seems to be growing from day to day; thank the Lord for that. We are of good courage in the Lord. J. H. Bruins, A. W. KUEHL,