Wowk “i ( continued ) hersacopd form of Dualism is that there are two antagonistic spirits, evil and good. Under this view matter is either the creation or the passive instrument of a 2 malignant personal intelligence which continually wars against all good. who tried to blend the ancient Persian beliefs with Christianity. He died in 277 Zdoroagter however held matter to be pure and the creation of the Good Being. 3 Gnosticism, New Platonism are somewhat related heresies in the early 3 This view is usually tgrmed Manichasism, a name which comes from lanes, a Persian, P \ church, Zoroastrianism may be traced back to the 0ld Babylonian, omnipotence, sovereignity, and blessedness of God ) By the many Scriptures which represent the prince of evil as a creature of God and subject to God's control. Col. 1 : 16 —— "for by him were all tuings created,”..... II Pet, 2 : 4. --- "God spared not the angels that sinned, but...." Rev, 20 : 2, 10 ——- "and he laid hold on the" "ee—— and the devil that deceived them was cast into..." (a) This Manichaeism is refuted by all the many arguments which prove the unity, \ NU The Roman church of the Middle Ages taught beliefs much like Manichaeism "To erect matter into an eternal Thing, independent of the Almighty but forever beside Him, is the most revolting of all heresies," rn Te 95 - 101; 124, 128, 129.) Fueled SA : "Back to the Bible,"