OUR MEMORIAL TO NOBLITT CLARENCE A kindly, friendly man with a real zest for living, he was close to the God of nature. Whether supervising silo filling, teaching a Sab- bath-school class of teen-agers, enjoying a concert in his favorite chair beside his record player, or engaging in his hobby of bringing a beautiful field of waving green corn to prize fruition, Clarence Noblitt did with a will whatever his hand or mind found to do. He was never too busy to befriend a child or rescue a stray bristling kitten; his generous heart reached out to all children and creatures of home and field. In the minds of his neighbors, friends, and loved ones he still lives as a gentle doer of homely acts of consideration—a special trip in his car, a souvenir from a journey, a dish of berries picked in time for supper, or some needed article delivered at one’s doorstep. His sense of humor, his quick repartee to some jovial remark, his spirit of cooperation, his ability as a teacher and worker won for him the respect and liking of his students and colleagues. Such geniality of spirit as his is never lost. Its warmth still lingers in the hearts of all who knew him. “The joy of life is living it and doing things of worth In making bright and fruitful all the barren spots on earth. For only he knows perfect joy whose little bit of soil Is richer ground than what it was when he began to toil.”