SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD 5 TEXAS CONFERENCE G. PF. President J. O. Hanson, Secretary 1i2 St. Louis Ave. Fort Worth | Eichman, Tithe Increase WE ARE sure that our people will be glad to know that the June remit- tance reveals the fact that we had an increase in tithe for June, 1935, over June, 1934, of $510.04; also for June 1935, over May, 1935, of $545.35. Certainly the Lord has been blessing our people and they have been faith- ful to the Lord. It is interesting to note that tithe is also coming from the new believers, and also very encourag- ing that in almost every mail we find some tithe from some of our isolated believers. The Lord certainly will reward His dear children for being faithful in their tithe and offerings and thus supporting the cause of God. May God bless every one of us and help us to be faithful and true to Him until the great work of God on earth is finished. G. F. EicamAN. Our Mission Offerings OUR readers will be glad to know that the office was happily surprised and greatly pleased over our mission offerings for the month of June. They showed a splendid increase over the previous month. This shows that our people are faithful in supporting the cause of God. We want our people to know that we greatly appreciate their loyal sup- port that has been given the admin- istration in our endeavors to reduce the indebtedness of our conference and at the same time carry forward an aggressive evangelistic program. This has been done in both cases. In spite of the fact that our people throughout the entire conference have been assisting in our struggle to re- duce the indebtedness and to carry forward at the same time an aggres- sive evangelistic program, they have been loyal in the support to our mis- sions, which we do greatly appreciate. As a people we are carrying on a balanced program, and even though we are carrying a heavy load at home, we must remember our obligations to the foreign field. Another opportunity in the near future will be given our people throughout the entire denomination to give a liberal offering to the support of the cause of God in the world-wide field. This is the Mid-Summer Of- fering, which has been set for Sab- bath, July 20. The goal of the Texas Conference is about two thousand dol- lars, or just a little less than fifty cents per member. We do earnestly plead with our good people to give a liberal offering so that we can raise our goal and do our part toward the carrying of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Let us earnestly pray that the Lord will bless His work, not only in our conference, but throughout the world-wide harvest field, and let us also plan to give a liberal offering on Sabbath, July 20. G. ¥. EicHMAN. Texas Campmeeting THE Texas campmeeting will be held in Temple, Texas, beginning Sun- day night, August 4, and closing the night after Sabbath, August 10. It seems that some people are under the impression that it is to begin Friday night, August 2. We hope that every one who expects to attend will bear in mind that the meeting does not begin until Sunday night, August 4, at eight o'clock. You will notice that the meeting will be only a week. We are hoping that we will have a good attendance. We have the promise of a good number of our people that they would come and stay throughout the entire meeting. Brethren, let us take advantage of this annual convocation and come to- gether and receive the blessing which the Lord has in store for us. We all stand in need of a closer communion with God. The Lord has promised to be with His children when they gather in His name. We do earnestly hope and trust that every one of our peo- ple will take advantage of this op- portunity and enjoy the spiritual feast which the Lord has in store for us. We have a very crowded program. The day begins with a six o’clock de- votional meeting, and throughout the entire day every day there is a full program, closing with a sermon at eight o'clock in the evening. During that time we will have two conference sessions a day until the business of the conference can be cared for. Every hour is crowded full of good things. Surely nobody in the entire field can afford to miss this meeting. Let us earnestly pray that the Lord’s blessing might rest upon His children as they gather in this annual campmeeting and that as a result we will all be greatly encouraged to press forward in the Lord’s work until it is finished. G. F. EIcHMAN. Orange Effort Closed Successfully LAST night, June 30, we closed our series of meetings in Orange, Texas, at the beginning of the tenth week. The Lord has certainly blessed in these meetings. As we close the regular services twenty-four have al- ready been baptized and others are waiting baptism this coming Sabbath. - As the effort began there were but two baptized believers in Orange. Now plans are laid for our confer- ence president to come in July and organize a nice church. At present they will not build but will rent an attractive little church building from the Lutheran people. This has been the most enjoyable meeting I have ever gone through. The people here are hungering for the truth. Our tent has been filled through the entire meeting. Our clos- ing night the tent was packed and many standing. Mrs. Carter has served during the meeting as pianist and Bible worker and Brother Leonard Webb has had charge of the singing and helped in the visiting. We as workers are thankful for the blessings poured out upon us here in the work this summer. GLENMORE R. CARTER. - June Operating Statement IN SPITE of the fact that we have had heavy expenses in 1935 for the first six months, inasmuch as we had a general church officers’ meeting at. which time we brought the officers of the churches together from all over the conference, and later a teachers’ . institute at which time all the teach- ers were brought together, and later a number of workers were asked to attend a convention in Nashville, Ten- nessess, at which time five of our workers attended, besides moving workers-into the field, which is always a heavy expense, and in spite of the fact that we have spent already over three thousand dollars in evangel- istic work, we show an operating gain for the first six months of $824.69.