The REMNANT OF ISRAEL Entered as Second Class matter March 17, 1915, at the post. office at Britton, Okla., under the act of March 3, 1870. Published Monthly By UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY BRITTON, OKLA. U. S. A. G. G. RUPERT - - - - Managing ¥ditor I.C.Sultz - - - - - Contributing Editor Subscription price, per year - - - - $1.00 Volume 4 JANUARY 1920 Number 49 SPECIAL ATTENTION. - We would again call attention to Brother Gould’s booklet, “To the Remnant of Israel.” Brother Gould has furnished this office with quite a few for us to distribute to the readers. Ie places no price on them. So they are free for the postage, three cents. If any wish to pay fifteen cents for them it will be forwarded to Brother Gould to aid him in his missionary work. He has no settled office so mail could reach him from here generally. Get the booklet from this office. THE COMING YEAR. We now see that God is giving us much to bring out for the readers the coming year which they need. Light shines more and more in the path of the just. Not the trading of lamps but the triming of the same lamp to cause it to shine more and more on the truth God has been giving in the past and new rays of light for the future. Come brethren, wake up and do not loose the prize. Says the prophet, “Let no man take thy crown.” Others will come and do the work in our place, and we be lost if we are not faithful. I earnestly plead for faithfulness in all our doings in God’s work that you and I may hear the “Well done good and faithful servant.” No man who is covetous, proud, dislonest with God will ever hear it said of him. ONCE MORE. Once more we reach the end of another year. This issue is the first of this year’s issues. We will say that our list will be revised and no doubt many names will be dropped from the list for want of interest on their part. We cut no one off who wishes the paper sufficint to work for its advancement and study its contents. But unless we hear from them the name will be dropped. We have many who have helped in the past, so their names stand whether we hear or not. We trust there will be a general move to secure new subscribers and also to send the paper to those whom you are interested in. We wish every name both in this country and foreign that can be sent to us. The year means much if we mistake not in the work of God. Who will come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty- No man’s religion amounts to much who does but little. WHAT SHALL WE DO? There are but few new subscribers placed on our list for the coming year. as best we can. It is this, so far as lieth in our power physically, mentally and financially we shall by the Lord’s help keep the work going as we have for the past five years in the printing of the paper. At present it looks at times dark financially. But it has looked so many times but the way was opened so we kept going along. Personally we are ready to quit when the door is What shall we do?We answer the above question . THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL closed so we can go no further. We will then feel clear. We did the best we could, and that is all that is required. We feel so thankful for all past favors shown us. We feel to praise the Lord every day that he has given us the chance he has to give to cthers that which he gives to us and fed our souls on the bread of life. I have no fears that the work we have started will die. That cannot be. God never allows his word to return to him void. This work will in some way continue. A CHALLENGE. I have of late received not less than four or five communi- cations which have tried to help Dr. Reed on his side of the question as to the resurrection day of Christ, or rather to prove that Christ was in the grave three days and three nights. We did not care to say more than we have said about that question, for a time at least, but one of these challenges any person “To prove that Christ arose on the first day of the week.” The record says in each instance that when the women went to the sephulchre he was risen. Therefore I suppose because the woman did not see him come out of the grave it is evident he did not rise on the first day of the week. Let us look at it. Such persons are reminders of Thomas, who would not believe till he felt of the prints of the nails in his hands. Well, if they will just believe the Bible the matter can be very easily proven he did arise on the first day of the week, whether they saw him or not. The record says plairly he would rise the third day, as we have cited in many instances where this is written. The record says he was placed in the tomb after the sixth hour on the pre- peration day before the Sabbath. It says that “the women rested the Sabbath according to the command, and early the first day of the week they went early in the morning and he was risen.” He had had twelve hours in which to rise the first day before they got there. Now the deciples said that that first day of the week was the third day. Now if this brother who challenges will be- lieve the word then his trouble will end, but if like Thomas, he must have some one see him rise, we cannot help his unbelief.™ This same brother says Brother Reed cannot prove he rose on the Sabbath. That is true, for he did not rise on that day. He accuses Brother Reed correctly, for the women did not go to the sephulcre on the Sabbath. Neither did Christ arise on the Sab- bath. So we reccommend this brother and Dr. Reed to settle their difficulty. Another, the Editor of the “Evangel of Hope,” tries next to help Brother Reed, but they disagree also, for the Editor says the heart of the earth is Palestine and not the grave. He then next says, in order to evade the plain record that the “Disciples said the first day of the week was the third day. The Editor says the Catholics changed the original and made it read that way to help themselves out. This reminds us of a preacher whom we know who tried to preach on profound subjects. But soon after he started, he would get where he could not see how to follow his line any further, and so he always resorted then to the text that said, “Great is the mystery of Godliness.” That let him out and he could take a fresh start. So now it is one of the common things if any scripture does not sustain those who have not the truth, they say this was not correctly translated, or the Catholics changed it, and it does not teach the truth as it should. I wish some of these would give us a correct translation who make these charges. Such in most of cases would be a curiosity. But even that would be easier than to have Christ in the grave three nights, and still believe Christ himself when he said he would rise the third day. These teachers must have some manner of figuring which I was not taught in school, and a thing could happen today as the first day,and then not have day after tomorrow “not be the third day. Then they must have some kind of reckon- ing different to any thing I know of to get three nights between the first and the third day. So it is true that those in error do net agree with themselves. It is also true that they have strange logic, and wish people to believe it then it is directly in contradic-