94 THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY. are failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth. Thunders mutter in the distance. Winds moan across the surging bosom of the deep. All things betide the rising of that fatal storm of divine indignation which shall sweep away the vain refuge of lies.” In addition to this, we have spiritualism, infidel o ity, socialism, free-love, the trades unions, or labor against capital, and communism,—all assiduously spreading their principles among the masses. These are the very principles that worked among the peo- ple, as the exciting cause, just prior to the terrible French Revolution of 1789-1800. Human nature is the same in all ages, and like causes will surely produce like effects. These causes are now all in act- ive operation; and how soon they will culminate in a state of anarchy, and a reign of terror as much more frightful than the French Revolution as they are now more widely extended, no man can say. Such are some of the elements already at work; such is the direction in which events are moving. And how much further is it necessary that they should progress in this manner before an open war- cry from the masses of persecution against those whose simple adherence to the Bible shall put to shame their man-made theology, and whose godly lives shall condemn their wicked practices, would seem in nowise startling or incongruous ? But some may say, through an all-absorbing faith in the increasing virtue of the American people, that they do not believe that the United States will ever raise the hand of persecution against any class. Very well. This is not a matter over which we need to indulge in any controversy. No process of reason- ing nor any amount of argument can ever show that it will not be so. We think we have shown good ground for strong probabilities in this direction ; and HE DOETH GREAT WONDERS. 95 | we shall present more forcible evidence, and speak of more significant movements, hereafter. As we i interpret the prophecy, we look upon it as inevita- | ble. But the decision of the question must be left i to time; we can neither help nor hinder its work; that will soon solve al' doubts. and correct all er- . TOTS. Chapter big fut, HE DOETH GREAT WONDERS. N further predicting the work of the two-horned beast, the prophet says, ‘ And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” This language is urged by some to prove that the two-horned beast must be some power which holds the reins of government in the very territory occu- | pied by the first beast: for, otherwise, how could he exercise his power? If the word “before” denoted precedence in time, and the first beast passed off the stage of action when the two-horned beast came on, just as Babylon gave E Dace to Persia, which then exercised all the power of Babylon before it, there would be some plausibil- ity in the claim, But the word rendered “before” Cis dvomov ( enopion ), which means, literally, “in the presence of” And so the language, instead of prov- g ing what is claimed, becomes a most positive proof ~ that these beasts are distinct and contemporary powers. The first beast is in existence, having all its sym- E bolic vitality, at the very time the two-horned beast Js exercising power in his presence. But this could