PAGE TWO S.W. J. C. NEWS NOTES. We are glad to welcome the following" students, who have arrived this week: Gerald King, Robert Lynn, Mary Luc- cock, Ray Cole, Mae Wilhelm, Reggie Mattison, Gussie Kinder, Mr. Tucker. The enrollment of the * church school has passed the ninety mark. The girls’ basket ball team has been reorganized. Mrs. W. T. Field, of Fresno, Calif, has been visiting old friends in Keene, this week. ‘Mrs. Brewer, of Comanche, Okla- homa, visited her son, Frank Brewer, last week. . Miss Olive Wilson is spending a few days in Houston with her brother who is ill. - Elder Woodward, a returned mission- ary from the Philippines, spoke to the Keene church last Sabbath. Miss Rose Carey was called home to Houston, Wednesday. We hope to have her back with us in a short time. While the girls were entertaining the boys in the girls’ parlor lest Saturday night, Professor Conard entertained the village students at his home. After a very interesting and helpful vesper service, Sabbath evening, Sep- tember 24, President Isaac announced that the Mission Bands would have their first meeting for the present school year. Two bands were organized, the Latin-American, and the Oriental. The members are especially glad to have two returned missionaries among their number, Brother Brown of China, and Miss Woodward of the Philippines. Last Tuesday morning Professor Con- ard made us a very interesting chapel talk, giving us a clear idea of the dis- tribution of all the tithes and offerings. By means of a diagram he showed us what proportion of these funds is used in the offerings that reach the churches or local, Union and General Conferences. " We cannot but wonder with pride at the efficient methods of handling the vast sums which this people are using every Fear for the carrying of this message to the world. - "The. following were ‘enrolled, up to September 21; : Texas. Frank Abel, Ww. 0. Bilz, Charline Blackburn; Robert J. Brown, Mrs. T. A. Casey, Winona Casey, Lee Carter, Glenmore Carter, Rose - Carey, Nellie Mae Clark, Lola Clark; Charlie Clark, Alma Mae Chinn, Morrille Ac Mordy, ‘Eva Mae Adair, - Reuben Anderson, Mr. P. H. Barnes, W .0. Bilz, Mrs. Earl Clovinger, Cecil Cook, Roy Cole, R. F. Cook, Juanita Cooke, Helen Con- rad, Florence Cox, Ruth Cox, C. M. Condon, Margaret Cordis, D. V. Cram, Mrs. D. V. Cram, Bessie Crane, Dwight Davis, Paul G. Davis, Mrs. N. W. Dunn, Byron Ellis, Lila Evans, Byron Findley, Lela Belle Findley, M. A. Flowers, Flossie Fortner, Dottie Franklin, Cubley Franklin, Ina Belle Graves, Rosa Graves, Roy Griffin, Al- bert Griffin, Vivian Gregory, Roy Guf- fey, Elmer Hahne, John Hahne, W. H. Harhardt, Lucille Harper, Lilah Beth Hopps, Fred Hudson, Vella Huling, Mike Jones, Ruth James, Ermol James, Cecil Jerkins, Veldonna Jenson, Flor-. ence Johnscon, Floyd King, A. T. King, Noel Kinzer, Lillie Knudson, Uriah Knudson, Villa Kreitzer, Helena Kunz, Vance La Grone, Leona Laird, Calvin - E. Lane, Nora Langford, Ruby Lay- - land Lucille Lewis, Evelyn Lyons, Mary Luccock, Randolph Luccock, Howard Mattison, Reggie Mattison, Lawrence Martin, Edna McClain, W. H. McReynolds, Vearl Morrill, Thelma Neal, Eleanor Nelson, Clarence Niel- son, Mabel Nielson, Mrs. H. H. O’Har- row, Louise Pickney, Dwight Randall, Edith Randall, Cleo Razer, Mrs. R. T. Richey, Lois Robbins, J .B. Ross, Mrs. J. B. Ross, Alaska Rotenberry, Willie D. Sanders, Clayton Schied, Toral Seat, Lela Smith, Grandon,. €C. G. Stewart, Horace Thompson, P. E. Van Landing- ham, Helen Vaughn, Edith Warren, Warren Whitfield, Ralph- Whitfield, Ralph Wilson, Aline Wilson, Herly- - Meb Weems, Bruce Wilcox, Marie Wil- cox, Cleo Woodall, J. M. Zeroth, Brent Zachary. Oklahoma. Opal Baird, Eula Beavers, Grace Beavers, Mabel Beavers, Frank Brew- er, Kenneth Brown, J. B. Close, Ollie Close, Ermol Cornish, Dorris Cloniger, Wane Doke, Geraline Davis, can, Louis Ferguson, H. P. Fisher, E. W. Fisher, Harold Fillman, Genivee Goss, Elbert Gepford, John Gepford, Robert B. Grady, T. D. Greer, Edna Hardin, Pearle Hardy, J. B. Hawkins, Mary Heim,:C. K. Hensley, D. M. Housley, Eunice Huber, Claude Hughes, Fern Kenyon, Gussie Kinder, . Kristine Klostermyer, Charles Loftin, Ivan Lothian, Orie Madden, Hickman McGavock, Joe McFarland, John Plow- man, Ollila B. Powell, Leonard Robin- .'De Bolt, Frank L. Dent, Violet Dun- i Saadeh ‘* SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD Lee Thomas, Francis Werner, Addie Wilson, Leta Wilson. Arkansas, Marion Beamer, Raymond Beem, Marbert Black, E. J. Black, Fremona Black, Wiley B. Jones, Ellen Kerr, Mary E. Mullins, Grace Moore, Ella Robertson, Glenn Thurston, W. M. Wil- son. Co . New Mexico. Carrie Anderson, Grace Cole, Ray- mond Cassell, Nellie Daniels, Anna Daniels, - Florence Jacobson, Ethel Stuart, Earl Truitt. Louisiana. Ruby. Roach, Hazel Ezell. Colorado. Albin Conrad. Missouri. Geneva Tickey. Kansas. . Eva Michael. Tennessee, Pearl Walker. Towa. Mrs. G. W. Habernicht. “Illinois, C. A. Walgren. 'S. W Union Conf. Oklahoma, City, Okla 411 Baum BIladg. President - Elder M. Lukens Sec.-Treas. C. E. Smith 3 NG vote peg ese ve . = OUR MISSION FUNDS. On this page you will find a copy of the statement of the sixty-cent-a- week fund for eight months, ending August 31, 1921. This statement shows all local conferences and missions greatly in arrears, and a total union shortage of $39,486.92. The camp meeting season is over and we cannot expect individuals to make large: of- ferings to missions during the remain-. ing part of this year; however, many - of the camp meeting pledges will not be paid until near the close of the year. : The Harvest Ingathering campaign, which is just before us; affords ex- ‘cellent. opportunity for each confer- ence ta bring in sufficient. funds. to overcome this -shortage. The. good work of enlisting every church mem- - “ber, children included, in the system- atic distribution of the special “Watch- son, Lois Shafer, J ohnie Shaw, Thelma: : Shaw, Clarence Smith, Irene” Smith,- man’ should begin at once and con- tinue until the whole field is canvassed.