THE EDUCATION used in the College are used in this work. These lessons are carefully stud- ied and answers to the questions written aul on paper. The lesson thus prepared is mailed to the instructor, who makes proper corrections, and retwrns the sons to the stadent. les- The answers thus the Essays corrected are carefully copied in the are assigned [roms time to lime, and sent hook in spaces provided. sions, till Chesive of tn for cramiination and sugge tors necessary, besides the ard the Lessons, io have Ages” which is used as a It is have a Hable Lhasa y, ariat constant rolovenes worl, also Miglily Jasin le IN wWaratevers ather works the student cai on thie Apes. Order lessons fram Lowen College [ES B51 =i 1 thie Life of Christ and Acts of thes, Press, College View, Net, Pooe Stu dies in Gospel History, Joe Ulossans ta Apostolic History" G00 ENC RR BE SCE ER CA TE IL ICE DA A SIS CIT | Py, REC HEINER CEE Tha < EERE (3 Phot Yt Phos converse x ada oied especially to Lhe needs of church so bool teachers who RETR CER TET: Fags d iy TR RT il Sr La Vieni rrr aie i Or da FEE RE of ol Fi Oo [IF 5 Based Gn ells Lan ganre Havas Ni ! Alva bold the frm re devsiod Lo The atighy of Too sb ran Livah Saal de sre thads dnc wt] grates der Dod i Sober Pact Sx Mh, wu [EET PERE fiat) sal a i L i i » , r LAC 2 [Ea BS < H . Gil i lemmings 1 [ESTEE i AREER I ~ COREE OW CUR Eis Ly Cone te ae ii ¥ wt id ovm ot EFI ATI 5 Lh ACER vn snp levine tary reading is ALGO AL ORR LARGE Sol CARMI INGE wn as Lod ST Rr " fi , ‘ This work is desipood to be of oe | Wl VI LE sl ba hed Dept Wr frelon co chineot school Tea Sanbatn + ad 1 . ye [SER SThool Workers, or auvone wishing Lo lzmrn bo dyes or pawat frown seture dn AL MESSENGER water colors, The work will be entire- ly individual and will be adapted to the needs and desires of each student, The course will consist of ten lessons giving eaercises in simple outline drawing, de- light values, simple perspective and form study, and signing. and shade and cusy work in color. Six weeks are al- lowed to one lesson aud as soon as 2ach lesson is completed it wall be sent an to reachey for oriticism. rood exe diferent methods of render be send wilh cach Jesson and retired to the teacher when lhe suc suas sent in Sor - a i - Coviatng les All sriticisin necessary materials will be sent with the Tessons The cost of inuterals will depend pon the fiad ob werk dde- dived by el exoeod $1.79. the student, bul will probably SHC [ERS ED ES UES Fotteen manila vs tlicwed ToT cach ik (hese slipdics @ wa pd Coa lneys Foriadis LCase Lil whisoh vy long ai UY ower may be done [REN dhived pl Lad slander! desire te IRE: Fivome whic al latns toed peti < CO rEg al stanly Wh ea [ vit Geo The wa pret mand AREER ET CE cin dhe ole ve ba wi 1 thew | REE EAN SN BOERNE SE i SUS TOSS SA ETN SE A So : SE ve Fp FERS slip ran YER Weed i . b 1 i$! Li * Lh H HE SiR sO vated Oa ; aba thee dna 7 k i [ ' iad EEN RL [i [OES Py Fog Narthier talorngsiten and bor anraels 5 EE J a ET TIP STAs Sr De] CAN BENE RS BUA ES SY § VERSE Wait [EE FAS hd ph COUEAT YON propose bn bab z sacnld be sent to the same puosod adress duoevery case 1s College Seen