25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ow is history made? Fortunately, one H correct answer is that people make history. Otherwise, anniversaries would be terribly dull. We herewith invite you to join in one way we bave been celebrating Adventism’s recent history. To mark Spectrum's 25th anniversary, the editoral board asked itself the following ques- tion: “Whether we applaud or deplore their impact on the Adventist community, what five persons bave most influenced the Seventh-day Adventist Church over the past 25 years?” The individuals profiled below received the highest number of votes. (For the names of the editorial board see Spectrum's inside front cover.) If the Editorial Board had decided to select the Adventist names most prominent in society it might well bave chosen peoplesuch as Leonard Bailey, Loma Linda University’s ground- breaking infant beart surgeon; Herbert Blomstedt, the award-winning music director of the San Francisco Symphony; Benjamin Carson, the chief of pediatric surgery at Jobns Hopkins University Medical School; or Take DEecemBER 1994 Five Most Influential SDAs—1969-1994 The people we think most affected Adventism during Spectruny’s first 25 years. Six, the best-selling gospel singing group. Ratber, the editorial board picked those indi- viduals who bave most shaped the course of recent Adventist history. Since the persons cho- sen happen to be identified with major develop- ments within the church, the profiles include references to others in those five areas who have also significantly influenced Adventism’s past 25 years. We didn’t think that we should have all the Jun, soSpectrum invited five other demograpbi- cally diverse individuals to share their choices of five influential Adventists. (The selections of the editorial board and our guests have all been listed alphabetically.) Andnow it is your turn. Read over these lists, then why not, this Sabbath afternoon after lunch, get everyone to join in choosing the people who have most influenced Adventism over the past 25 years? Afterwards, drop us a note, sharing whom you picked and why. Enjoy! The Editors