-3 = built by the Master Worker, and will stand the storm and tempest. Will they permit this man to present doctrines that deny the past experience of the people of God? The time has come to take decided action." I was instructed to call upon our physicians and ministers to take mt 3 are Eas a firm stand for the truth. We are not to allow atheistic, spiritualistic sentiments to be brought before our youth. God has led us in the past, eerie rk giving us truth, eternal truth. By this truth we are to stand. Some of the leaders in the medical work have been deceived, and if they continue to hold fanciful, spiritualistic ideas, they will make many believe that the platform upon which we have been standing for the past fifty years has been torn away. These men need now to see with anointed eyes, with clear spiritual vision, that in spite of all men can do, "the foundation of God standeth sure," and "the Lord knoweth them that are His." The message to the Laodicean church comes to us at this time with special meaning. Read it, and ask God to show you its import. Thank God that He is still sending us messages of mercy. Those accepting the theories regarding God that are introduced in "Living Temple" are in great danger of being led finally to look upon the whole Bible as a fiction; for these theories make of no effect the plain word of God. The tempter is working to gather together at Battle Creek as large a number as possible, hoping that they will receive false ideas of God and His work, and thus make of no effect the impression that God would have made in the minds of those engaged in the medical missionary work and in the gospel ministry. God abhors the great swelling words of vanity that have been spoken by those connected with the Sanitarium. The judgments of God have been visited upon Battle Creek, and these judgments call for humiliation rather than for proud boasting and s:lf-exaltation. The heavenly messenger turned to those professing to be medical missionarics, and said, "How could you allow yourselves to be led blindfold?