Yisit to Persdise Velley - 3 - the mercies of Cod in securing the property for senitarium purposes, and his providences by which we hed been led step by step in the opening up of the institution. I alsc spoke to them of the sreat rrivileges that are ours through Christ, and of the blessings that will follow harmonious action. #We need to be instant in prayer. It is our great privilege to hang our helpless souls upon Jesus Christ, and to rest for our sslvation upon his merits. let us speak words that will elevate and snuodble, end that will mnke plessant inmpressions on the minds of those with whom we converse. The lord wonts us t0 be sanctified, and to walk in humility of mind before him. If we are obedisnt to his commandmentis, not a reproach can fall on us justly. Others may talk about us, they may sprsad evil reports concerning us, dbut these re- ports nesed not be true, In our institutions, where many persons of wvaried temperements are brought together, it is necessary thet exoh should cultivete a spirit of une selfishness. Let no one fesl that it is his place to mold others to his in- dividual mind or opinions. While sach will menifest an individuality, yet it should bo an individuslity that is under the control of the Holy Spirit. If we are kind and Christlike, thers will be a blendinz of henrts snd of interosts that will de beneficial to all alike, Our sanitariums are to be agencies for imparting to the sick a health that is mainteined in happiness and peace of aoul, Zvery worker is to cooperste with the physiciang for by the menifestation of iindness and tenderness, he mey bring to the sufferingz ones & heeling balm. Every one 1s responsibdle to God for the use he makes of his abilities. He is responsible for making a dally growth in grace. Let no one feel, even though he may theoretically be established in the present truth, that he makes no mistakes, But if mistakes sre made, let there de & readiness to correct them, And lst us avoid everything that is likely to ereste disgension and strife; for there is u heaven befors us, and amcng its inhablitants thers will be