— £.G. White Research Center. 4 /S - £7 DY : FILE COP: 7 ! “OF er dbz gin DECIDED ACTION TO BE TAKEN NOI J Lo) = w fe bo Ste Helena, Cal., October, 1903 pm God has permitted the presentation of the combination of good and TE 5 J TE men 4 etna pH FOE ty TI RMB = xb se, B evil in "Living Temple" to be made to reveal the danger threatening us, we pat The working that ‘as been so ingeniously carrie< on he has permitted in order that certain developments night be made, and that it might be seen what a man can do with human minds when he has obtained their con- fidence as a physician. God has permitted the present crisis to come to open the eyes of those who de.ire to know the truth. He would have His people understand to what lengths the sophistry anc devising of the enemy would lead. lien have given to our leading physician allegiance that is due to God alone; and he has been permitted to show what self-exaltation will lead men to do. Scientific, spiritualistic sentiments, representing the Creator as an essence pervading all nation, have been given to our people, and have been rcceived even by some who have had a long experience as teachers in the word of Godse The results of this insidious devising will break out again and again. There are many for whom special efforts will have to be put forth to free them from this specious deception. L am now authorized to say that the time has cone to take decided action, The development seen in the cause of God is similar to the develop- ment seen when Balaam caused Israel to sin just before they ent-red the premised lagd. How dangerous it is so to exalt any man that he becomes confused, and confuses the minds of others in regard to the truths that for the last fifty years the Lord has been 2iving his people. Few can see the meaning of the present apostasy. But thc Lord has lifted the curtain, and has shown ne its meaning, anc the result that it will have if allowed to continue. We must now litt our voices in Warning.