vol. XVI No. 4 Price 5 Cents = | z Elccording to our Faith Mrs. Flora E. Pergin p21 MOUNTAIN high stood where my pathway led To fairer field and flower, © And yet the Master bade me onward tread, Whether in sun or shower. My heart was sad; yet as | knelt to pray, His promise true and sweet ) Came as the morning light where darkness lay, To guide my weary feet. - O 0 = For what are mountains to the One who holds The isles within His hand? 2 And on His bosom tenderly He folds His own in every land? | Then as | saw the mountain disappear, Ne. Faith showed a fearful lack; Doubt (Satan’s agent) whispered in my ear, “It surely will come back.” Earth needs the man who fearless leads the way Whene’er God’s voice is heard; Who sees beyond the Red Seas of to-day The promise of his word. Cox | Be) The Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, Tennessee