4 Let not the impression be given to any minds that there 1s 1n human nature a power to vork out its purity and develop a begutiful, character, for this is not true. This is Satan 8 fallacy ... I want you, my brother, To stand under the shadow of the cross... Talk 1es8, exalt science less; let your Redeemer be the one exalted. Let me tell you, Dr. Kellogg, 1t is not safe for us to employ as instructors in our institutions those who are not believers in the present truth, If we had less to say in regard to microbes and more ln regard to the matchless love and power of God, we should honor God far more... Throw a vell over the poor decaying earth, which 1s corrupted on account of the wickedness of its inhsbitants and point to the heavenly world, There 1s need of far more teaching in regard to having 1n this 1ife a vital connection with God through Christ, that we may be fitted to enjoy heaven and dwell forevermore with ow Lord. If we would attain to a pure and elevated ideal of character, we must 11ft up Jesus, oe perfegt example; the exalting of science will never accomplish ® work, The story that follows the reception of this letter by Dr. Kellogg 18 tragle, Unfortunately, the counsel of God went unheeded and the physiclan fell prey to the wiles of Pantheism. Almost three decades from the date of this letter Dr, Kellogg would become a Darwinlan evolutionist, no longer accepting the most fundamental Christian doctrines in the Bible such as the virgin birth, the divinity of Christ, and the atonement. In returning to the year 1892 and the content of the letter under discussion, there are a number of lmportant ltems to be remembered before going on to trace the historical development of the pantheistic crisis, In the first place, the impression glven to Ellen G, White concerning the danger that threatened Dr, Kellogg was more than human intuition. God not only made the impression but also gelected the exact words that would most perfectly meet Kellogg's present and future situation, From this 1892 warning and onward, the Lord will not expose Kellogg openly but work with him privately through the letters of Ellen White, It will only be after the pantheistic crisis has regched ite climax in the SDA denomination thst this letter, along with many others to follow, will finally be made known to the leaders