NEWSPAPER, Sor the NEWS V4 VETEL FT SSSI TSI AL SSS AIST SS Io atchm an ware Ma azine An Interpretjer of #4: Times Edited by Robert Bruce Thurber Vol. xxxviii, No. & NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE August, 1929 Timely Truths The Christian is sure, the evolutionist is cocksure. The Lord helps those who help them- selves last. You can’t go far wrong in detail if you are right in principle. Being stingy with God is like sowing only a peck of seed in a ten-acre field. Christianity cannot be compared with other religions,— only contrasted. Personal liberty is a figment of human fancy. Whoever gave us a right to it? Rather than needing a new God, we need more worshipers of Him with new hearts. Lacking God’s truth for a balance, the world gets more religious and less moral. The Sabbath, like the sun, was made for man, but not to do as he pleases with it. Letting every man choose his own Sab- bath 1s like letting every man decide the length of the day. He only is educated who learns from his failures not to try the same course again in every particular. | It isn’t that the cigarette has attained respectable society, but that society has lost its respectability. We have heard of the “Four A’s.” Does that stand for American Aggregation for Automatic Annihilation? God asks that we give all we have io Him, and then gives back to us all we are able to take care of for Him. The best way to test the value of a law is to enforce it strictly until its enforcement has had time to bring results. Christ will not come for a thousand years — to those who die in their sins; and then He will come to destroy them. Man does not own the earth; he has it from God as a lease; and the rent charged is ten per cent of its value and a liberal offering besides. Too many people don’t believe in the second coming of Christ because they don’t want Him to come; and they don’t want Him to come because they are not ready for Him. “Dismiss the [science] may swallow up religion,” says Dr. Eddington, famous English astronomer. “It cannot even tackle the multiplication table singlehanded.” idea that natural law Ten thousand scientists who refuse to accept anything by faith, accept without question Einstein’s theories of relativity and unified field, though less than a dozen of them can understand these theories. The difference between liberty and license is the difference between being free to do what is right, and being free to do what is wrong; the former must ever be enlarged and safeguarded, the latter limited and watched. Entered as second-class matter, January 19, 1909, at the post office at Nashville, Tenn., under act of March3, 1879, by the Southern Publishing Association, (Seventh-day Adventist), 2119 24th Ave. N. Published monthly (except October, when semi-monthly). Price 25 cents a copy, $1.00 a year. PAGE TWO THE WATCHMAN MAGAZINE