INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to relate the story of the beginning of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ghana (formerly known as the Gold Coast) between the years 1888 to 1905. This era begins with Mr. Francis I. U. Dolphijn's acceptance of the Seventh-day Adventist belief in 1888, and closes with the arrival of Elder David Caldwell Babcock, and the transfer of the Adventist headquarters in West Africa from Cape Coast to Freetown, Sierra Leone. Our service in West Africa in Liberia (1963-1969), and Ghana (1970-1974), has inspired the interest for this study. A page-by-page check has been made in the Review and Herald, The General Conference Bulletin (daily and quarterly editions), The Home Missionary, and The Missionary Magazine between 1888 to 1905. Special gratitude is expressed to Mrs. Louise Dederen and her staff of the Heritage Room, and to Elder F. Donald Yost, the General Conference Archivist, who supplied copies of The Foreign Missions Board Minutes for the period under study. Much valuable information was gained through contact with the families of Elder and Mrs. D. U. Hale, and Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kerr. The obituary of Elder Dudley U. Hale in the May 4, 1949, Southwestern Union Record states that his funeral was conducted by Elders L. L. McKinley and R. R. Biloff, both listed in the current SDA Yearbook. Through telephone conversations with Elder R. R. Biloff of Lakeport, 1