GOD'S KINGDOM IN THIS WORLD. 15 their own land? How complete and lasting might that restoration have beer? Ps. 81:13-15. Note 5. Notes. I. In the year 606 B. C., Nebuchadnezzar carried the children of Israel to Babylon as captives. 2. “The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia.” In His providence, Daniel held a high position in the king's court. Having knowledge that the seventy years were expiring, and having influence with the king, Daniel, no doubt, not only informed him that the prophecy indicated that the seventy years were fulfilled, but that God had foretold that Cyrus himself was the man who “shall perform all My pleasure; even saying: to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy founda- tion shall be laid.” Isa. 44:28. © 3. Under this proclamation of Cyrus, 42,360 of the Jews are said to have returned. But a careful study of that decree (Ezra 1:1-4) shows that ample provision was made that every Jew on the face of the earth might have hastened his steps toward his own land. Any Jew, living in any part of Cyrus dominion, which was “all the kingdoms of the earth,” who was too poor to go to Jerusalem, was to be provided, by “the men of his place,” with all the money he needed for the journey, and sufficient to make an offering to the house of God when he got there. 4. The answer to Deniel’s prayer involved some action on the part of the king of Persia. The enemies of Israel were attempt- ing to frustrate God’s purposes. “Ah, how little do we realize what is going on in the unseen world in relation to human affairs! Here, as it were, the curtain is for a moment lifted, and we catch a glimpse of the movements within. Daniel prays. The Creator of the universe hears. The command is issued to Gabriel to go to his relief. But the king of Persia must act before Daniel's prayer is answered, and the angel hastens to the Persian king. Satan, no doubt, musters his forces to oppose. The offerings for this quarter go fo the most needy fields.