A number of community ser- vice centers have asked the con- ference office what we are do- ing to help the victims of the Guatemala earthquake. We are happy to report that within recent weeks 268 boxes weighing 7,476 pounds have been shipped to the Seventh- Nevada-Utah Conference A. G. Streifling, president; Charles Snyder, secretary-treasurer; (P.O. Box 10730), Reno, NV 89510. Phone (702) 322-6929. Wills, trust agreements and an- nuities should be made in favor of the legal association rather than the conference. For more informa- tion, write to Charles Snyder at the above address. Evangelistic meetings will be held in Provo, April 24 - June 5. Any- one wishing the evangelistic team to contact a friend, relative, or in- terest about the meetings, please write to Pastor William MacCarty, Route 3, Box 671, Vivian Park, Provo, UT 84601; or call (801) 374-2978. |IELAA-UTa Community Services Aids Guatemala Victims day Adventist World Service depot in Watsonville, Califor- nia. These boxes contained a wide variety of items, including children’s and adults’ clothing, blankets and many other items that can be used to good ad- vantage in this disaster. Our Dorcas leaders and work- ers have worked faithfully in preparing these thousands of garments that we know will be a blessing. The Seventh-day Adventist World Service shipped a plane- load of 25 tons of supplies of $80,000 value from Kennedy Conference To Review Finances The Annual Audit for the Ne- vada-Utah Conference and the Nevada-Utah Association will be held in Reno on Monday, March 8. At that time Union President Cree Sandefur and Union Treasurer R. LL. Cone will be with us, together with others who will carefully re- view the financial activities of 1975. A budget will also be voted for 1976 at this time. NOTICE OF NEVADA-UTAH ASSOCIATION MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular Triennial Session of the Nevada-Utah Association of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene Airport to Guatemala City to aid in relief work. A shipment contained blankets, tents, band- ages, wire splints, large kettles to prepare food, and gasoline lanterns, and many more items. We are pleased our Commu- nity Service Centers have been preparing many needed items essential when a disaster strikes. In today’s uncertain world no one knows which area may be affected next. Certainly this affords us an opportunity to show that we are prepared to do the work that needs to be done to be of service to man- kind in these disasters. Each year as the Audit Com- mittee meets, in addition to the conference committee and un- ion conference personnel, two additional laypersons are invit- ed to meet with the committee. The two laymen selected to meet with the audit committee this year are Dr. Fred Hufnagel 7:30 p.m March 5 from the Heavenly Valley con- 11.00 a.m March 6 gregation, and Robert Rupracht 5:30 p.m March é from the Hawthorne Church. Be Sure to Hear “Going His Way” Thunderbird Adventist Academy Mountain View Adventist Church East Mesa Adventist Church Union conference auditors have spent several weeks in Reno carefully auditing all the business details of the confer- ence for last year. Desert Terrace Nursing Home 1s being cheered each at 10 a.m., Monday, March 22, 1976, in the Las Vegas Seventh-day Adventist church, 6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. This meeting is called for the purpose of receiving reports from the officers, electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing triennial term, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the delegates. All duly elected and accredited delegates at any regular or special session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be recognized as delegates of any Association Session. A. G. Streifling, President, Chas. H. Snyder, Secretary. NOTICE OF MONUMENT VALLEY MISSION AND HOSPITAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular Triennial Session of the Monument Valley Mission and Hospital is called to convene at 10:30 a.m. Monday, March 22, 1976 in the Las Vegas Seventh-day Adventist church, 6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. This meeting is called for the purpose of receiving reports from the officers, electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing triennial term, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come be- fore the delegates. All duly elected and accredited delegates at any regular or special session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be recognized as delegates of any Monument Valley Mission and Hos- pital Session. A. G. Streifling, President, Nicola Ashton, M.D., Secretary. aCIFIC UNION The Pacific Union Recorder is the official newspaper of the Pacific Union Confer- ence of Seventh-day Adventists and is published weekly, 50 times a year, at Angwin, California 94508. Editorial office is at 1545 Verdugo Road (Box 146), Glendale, California 91209. Second-class postage is paid at Angwin, California. All stories, advertisements, obituaries, inquiries, etc., go to local conference "Recorder coordinator.” All other questions should be sent to Box 146, Glendale, California 21209. Subscription Rate: No charge to Adventist members of Pacific Union Conference churches. Three dollars per year to others. EDITOR ................. Shirley Burton A full report of the entire fi- nancial picture of the confer- Sabbath afternoon by youth from Phoenix Central Church who come and sing with guests at the home. Walter McLennan leads the congregation-type singing. Bob Squire and the junior ence and association will be pre- sented at the constituency meeting to be held in Las Ve- gas March 21-22. A. G. Streifling. Newsnotes of Nevada-Utah 1» Pastor Gerald:Schulze of the Reno Church recently held a very successful Five-Day Plan to Stop Smoking at the CAMLU Retirement Center in Reno. He was assisted by Dr. Roland Pos- tlewaite and Dr. Harvey Lashier. Fifty-seven people registered and over 40 completed the pro- gram. A follow-up progtam is being held each week and the people are faithfully attending.: v# The January church remittance revealed an offering of $2,- 840.46 for Religious Liberty as compared to the January offering of $1,920.05 last year. We are pleased with this strong support by our members. Since offerings for Religious Liberty will be received through March and April, we will be able to again do extensive work in religious liberty. Liberty magazine needs to go into the hands of influential people across the country now more than ever. This certainly holds true in our conference. 1» Recently Arrah Curry, M.D., Kent Phillips, D.D.S,, and Ro- land Postlewaite, D.D.S., joined President A. G. Streifling in a day at Loma Linda University recruiting medical and para-medical personnel for the Nevada-Utah Conference. The response of many students who inquired about the work in Nevada-Utah shows a keen interest in setting up practices in areas where there are genuine needs. This is the fourth year a recruitment team has gone to Loma Linda from our conference. We are beginning to benefit from the many contacts made. MANAGING EDITOR ASSISTANT EDITORS ........ R. L. Cone, ARIZONA Cree Sandefur, W. D. Walton, Major C. White CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE COORDINATORS Jeffrey K. Wilson ............. Arizona Lorna Hallsted ...... Central California HAWAII Louise Brooks ................. Hawaii FIRS Gwen Schlotter ........... Nevada-Utah NEVADA © co Marilyn Wolfkill ....Northern California 0 S. A. Yakush ....Southeastern California > Franklin Hudgins ....Southern California UTAH COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS Ha Zbaraschuk ...lLa Sierra Campus, LLU Jim Aldred ....... Pacific Union College POSTMASTER: All returns should be sent to Pacific Union Recorder, Box 36, An- CIRCULATION ............ Merle Sather gwin, California 94508, 2 NOTICE OF NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE SESSION Notice is hereby given that the twenty-second Triennial Session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene at 7 p.m., Sunday, March 21, 1976 in the Las Vegas Seventh- day Adventist church, 6001 West Oakey Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada. The purpose of this meeting is to receive the triennial reports; elect conference officers, departmental secretaries, and executive committee; and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the session. According to constitutional provision each organized church is en- titled to one delegate-at-large, and one additional delegate for each twenty (20) church members or fractional majority thereof. A. G. Streifling, President, Chas. H. Snyder, Secretary. Nursing Home Cheered by Youth division also help. The differ- ence in age groups adds va- riety. As many as 20 residents come to the music room and half that many congregate in the hallway. Eight to 20 from the church share in what the attendants describe as ‘beau- tiful.” Books are passed out to those who desire them. One of the guests visited by Phoenix Central youth is Olga Oss, heroine of the book, Be- hind Barbed Wire, an account of World War II experiences in a Japanese internment camp. Triumphs of Faith tells of Mrs. Oss’ earlier experiences when she solicited Ingathering funds in Chaing Kai-shek’s pre-war China. Both books are out of print; Central’s Sunshine group is searching for old copies. Meeting persons with excit- ing lives like Olga Oss 1s an added thrill to the joy of shar- ing Christ with others through music. Thunderbird Students Hold Week of Prayer Decisions for baptism and re- dedication to Christ were made during the Student Week of Prayer held recently at Thun- derbird Adventist Academy. Using the theme ‘Happiness Is . . . 7” 11 students devel- oped the truth that making Christ alone the Lord of the life brings true happiness. Speakers were David Cossen- tine, Sue Barrera, Almina Kri- ner, Jim Williams, David Burns, Van Bledsoe, Jodi Davies, Rick Rasco, Don Keele, Jr., Becky Dowell and Keith Nelson. As Keith summed up the week on Sabbath morning, ‘“Happi- ness is Jesus as our Friend.” PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1976 oh vr